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Revolution and Reaction: Bolivia 1964-1985, Malloy, James M., and Gamarra Eduardo , Oxford, p.244, (1988)
Self-help and Socialism: The Squatters Movement of 1946, Hinton, James , Volume 25, Issue 1, p.27, (1988)
Covers a significant movement in post-war Britain when many houses had been destroyed by bombing.
Staining the Wattle, Burgmann, Verity, and Lee Jenny , Ringwood VIC, p.308, (1988)
Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development, Shiva, Vandana , London, p.244, (1988)
(also Southgate Press 2010 and Kali/Women Unlimited 2011). An eco/feminist argument about the special role of women in preserving the environment.
Stop the Drop, Cairns, Brendan , Ringwood VIC, p.11, (1988)
On the 1980s revived movement against nuclear weapons, in particular Australia’s People for Nuclear Disarmament.
Technique de la Nonviolence, del Vasto, Lanza , Paris, p.280, (1988)
Originally written in 1974, this essay explores the philosophy and strategy of nonviolence inspired by the author’s meeting with Gandhi in 1937, and applies it to environmental and solidarity struggles as well as in the daily life of the Arch communities, which he founded across France.
Truth or Dare: Encounters with Power, Authority and Mystery, ' Starhawk' , San Francisco, p.384, (1988)
Often cited exploration of issues from an eco-feminist perspective by activist drawing on experiences in 1980s peace movement affinity groups. Explores power along three axes – power-over, power-within and power-with, and provides materials on individual and group empowerment.
Twenty Years On, Farrell, Michael , Dingle, p.192, (1988)
Contributions by nine activists who had been involved in the Civil Rights movement in 1968. Contributors include Gerry Adams on his experiences as a republican in the civil rights campaign and the Provisionals’case for splitting with what became Official Sinn Fein and IRA; Bernadette (Devlin) McAliskey on her time in the British Parliament which she entitles ‘a peasant in the halls of the great’, and Michael Farrell on the ‘Long March’ from Belfast to Derry in January 1969 and subsequent developments. Carol Coulter describes the reverberations of the campaign in the South and Margaret Ward its influence in the development of feminism in Ireland.
The uprising and the Palestinian question, Khalidi, Rashid , Volume 5, Issue 3 (summer), p.21, (1988)
Uruguay: Democracy at the Cross Road, Weinstein, Martin , Boulder CO, p.160, (1988)
For Weinstein’s account of the background to the 1973 coup, see: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=80171].
West Papua: The obliteration of a people, Budiardjo, Carmel, and Liong Liem Soei , Thornton Heath, p.142, (1988)
TAPOL has campaigned against Indonesian human rights abuses for 40 years, for which in 1995 Budiardjo won the Right Livelihood Award.
Women and the Military System, Isaksson, Eva , Brighton, p.455, (1988)
Campaigns for Peace: British Peace Movements in the Twentieth Century, Taylor, Richard, and Young Nigel J. , Manchester, p.308, (1987)
Collection of analytical and descriptive essays spanning period from late 19th century to 1980s, but the main focus is on post-World War Two movement against nuclear weapons. Michael Randle assesses ‘Nonviolent direct action in the 1950s and 1960s’, pp. 131-61.
Corazon Aquino: The Story of a Revolution, Komisar, Lucy , New York, p.290, (1987)
Discusses role of Benigno Aquino and Corazon Aquino’s involvement in politics; pp. 105-23 focus on mutiny and popular protests.
Democratizing transition in Taiwan, Chou Yangsun, and Nathan Andrew J. , Volume 27, Issue 3 (March), p.23, (1987)
Fire Across the Sea: The Vietnam War and Japan, 1965-1975, Havens, Thomas , Princeton NJ, p.330, (1987)
Covers growth of a major anti-war movement of rallies and marches against Japanese government support for the US in the war and the use of US bases in Japan.
The Four Days of Courage: The Untold Story of the People Who Brought Marcos Down, Johnson, Bryant , New York, p.290, (1987)
Emphasis on role of military and Catholic Church.
Freedom Song: A Personal Story of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, King, Mary Elizabeth , New York, p.592, (1987)
Insider account by white woman working in SNCC office. Meticulously detailed, with extensive quotes from key documents.
From Below: Independent Peace and Environment Movements in Eastern Europe and the USSR, Helsinki Watch , New York, (1987)
From Below: Independent Peace and Environmental Movements in Eastern Europe and the USSR, , New York, p.263, (1987)
From Military Rule to Liberal Democracy in Argentina, Ramos, Monica Peralta, and Waisman Carlos Horacio , Boulder CO, p.196, (1987)
Chapter by Juan E. Corradi on ‘The Culture of Fear in Civil Society’, pp. 113-129.
Gandhi Against the Tide, Copley, Antony , Oxford, p.118, (1987)
Brief Historical Association study giving historical context and referring to historiographical debates, noting ‘Cambridge school’ argument that internal weaknesses of the British Administration main cause of independence, and ‘subaltern studies’ school which stresses autonomous resistance of peasants and workers.
Gene Sharp: Nonviolent struggle, Sharp, Gene, and Safieh Afif , interview with Afif Safieh, Volume 17, Issue 1 (autumn), p.19, (1987)
Gramsci’s Politics, Sassoon, Anne Showstack , Minneapolis, p.261, (1987)
Antonio Gramsci, the prominent Italian Marxist activist and thinker who died in 1937, is known for his elaboration of the Marxist theory of ideology and hegemony, and has been consulted by students seeking inspiration from Marxist thought – for example in Poland and South Africa in the 1980s. Gramsci’s major work, Prison Notebooks, is by its nature long and disjointed, and its interpretation subject to debate.
Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis, Bayer, Ronald , Princeton NJ, p.244, (1987)
Account of 1973 decision by American Psychiatric Association to stop listing homosexuality as a mental disorder and attempts by some psychiatrists to overturn this decision.
