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Western Sahara

Isodoros, Konstantina, Awakening Protests in Morocco and the Western Sahara, In Manji; Ekine, African Awakening: The Emerging Revolutions (E. I.2.3. Third Wave of Protests: 2011 - 2021), Cape Town, Dakar, Nairobi and Oxford, Pambazuka Press (imprint of Fahamu), pp. 122-129

Shelley, Toby, Endgame in the Western Sahara: What Future for Africa’s Last Colony?, London, Zed Books, 2004, pp. 240

Chapters on building Sahrawi identity, civil society, and countering the ‘wall of fear’.

Stephan, Maria J. ; Mundy, Jacob, A Battlefield Transformed: From Guerrilla Resistance to Mass Nonviolent Struggle in the Western Sahara, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Vol. 8, no. 3, 2006, pp. 1-32

Zunes, Stephen ; Mundy, Jacob, Western Sahara: War Nationalism and Conflict Resolution, Syracuse NJ, Syracuse University Press, 2011, pp. 319

Benefits from firsthand research in Western Sahara. For links to other writing by Zunes and Mundy, see