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Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco, Salime, Zakia , Minneapolis MN, p.248, (2011)
Study of both feminist and Islamist organizations in Morocco showing how two have influenced each other’s agendas through decades of activism.
The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi, Brown, Judith M., and Parel Anthony , Cambridge, p.296, (2011)
The capacities of the people versus a predominant, militarist, ethno-nationalist elite: democratisation in South Africa, Good, Kenneth , Volume 3, Issue 2, p.48, (2011)
Contends that the ANC ‘showed an increasing intolerance for the values upheld by the UDF, like criticism and self-criticism of elites and nonviolence’.
The Challenge Of Abolishing Nuclear Weapons, Krieger, David , New Brunswick and London, p.273, (2011)
The contributors provide historical perspective on nuclear weapons policy; explore the role of international law in furthering the prospects of nuclear weapons abolition; consider the obstacles to nuclear abolition; to achieving a nuclear-weapons-free-world; and consider issues of sovereignty, and general and complete disarmament. See also: Krieger, David (2003) Hope In A Dark Time, Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, pp. 255. Includes essays on hope and nuclear weapons abolition by many leading figures, such as Adam Curle, Joseph Rotblat, and Elise Boulding. It also includes an exchange on global citizenship and global democracy.
Chile’s Educational and Social Movement: Quality Education for Everyone...Now!, Contreras, Dan , Issue 90 (December), (2011)
Briefly explains problem in higher education and how privatization promotes gap between rich and poor. Describes wide range of nonviolent direct action used by the students, but notes wider support and activism.
Chile: Student Leaders Reinvent the Movement, Muñoz-Lamartine, Ernesto , Issue Fall, (2011)
Account of talk by Giorgio Jackson, President of the Catholic University’s Student Association in Chile.
The Climate Movement: Australia’s Patrons of Climate Change Activism, Pearse, Guy , Issue 7 (Sept), (2011)
Companeros, Latino Activists in the Face of AIDS, Ramirez-Valles, Jesus , Chicago IL, p.192, (2011)
A professor of community health tells the stories of 80 gay, bisexual and transgender activists and volunteers in Chicago and San Francisco.
Comprehending West Papua, King, Peter, Elmslie Jim, and Webb-Gannon Camellia , Sydney, p.392, (2011)
The most substantial publication from CPACS’ ongoing West Papua Project – 25 chapters, including human rights surveys, discussions on strategic possibilities, and other commentaries, plus Katrina Rae’s West Papua 2010: A Literature Survey. All online at
The Conception of Concerned African Women Theologians: Is it African or Western?, Fiedler, Rachel Nyagondwe, and Hofmeyr Johannes Wynand , Volume 31, Issue 1, p.19, (2011)
Discusses origins in 1988 of an Africa-wide group that promotes theological debates between Christians, Muslims, Jews and adherents of African religions, gives African women a voice through numerous publications and has focused on social issues such as the stigma attached to HIV/AIDS. For background and current information:
Corruption and Human Rights in India: Comparative Perspectives on Transparency and Good Governance, Kumar, Raj C. , New Delhi, p.234, (2011)
Analyzes corruption as a violation of human rights and proposes a multi-pronged approach to tackling corruption, including a greater role for civil society. A postscript takes account of the 2011 Anna Hazare movement against corruption.
Counterpower: Making Change Happen, Gee, Tim , Oxford, p.222, (2011)
Lively discussion of the strategies and methods popular movements can use to win struggles against various forms of oppression and to undermine elites. Includes brief accounts of the struggles for Indian independence, the ending of apartheid and the overthrow of Mubarak, as well the extension of the franchise in Britain, opposition to the Vietnam War, and resistance to corporate power.
Defeating Authoritarian Leaders in Post-Communist Countries, Bunce, Valerie J., and Wolchik Sharon L. , New York, p.364, (2011)
Discusses electoral defeats of authoritarian leaders from 1998 to 2005 (Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan), but also unsuccessful movements in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus. Analyses local and international actors and draws comparisons with other parts of the world.
Democracy Movements as Bulwarks against Presidential Usurpation of Power: Lessons from the Third-Term Bids in Malawi, Namibia, Uganda and Zambia, Dulani, Boniface , Issue 20, p.25, (2011)
Der Stein im Schuh: ueber friedlichen, zivilen Widerstand in gewaltsamen Konfliktregionen - eine Fallstudie der Friedensgemeinde San Jose de Apartado, Kolumbien, Naucke, Philipp , Marburg, (2011)
During the forty years of armed conflict in Colombia, civil society was continuously assaulted by violent infringement of rights by both left wing guerrilla movements and paramilitary groups. Nevertheless, since the end of the 1990s many communities declared themselves 'municipalities of peace'. Their members commit themselves to behave neutrally and to reject any collaboration with armed actors. Naucke investigates the origin, function and structure of San Jose de Apartado, which is one of the peaceful communities that decided to confront repression.
Dig Deep into Corruption in India, Shabnoor, Sultana , 24/08/2011, (2011)
Brief summary of key disagreements between government and Hazare camp on role and powers of proposed ombudsman.
Echoes from Tunisia and Egypt: Revolutions without self-proclaimed revolutionaries, Campbell, Horace , (2011)
Egypt: Women of the Revolution, Naib, Fatma , (2011)
The Egyptian Revolution: First Impressions from the Field, Bamyeh, Mohammed , Number 11 February 2011, (2011)
The Equality Illusion: The Truth about Women and Men Today, Barnard, Kat , London, p.320, (2011)
In 2012 Barnard founded UK Feminista, which gives support and training to local activists, and together with Object began the campaign in 2013 Lose the Lads’ Mags. Her book argues that feminism is still very necessary in the light of continuing inequality at work, prevalence of sexual harassment, rape and domestic violence, and treatment of women’s bodies in magazines, lap dancing clubs and on the internet. UK Feminista offers workshops for schools:
Explosion in the Arab World, Anderson, Perry , Issue 68 (March/April), p.10, (2011)
Editorial reflections on the historical and social context of the revolts.
Eyes to the South: French Anarchists and Algeria, Porter, David , Oakland CA, p.550, (2011)
Examines range of anarchist approaches in both France and Algeria and also covers period after independence.
Face Au Totalitarisme, La Resistance Civile, Sémelin, Jaques , p.112, (2011)
Presentation of fifteen years of research into the resources available for civil resistance in the heart of totalitarian systems of the 20th century.  Sémelin also extends and develops his analyses of civil resistance in the context of European Communism.
Faslane Peace Camp Needs You!, , Issue 2535-2536, (2011)
Notes that the Faslane Peace Camp has existed for 29 years 'on the frontline against Britain's nuclear weapons', has been home to hundreds over the years, and has been a centre for direct action against nuclear weapons.
Fight Back! A Reader on the Winter of Protest, Hancox, Dan , p.340, (2011)
Covers both student protests in late 2010 ( e.g against high tuition fees) and wider demonstrations against cuts. Edited by young protesters, but includes essay by Anthony Barnett, founder of openDemocracy reflecting on potential significance of new activism.
