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Mubarak’s Overthrow, Kandil, Hazem , Issue 68 (March/April), p.40, (2011)
Interview in which Kandil analyses the revolt brewing under the surface and the role of six distinct groups, the nature of the Mubarak regime, the events of the first month of revolution and prospects for the future.
Nonviolent Resistance in Power Asymmetries, Dudouet, Véronique , revised and updated 2011, Berlin, p.28, (2011)
Summarises evolution of nonviolent resistance in theory and practice and explores its role in redressing structural asymmetry and as a prelude to reconciliation and peace building.
Nonviolent Revolutions: Civil Resistance in the Late Twentieth Century, Nepstad, Sharon Erickson , Oxford and New York, p.178, (2011)
Compares ‘unsuccessful’ and ‘successful’ movements against Socialist regimes (Tiananmen and East Germany 1989), against military regimes (Panama and Chile in the 1980s) and against personal dictators (Kenyan opposition to Moi and the Philippines struggle against Marcos). Draws some fairly brief general conclusions.
Not Quite Women: Lesbian Activism in Portugal, Brandao, Ana Maria , Aldershot, (2011)
Online Social Media for Radical Politics: Climate Change Activism on You Tube, Askanius, Tina, and Uldam Julie , Volume 4, Issue 2, (2011)
Discusses evolution of alternative media campaigning from the 15th UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen, December 2009.
Orientalising the Egyptian uprising, El-Mahdi, Rabab , (2011)
suggesting a non-western interpretation of events.
Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Politics and Identity, Boelens, Rutgerd, Getches David, and Gil Armando Guevara , New York, p.384, (2011)
Compares struggles over water in Andean communities of Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia and Native American communities in S .W. USA, noting the combined goals of cultural justice and socio-economic justice.  
Palestinian Women’s Everyday Resistance: Between Normality and Normalisation, Richter-Devroe, Sophie , Volume 12, Issue 2 (special issue), p.15, (2011)
Focuses particularly on women crossing Israeli-imposed borders to maintain their sense of autonomy and freedom, and argues that although these actions are ‘framed’ as resistance to occupation they also covertly challenge patriarchal controls..
Peace Movements in South Korea and their Impacts on the Politics of the Korean Peninsula, Lok-Wai-Chung, Steve , Volume 10, Issue 2, p.28, (2011)
This article covers the continuing and long-term protests against militarism, and for reconciliation with North Korea. It examines in particular protests against deployment of Korean troops overseas and against US military bases in Korea, and initiatives for reconciliation between the two Koreas, and assesses the movement's impact. 
The People Reloaded: The Green Movement and the Struggle for Iran’s Future, Hashemi, Nadar, and Postel Danny , New York, p.440, (2011)
Anthology exploring the nature of the movement, including expert and participant analyses, manifestos, communiques, interviews and debates. A number of the presentations, including that by co-editor Danny Postel and Charles Kurzman’s ‘Cultural Jiu-Jitsu’ can be viewed on YouTube channel ‘Iran: Politics of Resistance’.
The Persistence of Transnational Organizing: The Case of the Homophile Movement, Rupp, Leila , Volume 116, Issue 4 (Oct), p.26, (2011)
Study of the reformist groups which were active in Scandinavia, West Germany, France, the UK, Canada and USA, primarily in the 1950s and 1960s, which joined in the International Committee for Sexual Equality (1951-1963) founded by the Dutch COC (the first ‘homophile’ group).
The Politics of Protest in Hybrid Regimes: Managing Dissent in Post-Communist Russia, Robertson, Graeme B. , New York, p.303, (2011)
Thorough study, with substantial chapter on strikes and workers’ mobilization.
The Problem with Grace: Reconfiguring Political Theology, Lloyd, Vincent W. , Stanford CA, p.256, (2011)
Rethinking the American Anti-war Movement, Hill, Simon , New York, p.208, (2011)
Structured in sections covering key events and key individuals in movement against Vietnam War, and includes a chapter assessing strength and weaknesses of movement. Extensive footnotes and bibliography.
Revolt and Crisis in Greece: Between a Present Yet to Pass and a Future Still to Come, Vradis, Antonis, and Dalakoglu Dimitris , Edinburgh and London, p.378, (2011)
Wide range of contributors, including David Graeber, on economic meltdown in Greece and popular responses to government’s extreme austerity programme.
Revolution and Political Transformation in the Middle East, Middle East Institute , Agents of Change, Volume 1, Washington DC, p.45, (2011)
Revolution and Political Transformation in the Middle East, Middle East Institute , Outcomes and Prospects, Volume 3, Washington DC, p.32, (2011)
Revolution and Political Transformation in the Middle East, Middle East Institute , Government Action in Response, Volume 2, Washington DC, p.36, (2011)
On the Role of Strategy in Nonviolent Revolutionary Social Change: the Case of Iran, 1977-1979, Ritter, Daniel P. , Florence, p.19, (2011)
Saami and Norwegians protest construction of Alta Dam, Norway, 1979-81, Lawrence, William , p.3, (2011)
Useful summary with references.
Seismic Shift: Understanding Change in the Middle East, Laipson, Ellen , Washington DC, p.138, (2011)
As civil resistance again took the world of realpolitik by surprise, the Stimson Center invited experts to evaluate how their sectors had viewed the prospects for change in the Middle East.
Shutting Down the Streets, Starr, Amory, Fernandez Luis A., and Scholl Christian , New York, p.224, (2011)
The authors, who took part in protests at summits, from the 1999 WTO demonstrations in Seattle to the 2007 G.8. protests in Heiligendamm (Germany), analyze direct action at 20 summits and how government social control (including a Berlin-type wall at Heiligendamm) limits space for dissent.
Smashing H-Block: The Popular Campaign Against Criminalization and the Irish Hunger Strikes 1976-1982, Ross, Stuart F. , Liverpool, p.226, (2011)
In contrast to most accounts of the anti H-block campaign, this book focuses on the popular campaign outside the prison for the restoration of ‘Special Category Status’, originally accorded to both republican and loyalist prisoners in 1972 but phased out by the Labour Home Secretary, Merlyn Rees, in 1976. Ross maintains that the campaign that grew around the hunger strikes of 1981 and 1982 was ‘perhaps the biggest and broadest solidarity movement since Vietnam’, much of it driven from the bottom up by the republican grassroots, not its leadership. He also suggests that it propelled the Provisional IRA towards calling a ceasefire and shifting to a political strategy.
Social Movements in Africa, Engels, Bettina, and Branders Nikolai , Issue 20, (2011)
Although mostly relevant to the second volume of this bibliography, it provides context for the movements against governments that are covered here.
Springtime: The New Student Rebellions, Solomon, Clare, and Palmieri Tania , London, p.256, (2011)
Focuses on the widespread student protests in Britain in 2010, but also extends to Italy, France, Greece and the USA, as well as the beginning of the Arab uprisings in Tunisia. Includes texts from the past and reminders of 1968, as well as coverage of contemporary events, and political and theoretical commentaries from established and new voices.
