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Once Upon a Time in the West: The Corrib Gas Controversy, Siggins, Lorna , Dublin, p.448, (2010)
Account by Irish Times reporter of the ‘Shell to Sea’ struggle and civil disobedience by locals in Rossport County Mayo against gas pipeline, but with emphasis on planning process and legal issues.
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace, Young, Nigel J. , New York, p.2848, (2010)
Although wide ranging in its theoretical approach to peace and in content, the Encyclopedia includes a strong focus on nonviolence, nonviolent action and groups and movements employing nonviolent methods.
The Pakistani Lawyers’ Movement and the popular currency of judicial power, Harvard Law Review , Notes, Volume 123, Issue 7 (May), p.22, (2010)
Palestinian Resistance and Nonviolence, Rigby, Andrew , Jerusalem, p.80, (2010)
Peaceful Resistance in Contemporary Africa: Nonviolent Social Movements in Kenya, Sierra Leone and Liberia, Press, Robert , Paper presented at the September 2-5, 2010 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association,Washington, D.C., (2010)
Press compares peaceful civil resistance in Kenya, Sierra Leone and Liberia to explore the impact of different levels of repression. In Kenya increasing open confrontation with the regime from the 1980s led to a 'culture of resistance' and the ousting of the ruling party in the election of 2002. In Sierra Leone activists faced both repression and the impact of the civil war. In Liberia, where repression was harshest, there was nevertheless resistance by journalists, women, students, the Catholic Church and others to both Samuel Doe and later Charles Taylor. See also: ‘Civil Resistance of Ordinary People against Brutal Regimes in Africa: Cases of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Kenya’, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict. This link offers a 56-minute video and transcript of the webinar led by Robert Press on the same topic.
Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment, Qumsiyeh, Mazin , London, p.304, (2010)
Queer Activism: What Might That Be?, Wickman, Jan , Issue 4, (2010)
Raising My Voice: Story of the Afghan Woman Who Spoke Out, Joya, Malalai , London, p.288, (2010)
Explores life of young woman who secretly ran schools for girls in Herat during Taliban rule, was elected to the Afghan parliament in 2005 at the age of 23, but was thrown out of it for raising women’s issues, and who had by 2009 already survived five assassination attempts. When she visited Britain in 2009, where she opposed NATO involvement in Afghanistan, the Independent ran a long interview with her: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166690] .
Readings on Social Movements: Origins, Dynamics and Outcomes, McAdam, Doug, and Snow David A. , New York and Oxford, p.821, (2010)
Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Coy, Patrick G. , Volume 31, Bingley, p.344, (2010)
Rewriting History: Key Moments and Issues of the Last 50 Years of British LGBT History, , London, p.22, (2010)
Divided into sections on 1. Campaigns against homo/transphobia; 2.Law and change; 3. Health and wellbeing; and 4. Community and diversity (covering Pride, representation in the media and LGBT communities and spaces). Includes coverage of policing, Section 28, civil partnerships and HIV/AIDS and mental health issues.
The Role of Lawyers in Trans Liberation: Building a Transformative Movement for Social Change, Arkles, Gabriel, Gehi Pooja, and Redfield Elana , Volume 8, Issue 2 (summer), p.64, (2010)
The Role of Strategic Nonviolent Conflict in Bolivia’s Transition to Democracy, 1977-82, Zunes, Stephen , (2010)
The Second Palestinian Intifada: Civil Resistance, Norman, Julie M. , London, p.176, (2010)
Shows Palestinians frequently resorted to nonviolent tactics, especially when these were framed as a practical strategy rather than just as a moral preference.
Seeking Justice for the Historical Claims of Indigenous People in Aotearoa New Zealand, Williams, David V. , London, (2010)
Small Acts of Resistance: How Courage, Tenacity and Ingenuity can Change the World, Crawshaw, Steve, and Jackson John , Preface by Vaclav Havel, New York, p.240, (2010)
Interesting range of examples of ingenious forms of indirect or symbolic resistance at individual and group level, as well as more open defiance and protest.
Sparking a Worldwide Energy Revolution: Social Struggles in Transition to a Post-Petrol World, Abramsky, Kolya , Edinburgh and Oakland CA, p.480, (2010)
Chapters by authors from 20 countries on developments in energy sector and struggles.
Stonewall: The Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution, Carter, David , New York, p.352, (2010)
Detailed account of protests that erupted on 28 June 1969 when New York police raided the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village (popular among gays), when many others joined in, and demonstrations spread across the city for several days. The ‘riots’ led to the founding of the Gay Liberation Front and the first Gay Pride marches in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco a year later.
Striking Women: Resources, , Voices of South Asian women workers from Grunwick and Gate Gourmet, (2010)
Sur Les Chemins De La Non-violence – Etudes De Philosophie Morale Et Politique, Quelquejeu, Bernard , Paris, p.224, (2010)
This collection of articles by the author gathers philosophical reflections on the ethics and politics of nonviolence, with reference to numerous classical and contemporary philosophers.
Swords into Plowshares, Volume Two: A Chronology of Plowshares Disarmament Action, 1980-2003, Laffin, Arthur , Foreword by Daniel Berrigan., Eugene, OR, p.110, (2010)
This is the second volume of the history of the direct action movement launched by radical Catholics in the USA, whose tactics were taken up by Protestants and committed advocates of  disarmament in both the US and Europe. Protests have over the years been directed at a range of ICBMs designed to carry nuclear warheads, Trident submarines, and nuclear weapons plants. This volume, which includes individual accounts and information on trials of protesters, covers actions not only in the US, but in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK.
Taking Aim at the Arms Trade: NGOs, Global Civil Society and the World Military Order, Stavrianakis, Anna , London, p.224, (2010)
The author recognizes the pivotal role of NGOs in documenting and publicizing the suffering caused by the arms trade and its impact on human rights, fuelling conflicts and preventing development, as well as in pressing for international controls on the trade. But she is critical of the liberal ideology which defines NGO activity and justifies their intervention, which she sees as helping to perpetuate the hierarchy of a 'North' and 'South' world order.
Think Again: Iran’s Green Movement. It’s a Civil Rights Movement, not a Revolution, Majd, Hooman , Number 6 January 2010, Washington DC, (2010)
Training Manual for Nonviolent Defense against the Coup d’Etat, Taylor, Richard , Washington DC, p.76, (2010)
Tunisia: Stability and Reform in the Modern Maghreb, Alexander, Christopher , New York, p.160, (2010)
Relevant for background to the events of 2011.
