K.1. Planning and Development of Campaigns

Volume Two -> K. Preparation and Training for Nonviolent Action -> K.1. Planning and Development of Campaigns
Moyer, Bill; McAllister, JoAnn; Finley, Mary; Soifer, Steven Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements, Gabriola Island, New Society Publishers, 2001 , pp. 228

From his central insight that some movements could not recognise when they were succeeding, Bill Moyer constructed his model MAP - Movement Action Plan - as a tool for strategic analysis for nonviolent movements. The book includes case studies of five US movements: civil rights, anti-nuclear energy, gay and lesbian, breast cancer and anti-globalization.

Martin, Brian Backfire Manual: Tactics Against Injustice, Sparsnas Sweden, Irene Publishing, 2012 , pp. 112

A guide to turning an opponent’s violence to the campaign’s advantage. For the wider theoretical analysis see: Brian Martin, Justice Ignited: The Dynamics of Backfire (A. 1.b. Strategic Theory, Dynamics, Methods and Movements)

Rose, Chris How to Win Campaigns: 100 Steps to Success, London, Earthscan Publications, 2005 , pp. 231

Tips from an environmental campaigner and communications consultant who has worked for Greenpeace, among other organizations.

Shaw, Randy The Activist’s Handbook: Winning Social Change in the 21st Century, [2007], Berkeley CA, University of California Press, 2013 , pp. 304

Urban activist focuses on how to achieve social change even in difficult environments.

Turning the Tide, Toolkit, London, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, 2014

Information sheets on preparing for nonviolent action and nonviolent training resources and links to organizations offering training.

War Resisters' International, Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns, [2009], London, War Resisters' International, 2014 , pp. 232

Sections on ‘Introduction to Nonviolence’, ‘Developing Strategic Campaigns’, ‘Organising Effective Actions’, ‘Case Studies’ with examples from round the world, ‘Training and Exercises’ and advice on compiling one’s own handbook and lists of helpful manuals, references and websites.

Amnesty International, Body Politics. The Criminalization Of Sexuality And Reproduction, 2018 , pp. 217

Amnesty International’s Body Politics: Criminalization of sexuality and reproduction series is comprised of a Primer (Index: POL 40/7763/2018), a Campaigning Toolkit (Index: POL 40/7764/2018) and a Training Manual (Index: POL 40/7771/2018) designed to help activists worldwide opposing criminalisation of contraception, abortion or LGBT’s rights.

Bolton, Matthew How to Resist: Turn Protest to Power, Verso, Bloomsbury, 2017 , pp. 178

Bolton, focuses on his experience with the Living Wage campaign in the UK since 2001 and how the campaign has through varied tactics significantly increased the wages of over 150,000 cleaners and other low paid workers.

Lakey, George How We Win; A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning, Brooklyn, NY, Melville House, 2018 , pp. 224

Lakey, a veteran of nonviolent action protests and prominent in developing training for nonviolent action, here recounts numerous campaign successes from different times and parts of the world, but its central example of innovative organizing is the Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) five-year campaign (initiated by Lakey in 2009), which forced the major US bank PNC to end its financing of mountaintop removal coal mining.

Marovic, Ivan The Path of Most Resistance: A Step by Step Guide to Planning Nonviolent Resistance Campaigns, Washington, D.C., International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, 2018 , pp. 108

Marovic, who was prominent in the student resistance to Milosevic in Serbia, provides a guide to planning a campaign in stages, and suggests exercises for each stage.

Smucker, Jonathan Hegemony How-To: A Road Map for Radicals, Chico, CA, AK Publishers, 2017 , pp. 284

Smucker has spent many years in grass roots community organising and is co-founder of the campaign in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Lancaster Stands Up. He was active in Occupy, but is critical of its failure to move beyond  a symbolic impact, and argues for the need to link campaigning to the political electoral process.  

For more detail see interview with Smucker, 'Roadmap for Radicals',  Red Pepper,  Jan-Jul. 2018, pp 35-39.                                                      

Websites recommended

Backfire Manual: Tactics Against Injustice (http://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/12bfm/12bfm.pdf) Sparsnas Sweden Irene Publishing, 2012

A guide to turning an opponent’s violence to the campaign’s advantage. For the wider theoretical analysis see: Brian Martin, Justice Ignited: The Dynamics of Backfire (A. 1.b. Strategic Theory, Dynamics, Methods and Movements)

Body Politics. The Criminalization Of Sexuality And Reproduction , 2018

Amnesty International’s Body Politics: Criminalization of sexuality and reproduction series is comprised of a Primer (Index: POL 40/7763/2018), a Campaigning Toolkit (Index: POL 40/7764/2018) and a Training Manual (Index: POL 40/7771/2018) designed to help activists worldwide opposing criminalisation of contraception, abortion or LGBT’s rights.

Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements Gabriola Island New Society Publishers, 2001

From his central insight that some movements could not recognise when they were succeeding, Bill Moyer constructed his model MAP - Movement Action Plan - as a tool for strategic analysis for nonviolent movements. The book includes case studies of five US movements: civil rights, anti-nuclear energy, gay and lesbian, breast cancer and anti-globalization.

Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns (http://handbook.wri-irg.org) London War Resisters' International, 2014

Sections on ‘Introduction to Nonviolence’, ‘Developing Strategic Campaigns’, ‘Organising Effective Actions’, ‘Case Studies’ with examples from round the world, ‘Training and Exercises’ and advice on compiling one’s own handbook and lists of helpful manuals, references and websites.

Hegemony How-To: A Road Map for Radicals Chico, CA AK Publishers, 2017

Smucker has spent many years in grass roots community organising and is co-founder of the campaign in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Lancaster Stands Up. He was active in Occupy, but is critical of its failure to move beyond  a symbolic impact, and argues for the need to link campaigning to the political electoral process.  

For more detail see interview with Smucker, 'Roadmap for Radicals',  Red Pepper,  Jan-Jul. 2018, pp 35-39.                                                      

How to Resist: Turn Protest to Power Verso Bloomsbury, 2017

Bolton, focuses on his experience with the Living Wage campaign in the UK since 2001 and how the campaign has through varied tactics significantly increased the wages of over 150,000 cleaners and other low paid workers.

How to Win Campaigns: 100 Steps to Success London Earthscan Publications, 2005

Tips from an environmental campaigner and communications consultant who has worked for Greenpeace, among other organizations.

How We Win; A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning Brooklyn, NY Melville House, 2018

Lakey, a veteran of nonviolent action protests and prominent in developing training for nonviolent action, here recounts numerous campaign successes from different times and parts of the world, but its central example of innovative organizing is the Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) five-year campaign (initiated by Lakey in 2009), which forced the major US bank PNC to end its financing of mountaintop removal coal mining.

The Activist’s Handbook: Winning Social Change in the 21st Century Berkeley CA University of California Press, 2013

Urban activist focuses on how to achieve social change even in difficult environments.

The Path of Most Resistance: A Step by Step Guide to Planning Nonviolent Resistance Campaigns Washington, D.C. International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, 2018

Marovic, who was prominent in the student resistance to Milosevic in Serbia, provides a guide to planning a campaign in stages, and suggests exercises for each stage.

Toolkit (https://turningtide.org.uk/toolkit/) London Quaker Peace and Social Witness, 2014

Information sheets on preparing for nonviolent action and nonviolent training resources and links to organizations offering training.

The Ruckus Society offers manuals and checklists on ‘Action Planning’, ‘Media’ and other topics, plus numerous links to other web pages. See: http://www.ruckus.org.