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East European Fault Lines: Dissent, Opposition and Social Activism, Bugajski, Janusz, and Pollack Maxine , Boulder CO, p.333, (1989)
The failure of intervention in Panama: Humiliation in the backyard, Weeks, John, and Zimbalist Andrew , Volume 11, Issue 1 (January), p.27, (1989)
Explores from leftist perspective failure of Reagan Administration to overthrow Noriega in spring 1988 and reasons why US turned against Noriega. Argues also that the internal opposition led by isolated upper class elite and 1988 protests indicated limits of its effectiveness. The authors accept that the July-August 1987 demonstrations did mobilize workers and peasants, but suggest that they were responding to the arrest of a popular politician and expressing popular resentment of World Bank-directed economic policies, rather than specifically opposing Noriega.
Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope, Brown, Judith M. , New Haven, p.440, (1989)
Sympathetic yet objective biography with an emphasis on political tactics and organisation.
Gandhi’s Political Philosophy: A Critical Examination, Parekh, Bhikhu , Notre Dame IN, p.284, (1989)
Political theorist and Gandhi scholar Parekh has also written a brief account of Gandhi’s life and work: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=88864].
Gene Sharp’s Theory of Power, Martin, Brian , Volume 26, Issue 2, p.10, (1989)
Examines whether a theory of power underlying nonviolent resistance should incorporate a structuralist (Marxist or feminist) interpretation, while noting the limits of structuralism for explaining active resistance.
The Global Environmental Movement: Reclaiming Paradise, McCormick, John , London, p.259, (1989)
Despite its title, this is not primarily about protest, but the international /state context in which protest occurs, stressing the UN and international agreements.
The Greenpeace Story, Brown, Michael, and May John , London, p.160, (1989)
Covers voyages to challenge nuclear testing at Amchitka Island, Alaska and at Mururoa Atoll, but also the voyages protesting against nuclear waste disposal and pollution, and to protect marine mammals.
Hugging the Trees: The Story of the Chipko Movement, Weber, Thomas , New Delhi, p.175, (1989)
Traces development of the ‘tree hugging’ movement to protect Himalayan forests, stresses the importance of the Gandhian style legacy in the strategy and tactics of the movement, discusses the role of women and profiles the leading men.
In the Name of the Working Class, Kopacsi, Sandor , London, p.348, (1989)
Eyewitness account by the police chief of Budapest in 1956, who refused to obey Soviet orders to quell the uprising and was later sentenced to life imprisonment, but released in 1963 in an amnesty granted by Khrushchev.
The Intifada and nonviolent struggle, Sharp, Gene , Volume 19, Issue 1, p.11, (1989)
See in same journal: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=81609].
Many Reasons Why: The American Involvement in Vietnam, Charlton, Michael, and Moncrieff Anthony , London, p.250, (1989)
Based on BBC series of programmes and consisting primarily of interviews with wide range of those involved in first French and then US policy on Vietnam, and individuals prominent in opposition. Covers period 1945-1973. Chapters 7 and 8 discuss protests inside US and the leaking by Daniel Ellsberg of The Pentagon Papers, which revealed in detail secret internal policy making.
Maternal Thinking: Towards a Politics of Peace, Ruddick, Sara , London, p.297, (1989)
Influential, but also much criticized, argument linking women’s inclination towards peace with their role as mothers.
Minutes to Midnight: Nuclear Weapons Protest in America 1950s-80s, McCrea, Frances B., and Markle Gerald E. , Newbury Park CA, p.200, (1989)
Mothers of the Disappeared, Fisher, Jo , London, p.168, (1989)
Nonviolence and Israel/Palestine, Galtung, Johan , Honolulu, p.79, (1989)
Out of Step: War Resisters in South Africa, Catholic Institute Relations , London, p.141, (1989)
Promissory Notes: Women in the Transition to Socialism, Kruks, Sonia, Rapp Rayna, and Young Marilyn B. , New York, p.396, (1989)
Protests and Visions: Peace Politics in 20th Century Britain, Hinton, James , London, p.248, (1989)
Covers pacifist and anti-war campaigning in Britain from the ‘imperialist pacifism’ of the Victorian period, through both World Wars to the birth of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the New Left in the 1950s and 1960s. Written from a democratic socialist perspective. Final chapters cover CND’s ‘second wave’ in the 1980s, the Gorbachev initiatives, and the role of the European Nuclear Disarmament campaign seeking to transcend the Cold War divide.
Samizdat and an Independent Society in Central and Eastern Europe, H. Skilling, Gordon , Basingstoke, p.293, (1989)
See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=5592].
Sanctions Against Apartheid, Orkin, Mark , New York, p.328, (1989)
Silence, Death and the Invisible Enemy: AIDS Activism and Social Movement “Newness”, Gamson, Josh , Volume 36, Issue 4, p.10, (1989)
Socialist Emancipation: The Women’s Movement in the GDR, Einhorn, Barbara , New York, (1989)
South Korea, Kim Shinil , Westport CT, p.6, (1989)
Student Political Activism: An International Reference Handbook, Altbach, Philip G. , Westport CT, p.519, (1989)
Thailand, Samudavanija, Chai-Anan , Westport CT, p.12, (1989)
Covers student activism in the 1960s and 1970s.
