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The power of protest, Wittner, Lawrence , Volume 2, Issue 7, p.6, (2004)
A reflection on how the anti-nuclear weapons movements worldwide have prevented a nuclear war after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the lessons that can be drawn for the future.
The Power of the Piqueteros: Argentina’s movement of unemployed workers, Sitrin, Marina, and Notes from Nowhere , London, p.10, (2004)
The Power of Tiananmen: State-Society Relations and the 1989 Beijing Student Movement, Zhao, Dingxin , Chicago, p.456, (2004)
Rebels with a Cause: Folk Devils without a Panic: Press Jingoism and Policing Tactics and Anticapitalist Protest London and Prague, Donson, Fiona, Chesters Graeme, Welsh Ian, and Tickle Andrew , (2004)
Refusenik!: Israel’s Soldiers of Conscience, Kidron, Peretz , London, p.160, (2004)
Documents from the soldiers’ resistance to the Lebanon War, the First Intifada and the Second Intifada.
Relentless Persistence: Nonviolent Action in Latin America, McManus, Philip, and Schlabach Gerald , Philadelphia PA, p.312, (2004)
[Individual essays are also cited in sub-sections.] In the 1980s some groups used the term ‘firmeza permanente’ (in English widely rendered as ‘relentless persistence’) to indicate nonviolence.
Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia, Boudreau, Vincent , Cambridge, p.290, (2004)
Compares democracy movements in Indonesia, Burma and the Philippines from a social movement perspective. Charts post-colonial evolution. On Indonesia, examines the Sukarno years, the 1965 coup and anti-communist massacres, initial student protests in the 1970s under Suharto, and the complexities of party politics in the 1980s and 1990s. Ch. 10 ‘Indonesia’s Democracy Protests’ (pp. 215-37) covers the build-up of resistance to Suharto, the role of the student demonstrations and the end of the Suharto regime.
Social Capital and Collective Resistance in Urban China Neighborhoods: a comunity movement in Shanghai, Fayong, Shi , Singapore, p.43, (2004)
Social Movements, 1768-2004, Tilly, Charles , Boulder CO, p.204, (2004)
Chapter 5, pp. 95-122, ‘Social Movements enter the Twenty-First Century’, takes as its starting point the January 2001 text message in Manila, ‘Go EDSA, Wear black’ and goes on to discuss the relationship between social movements and communications technology with further details on unrest in Manila.
Solidarity in an Age of Globalization: The Transnational Movement for East Timor and US Foreign Policy, Simpson, Brad , Volume 29, Issue 3 & 4 (July), p.30, (2004)
Squatting in Europe, Pruijst, Hans , English version of chapter "Okupar en Europa", Madrid, p.26, (2004)
On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: Thinking about Fundamentals, Helvey, Robert L. , Cambridge MA, p.178, (2004)
Retired US Army colonel, now colleague of Gene Sharp, examines the basis of political power and the methods and strategy of nonviolent struggle. His guidelines for preparing a Strategic Estimate are also included in Sharp, Waging Nonviolent Struggle.
The Struggle for Indigenous Rights in Latin America, Postero, Nancy Grey, and Zamosc Leon , Brighton, p.272, (2004)
Taiwan’s best-case democratization, Rigger, Shelley , Volume 48, Issue 2 (spring), p.8, (2004)
Discusses factors promoting relatively smooth and successful transition, including democratic elements, such as local elections, even under KMT rule, and international pressure to democratize after the US and international recognition of the People’s Republic of China. Examines how ‘evolutionary, peaceful, and protracted’ transition also resulted in compromises that created problems for future. Latter part of article examines obstacles to a fully satisfactory democratic system.
Teaching Performance Art is like Sharpening the Blade of a Knife, Glazebrook, Diana , Volume 5, Issue 1, p.14, (2004)
Describes the cultural project of musician Arnold Ap in the 10 years before he was killed by Indonesian troops, how at first it exploited the limited radio space granted by Indonesia and later became a more open challenge to Indonesian repression.
These Strange Criminals’: An Anthology of Prison Memoirs by Conscientious Objectors from the Great War to the Cold War, Brock, Peter , Toronto, p.505, (2004)
Anthology of prison memoirs by conscientious objectors from World War One to the Cold War. Contributions from Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the USA.
This is Serbia Calling: Rock ’n’ Roll Radio and Belgrade’s Underground Resistance, Collin, Matthew , Number 282, London, (2004)
Updated story of Radio B92 to 2004.
The Tibetans: A Struggle to Survive, Lehman, Steve, Barnett Robert, and Coles Robert , New York, p.125, (2004)
Timeline: A chronology of public opinion on nuclear power in the United States and United Kingdom, Dalquist, Stephanie , p.35, (2004)
Describes the history of the atom in the US and the UK; the combination of civilian/military use and how people and movement developed an understanding of the risks associated with nuclear power since the 1960s.
Transnational Mobilizing in Two Mexican Maquiladoras: The Struggle for Democratic Globalization, Carty, Victoria , Volume 9, Issue 3 (Oct), p.16, (2004)
The Unthinkable Revolution in Iran, 1977-1979, Kurzman, Charles , Cambridge MA, p.304, (2004)
Contends that the revolution was truly unpredictable by critiquing five sets of retrospective ‘explanations’. Includes essay on available source material.
Uruguay: Nonviolent resistance and the pedagogy of human rights, Roberts, Katherine , Philadelphia PA, p.18, (2004)
Water, Privatization and Conflict: Women from the Cochabamba Valley, Beltran, Elizabeth Peredo , Berlin, p.48, (2004)
We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anticapitalism, Notes from Nowhere , London, (2004)
Extensive collection of brief articles on campaigns round the world using different tactics and approaches.
We Are Millions: Neo-Liberalism and New Forms of Political Action in Argentina, Lopez Levy, Marcela , London, p.142, (2004)
