The rise of so many social movements employing a wide range of tactics has prompted a growing theoretical literature since the 1970s Whilst this literature has largely developed independently of the study of nonviolent action, some more recent studies do take note of civil resistance or cover movements employing nonviolent methods. The emphasis of this Guide is on sources which give prominence to nonviolent tactics, major campaigns or examples of protest, but some of the references are books or articles written within a theoretical framework drawn from the social movement literature. Others draw on theories of nonviolent action, or on wider political and social perspectives.

A preliminary selection of titles covering both nonviolent action and social movements was published in Volume 1 (A.6.) and can be found at: The references on transnational or national movements listed below under 1.a. and 1.b. are additional titles directly relevant to Volume 2, with an emphasis on recent publications.

There are, however, a number of books listed in Volume 1 which are particularly relevant to various movements and campaigns covered in this volume, and which are cited under these movements. For ease of reference for those using this printed version of Volume 2 we have listed these titles in full under 1.c. below.