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Civil Disobedience

Petit Manuel De Désobeissance Civile – A L'Usage De Ceux Qui Veulent Vraiment Changer Le Monde

Author: Xavier Renou

Syllepse, Paris, 2009, pp. 142

Training manual on civil disobedience addressed to political or social activists, it covers the theory and practice of nonviolent action, including strategy and advice on media and the law. The author is himself a trainer and former leader of Greenpeace on nuclear disarmament.

L’Imperatif de Désobeissance, Fondements Philosophique et Stratégiques de la Désobeissance Civil

Author: Jean-Marie Muller

Le Passager Clandestin2011, pp. 281

The author analyses the foundation texts and historic campaigns of civil disobedience in France and in the world.  He constructs a definition of the concept understood as both an ethical imperative and a form of nonviolent direct action.


Author: Philippe Gros

Ed. Albin Michel/Flammarion2017, pp. 265

In this essay Gros reconsiders the roots of political obedience in order to understand the different forms of civic and civil disobedience, in so far as they constitute an ethical resistance to promote democracy.

Désobeir En Démocratie:La Pénsee Désobeissante De Thoreau A Martin Luther King

Author: Manuel Cervera-Marzal

Aux forges de Vulcain, Paris, 2013, pp. 170

Largely based on the author’s PhD thesis, this book analyses three historical approaches to civil disobedience, from conservatives and liberal philosophies to the applied theory of disobedience derived from Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

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