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Year of Publication: 2020

Cohen, Ilana ; al., et, As Protests Rage Over George Floyd’s Death, Climate Activists Embrace Racial Justice, Inside Climate News, 2020

Highlights the establishment of joint effort between racial justice movements and climate justice movements in the United States in the aftermath of George Floyd’s killing.

Temper, Leah ; al., et, Movements Shaping Climate Futures: A Systematic Mapping of Protests Against Fossil Fuel and Low Carbon Energy Projects, Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 15, no. 12, 2020, pp. 1-24

This articles provides a systematic mapping of resistance movements against both fossil fuel (FF) and also against low carbon energy (LCE) projects. Hydropower projects dominate in the LCE category, causing both social and environmental damage.  The authors find that over a quarter of the projects encountering social resistance have been suspended or delayed, that low carbon renewable energy projects cause conflict as much as fossil fuel projects, and that both disproportionally impact socially vulnerable groups such as rural communities and indigenous peoples. The authors also find that repression and violence against protesters and land defenders was widespread, and that assassination of activists occurred in 10 per cent of all the cases analyzed. 

Year of Publication: 2011

Siegle, Joseph ; al., et, Africa and the Arab Spring: A New Era of Democratic Expectations: Special Report, Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 2011, pp. 72

The paper argues that the Arab Spring encourages movements for greater democracy in Africa as a whole, but notes that some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have already established democratic institutions, though others remain autocratic or are 'semi-authoritarian'. The Arab Spring has alarmed some dictators and prompted more than dozen dem onstrations in capitals. The paper also examines other factors promoting popular opposition.