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Theory, Methods and Examples

Theories Et Practiques De La Non-violence

Author: Diogene (revue)

In: PUF, No 243-244, 2014, pp. 251

This special number of Diogene (international review of the human sciences) presents diverse perspectives on different themes relating to nonviolence: the language of nonviolence; the links between nonviolence and religion; and between nonviolence and civil resistance.  It also considers the future of nonviolence.

La lutte non-violente en 50 points, approche stratégique de la tactique quotidienne

Author: Collectif

Centre for Applied Non Violent Action and Strategies, Belgrade, 2006, pp. 185

This document was developed by the leaders of the Otpor movement, which inspired civil resistance against Milosevic in Serbia in the 1990s.  It examines a strategic approach to nonviolent struggle presented in four thematic sections: definition and analysis of the framework of nonviolent struggle; elaboration and planning of the struggle; the techniques of nonviolent combat; and measures to resist repression.


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