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The Issues of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender organising in Africa, Samba, Chesterfield , (2006) PDF icon Chesterfield Samba.pdf (84.25 KB)PDF icon Chesterfield Samba Bio.pdf (12.58 KB)
La lutte non-violente en 50 points, approche stratégique de la tactique quotidienne, Collectif , Belgrade, p.185, (2006)
This document was developed by the leaders of the Otpor movement, which inspired civil resistance against Milosevic in Serbia in the 1990s.  It examines a strategic approach to nonviolent struggle presented in four thematic sections: definition and analysis of the framework of nonviolent struggle; elaboration and planning of the struggle; the techniques of nonviolent combat; and measures to resist repression.
Latin American Perspectives, Latin American Perspectives , Volume 33, p.144, (2006)
This issue focuses on Mexican politics, society and economy and provides background to the 2006 protests. Articles include: Rus, Jan and Miguel Tinker Solas, ‘Introduction. Mexico 2006-2007: High stakes, daunting challenges’, pp. 5-15; Gilly, Adolfo, ‘One triangle, two campaigns’, pp. 78-83; Semo, Enrique, ‘What is left of the Mexican Left?’, pp. 84-89.
Legacies and Meanings of the United Democratic Front (UDF) Period for Contemporary South Africa, Suttner, Raymond , Dakar, p.23, (2006)
Liberalizing electoral outcomes in competitive authoritarian regimes, Howard, Marc Morje, and Roessler Philip G. , Volume 50, Issue April, p.17, (2006)
Makes comparisons between post-communist regimes and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Lottiamo Ancora: Reviewing One Hundred and Fifty Years of Italian Feminism, Malagreca, Miguel , Volume 7, Issue 4 (May), p.21, (2006)
Includes material on the second wave of Italian feminism in 1960s and 1970s and developments on divorce, family law and employment law in the 1970s and 1980s, Ends with some discussion of lesbian and queer struggles for recognition.
Macro Violence, Micro Resistance (Development Violence and Unarmed Grassroots Resistance), Mazgaonkar, Anand , (2006) PDF icon Anand Mazgaonkar.pdf (112.98 KB)
The Madres de Plaza de Mayo and Three Decades of Human Rights Activism: Embeddedness, Emotions and Social Movements, Bosco, Fernando , Volume 96, Issue 2, p.24, (2006)
Making accompaniment effective, Martin, Brian , (2006) PDF icon Brian Martin.pdf (51.42 KB)PDF icon Brian Martin Bio.pdf (12.56 KB)
Making Globalization Work, Stiglitz, Joseph , London, p.384, (2006)
Mexican Civil Resistance in Five Acts, Ross, John , (2006)
Describes the protests in Mexico City against the presidential election results with focus on nature of the protests. The writer is author of: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=74903].
Mexico’s disputed election, Rubio, Luis, and Davidow Jeffrey , Volume 85, Issue 5 (September/October), p.11, (2006)
Argues that the July election represented a choice between continuing economic liberalization and a return to the past, but neither provided a solution to Mexico’s problems.
Mexico’s presidential swindle, Giordano, Al , Volume II, Issue 41 (September/October), p.23, (2006)
Analysis of fraud and manipulation of elections to favour the ruling candidate Felipe Calderon and account of opposition’s response.
Movement Histories: A Preliminary Historiography of the Brazil Landless Laborers Movement (MST), Welch, Cliff , Volume 41, Issue 1, p.13, (2006)
Nepal: Democracy in Transition, Navin, Mishra , Delhi, p.295, (2006)
Discusses historical background since 1951, the evolution of parliamentary democracy from 1991-2001 and examines in detail the royal takeover and war with the Maoists.
Nepal’s unfinished democratic revolution, Pratek, Pradhan , Issue 13 (July-September), p.10, (2006)
New threats to freedom: The assault on democracy promotion, Gershman, Carl, and Allen Michael , Volume 17, Issue 2 (April), p.16, (2006)
Gershman is the president of the US National Endowment for Democracy. This article lists restrictions introduced by a number of governments on receipt of democracy assistance.
Nonviolence in Palestine - International Women's Peace Service, Zelter, Angie , (2006) PDF icon Angela Zelter.pdf (57.19 KB)
Nonviolent Movements for Peace in Colombia and International Solidarity, García-Durán, Mauricio , (2006) PDF icon Maricio GarciaDuran.pdf (140.33 KB)Office presentation icon Mauricio.ppt (830 KB)PDF icon Mauricio GARCIA Bio.pdf (17.02 KB)
Nonviolent Political Action and the Limits of Consent, Atack, Iain , Volume 53, Issue 111 (December), p.11, (2006)
Nonviolent Resistance and International Governmental Organisations, Carter, April , (2006) PDF icon April Carter.pdf (90.63 KB)PDF icon April Carter Bio.pdf (12.95 KB)
Nonviolent Transformation of Conflict, King, Mary Elizabeth, and Miller Christopher A. , Addis Ababa, p.140, (2006)
Now We Are Citizens: Indigenous Politics in Postmulticultural Bolivia, Postero, Nancy Grey , Stanford CA, p.340, (2006)
The Ogoni Struggle, George-Williams, Desmond , Addis Ababa, p.7, (2006)
Other Lands Have Dreams: From Baghdad to Pekin Prison, Kelly, Kathy , Petrolia CA, p.173, (2006)
Kelly participated in the Gulf Peace Team and later co-founded Voices in the Wilderness, breaking sanctions against Iraq. See also: ‘Kathy Kelly and Milan Rai, ‘Voices in the Wilderness: Campaigning against Sanctions on Iraq 1995-2005’, in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=149], pp.143-49.
