challenge to nonviolence

The Nonviolent Action Research Project ran from 1994 to 1999, bringing together, activists, journalists and academics – and some who were two or three of these things at once – to reflect on issues in international politics and in particular on nonviolence and its contemporary relevance. The book Challenge to Nonviolence, edited by Michael Randle, assembled 17 of these presentations and the subsequent group discussions. These are now presented online, together with three additional presentations and discussions.

table of contents

* chapter not included in the book, Michael Randle (ed), Challenge to Nonviolence (Issues in Peace Research 2002 - Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford)

This book is dedicated to Walter Stein, 1924-1996, a valued friend, colleague and 'peace-seeker' whose commitment and intellectual rigour contributed vitally to the work of the Nonviolent Action Research Project and to many endeavours aimed at creating a more just and peaceful world.