World Bank loans for projects with major environmental consequences often prove controversial. For example it was under pressure from human rights organizations to withdraw a loan from the Bajo Aguan valley palm oil project in Honduras which had led to serious conflict:, ‘World Bank’s Lending Arm Linked to Deadly Honduras Conflict’ 10 Jan., 2014.
A.6.b.ii. Opposing World Bank Policies and Projects
See also David L. Brown, Jonathan Fox, Transnational Civil Society Coalitions and the World Bank: Lessons from Project and Policy Influence Campaigns, In Michael Edwards, John Gaventa, Global Citizen Action (1.a. Transnational and Continent-wide Movements and Networks) London, Earthscan Publications, 2001 , pp. 43-58
Anti-dam resistance persuaded the World Bank to withdraw from funding one of the dams, but did not change Indian government policy.