C.1.b. Country Studies

Akula, Vikram Grassroots Environmental Resistance in India, In Bron Raymond Taylor, Ecological Resistance Movements: The Global Emergence of Radical and Popular Environmentalism (C.1.a. General and International Studies) Albany NY, State University of New York Press, 1995 , pp. 127-145

Discusses early resistance in 19th and 20th centuries and contemporary campaigns against destruction of forests, dams, pollution and over-fishing of seas, and mining. Akula also describes Jharkand separatist ‘tribal’ struggle to own their historic land and promote sustainable use of resources.

Alonso, Angela; Costa, Valeriano; Maciel, Deborah Environmental Activism in Brazil: The rise of a Social Movement, In Lisa Thompson, Chris V. Tapscott, Citizenship and Social Movements: Perspectives from the Global South, London, Zed Books, 2010 , pp. 304 pp. smaller than 0

Connors, Libby; Hutton, Drew A History of the Australian Environmental Movement, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999 , pp. 324

Survey from early concerns about conservation through the ‘second wave’ 1945-72, and the campaigns of 1973-83 up to the subsequent professionalization of the movement. Chapter 4 ‘Taking to the Streets’ covers ‘green bans’ and the anti-uranium campaigns; ‘Taking to the Bush’ looks at direct action on a number of issues, culminating in the 1982 blockade of the Franklin Dam; and Chapter 6 ‘Fighting for Wilderness’ assesses further protests around Australia. Chapter 8 considers the role of the Green Party.

Fagan, Adam Environment and Democracy in the Czech Republic: The Environmental Movement in the Transition Process, Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 2004 , pp. 200

General analysis of movement in 1990s and case studies of individual environmental organizations.

Gould, Kenneth; Schnaiberg, Allan; Weinberg, Adam Local Environmental Struggles: Citizen Activism in the Treadmill of Production, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996 , pp. 239

A study of community power and regional planning on the environment, based on US case studies.

Hayes, Graeme Environmental Protest and the State in France, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2002 , pp. 246

Hicks, Barbara Environmental Politics in Poland: A Social Movement between Regime and Opposition, New York, Columbia University Press, 1996 , pp. 263

Jimenez, Manuel The Environmental Movement in Spain. A Growing Source of Contention, (Special Issue on ‘New and Alternative Movements in Spain), Vol. 12, issue 3, 2007 , pp. 359-378

Jing, Jun Environmental Protest in Rural China, In Elizabeth J. Perry, Mark Selden, Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance (C. II.1.d. China Since 1990) London, Routledge, 2003 , pp. 198-214

Discusses protest through letters, petitions, law suits and sometimes demonstrations and sabotage, against pollution, soil erosion, contaminated water, etc.

Campaigning for the Environment, ed. Kimber, Richard; Richardson, J.J., London, Routledge, 1974 , pp. 238

Case studies of a range of environmental conflicts in Britain over urban development, water supply, power lines, M4 motorway, juggernaut lorries, the Cublington airport campaign, and the genesis of the Clean Air Act. Focus on pressure groups.

Direct Action in British Environmentalism, ed. Doherty, Brian; Seel, Benjamin; Patterson, Matthew, London, Routledge, 2000 , pp. 223

Essays include a survey of British environmentalism 1988-97 in the changing political context, assessments of different types of environmental activity and role of the media. Brian Doherty, ‘Manufacturing Vulnerability: Protest Camp Tactics’ looks at evolution of nonviolent direct action tactics and transnational influences. There is some discussion of the incidence of violence and media (mis)perceptions.

Shabecoff, Philip A Fierce Green Fire: The American Environmental Movement, Washington DC, Island Press, 2003 , pp. 352

History stretching back to origins of the republic, covering key individuals, NGOs and governmental responses.

Shiva, Vandana Politics and the Ecology of Survival, London and Tokyo, Sage Publications and UN University Press, 1991 , pp. 365

Analysis by expert on issues of ecology, development and the role of women in conflicts over natural resources in India; includes references to Appiko protests to save forests and satyagraha against mining.

Yang, Guobin Environmental NGOs and Institutional Dynamics in China, Vol. 181, issue March, 2005 , pp. 46-66

Argues environmental NGOs becoming more visible in Chinese environmental politics and seizing opportunities offered by the media, internet and international NGOs. Author concludes environmental NGOs both sites and agents of democratic change.

Broom, Fiona Lessons from the Thirst Economy, , , pp. 30-32

Discusses major crisis of water scarcity in India, due not only to climate change (failures of monsoons since 2012) but commercial exploitation of water sources, which leaves small farmers and citizens without water supplies and often reliant on tankers run by 'water mafia'. The government still tends to favour dams rather than localised measures to preserve water, and political pressures promote crops such as sugar cane in unsuitably environments. The author also notes an example of local good practice. The women's organization, the Mann Deshi Foundation, has in last few years promoted rehabilitation of streams and the local river in a semi-desert area of Maharashtra, before creating a reservoir which was handed over to the local village council.

Arce, Moises The political consequences of mobilization against resource extraction, Vol. 21, issue 4, 2016 , pp. 469-483

Peru has had significant economic growth due to extraction of natural resources, but there have also been many protests about this extraction. Noting the weaknesses of many such environmental and indigenous protests, the author draws on fieldwork and interviews to outline the kind of mobilization likely to prevent extraction, and also to have positive social effects. He argues that the movement in Peru has significant implications for other developing countries relying on resource extraction.

Pellgrini, Lorenzo; Arsel, Murat Oil and Conflict in the Ecuadorian Amazon: An Exploration of Motives and Objectives, issue 106, 2018 , pp. 209-218

The authors draw on data on conflicts over oil production in the Ecuadorian Amazon to argue that not all these movements are primarily motivated by environmental concerns. The note the variety of motives involved. These varied motives also affect how these movements influence policy.

Raftopoulos, Malayna; Morley, Joanna Ecocide in the Amazon: the contested politics of environmental rights in Brazil, 2020 pp. smaller than 0

This article uses the 2019 fires in the Brazilian Amazon as a starting point to consider the political conflicts over environmental rights in Brazil. The authors argue that the concept of ecocide provides a useful focus for examining the social and ecological consequences of President Bolsonaro’s ‘extractive imperialism’. They also stress the failure of international bodies to prevent continuing destruction of the natural environment.

See also Devine, Jennifer (2020) ‘The Political Forest in the Era of Green Neoliberalism’ in Antipode, Vol. 52, issue 4, pp. 911-927. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12624

Websites recommended

A Fierce Green Fire: The American Environmental Movement Washington DC Island Press, 2003

History stretching back to origins of the republic, covering key individuals, NGOs and governmental responses.

A History of the Australian Environmental Movement Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1999

Survey from early concerns about conservation through the ‘second wave’ 1945-72, and the campaigns of 1973-83 up to the subsequent professionalization of the movement. Chapter 4 ‘Taking to the Streets’ covers ‘green bans’ and the anti-uranium campaigns; ‘Taking to the Bush’ looks at direct action on a number of issues, culminating in the 1982 blockade of the Franklin Dam; and Chapter 6 ‘Fighting for Wilderness’ assesses further protests around Australia. Chapter 8 considers the role of the Green Party.

Campaigning for the Environment London Routledge, 1974

Case studies of a range of environmental conflicts in Britain over urban development, water supply, power lines, M4 motorway, juggernaut lorries, the Cublington airport campaign, and the genesis of the Clean Air Act. Focus on pressure groups.

Direct Action in British Environmentalism London Routledge, 2000

Essays include a survey of British environmentalism 1988-97 in the changing political context, assessments of different types of environmental activity and role of the media. Brian Doherty, ‘Manufacturing Vulnerability: Protest Camp Tactics’ looks at evolution of nonviolent direct action tactics and transnational influences. There is some discussion of the incidence of violence and media (mis)perceptions.

Ecocide in the Amazon: the contested politics of environmental rights in Brazil , 2020

This article uses the 2019 fires in the Brazilian Amazon as a starting point to consider the political conflicts over environmental rights in Brazil. The authors argue that the concept of ecocide provides a useful focus for examining the social and ecological consequences of President Bolsonaro’s ‘extractive imperialism’. They also stress the failure of international bodies to prevent continuing destruction of the natural environment.

See also Devine, Jennifer (2020) ‘The Political Forest in the Era of Green Neoliberalism’ in Antipode, Vol. 52, issue 4, pp. 911-927. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12624

Environment and Democracy in the Czech Republic: The Environmental Movement in the Transition Process Aldershot Edward Elgar, 2004

General analysis of movement in 1990s and case studies of individual environmental organizations.

Environmental NGOs and Institutional Dynamics in China , 2005

Argues environmental NGOs becoming more visible in Chinese environmental politics and seizing opportunities offered by the media, internet and international NGOs. Author concludes environmental NGOs both sites and agents of democratic change.

Environmental Protest in Rural China London Routledge, 2003

Discusses protest through letters, petitions, law suits and sometimes demonstrations and sabotage, against pollution, soil erosion, contaminated water, etc.

Grassroots Environmental Resistance in India Albany NY State University of New York Press, 1995

Discusses early resistance in 19th and 20th centuries and contemporary campaigns against destruction of forests, dams, pollution and over-fishing of seas, and mining. Akula also describes Jharkand separatist ‘tribal’ struggle to own their historic land and promote sustainable use of resources.

Lessons from the Thirst Economy , 2017

Discusses major crisis of water scarcity in India, due not only to climate change (failures of monsoons since 2012) but commercial exploitation of water sources, which leaves small farmers and citizens without water supplies and often reliant on tankers run by 'water mafia'. The government still tends to favour dams rather than localised measures to preserve water, and political pressures promote crops such as sugar cane in unsuitably environments. The author also notes an example of local good practice. The women's organization, the Mann Deshi Foundation, has in last few years promoted rehabilitation of streams and the local river in a semi-desert area of Maharashtra, before creating a reservoir which was handed over to the local village council.

Local Environmental Struggles: Citizen Activism in the Treadmill of Production Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1996

A study of community power and regional planning on the environment, based on US case studies.

Oil and Conflict in the Ecuadorian Amazon: An Exploration of Motives and Objectives , 2018

The authors draw on data on conflicts over oil production in the Ecuadorian Amazon to argue that not all these movements are primarily motivated by environmental concerns. The note the variety of motives involved. These varied motives also affect how these movements influence policy.

Politics and the Ecology of Survival (http://archive.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/80a03e/80A03E00.htm) London and Tokyo Sage Publications and UN University Press, 1991

Analysis by expert on issues of ecology, development and the role of women in conflicts over natural resources in India; includes references to Appiko protests to save forests and satyagraha against mining.

The political consequences of mobilization against resource extraction , 2016

Peru has had significant economic growth due to extraction of natural resources, but there have also been many protests about this extraction. Noting the weaknesses of many such environmental and indigenous protests, the author draws on fieldwork and interviews to outline the kind of mobilization likely to prevent extraction, and also to have positive social effects. He argues that the movement in Peru has significant implications for other developing countries relying on resource extraction.