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Daniel Hunter

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Year of Publication: 2019

Hunter, Daniel, The Climate Resistance Handbook - or, I was part of a climate action. Now what?,, 2019, pp. 66

Hunter, who is the global training manager of the international climate action group discusses the difference between a campaign based on a strategy with a target institution and specific goal, and continuous protest using a particular tactic. He sets out six stages for a potentially successful campaign, which may involve diverse tactics, and gives examples of effective campaigns from different countries. An edited extract from the book is: 'The difference between a campaign and endless action', Peace News, 2632-2633 (Aug-Sept 2019), p. 11. 

See also: 'How to Build a Movement that Wins', Peace News, 2634-2635, Oct.-Nov. 2019, pp.8-9. which is an extract from the Handbook

Year of Publication: 2004

Hunter, Daniel ; Lakey, George, Opening Space for Democracy: Training Manual for Third-Party Nonviolent Intervention, Philadelphia PA, Training for Change, 2004, pp. 628

Much of this book can be downloaded from:

Devised as a training resource for the Nonviolent Peace Force, this manual contains hundreds of training activities, with special emphasis on team-building and defending human rights. It includes over 60 handouts, an integrated 23 day curriculum, and many tips for trainers.