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Feminism and Intra-Gender Relations in Africa: A Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Author: Olubukula Karik-Namiji

In: International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies (LALIGENS), Vol 5, No 1, 2016, pp. 13-25

This paper aims to assess the ideology of feminism and feminist criticism, with the aim of affirming its success in Africa over the years while focusing on intra-gender relations among women as reflected in Gynotexts, namely literary texts written by women. The author finds that the present relationship between female characters in gynotexts does not promote feminist ideology but is inimical to it. Because healthy sisterhood is not often depicted This is because the lack of healthy sisterhood (though this is not necessarily inherent in women's writing) this omission detracts from the realization of the goals of the feminist movement in Africa'.