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In Search of a State: Catholics in Northern Ireland, O Connor, Fionnuala , Belfast, p.393, (1993)
Investigation of the convictions and sense of identity of people in the Catholic Community in Northern Ireland based on recorded interviews with fifty-five individuals – not all of them necessarily practising Catholics – about their political allegiances, their relationship with Protestants, and their attitude to the IRA, Britain, Southern Ireland and the Church.
Lesbian/Woman, Martin, ‘Del’(Dorothy L. Taliaferro), and Lyon Phyllis , Volcano CA, p.384, (1993)
By two women journalists at forefront of US gay and lesbian rights struggle from the 1950s, founders of Daughters of Bilitis and active in the feminist campaign NOW (National Organization for Women) where they argued that lesbian issues were feminist issues. A couple since the 1950s, they married in San Francisco in February 2004.
Looking behind the Violent Break-up of Yugoslavia, Coulson, Meg , Issue 45, p.16, (1993)
Examines post-1945 history of Yugoslavia and causes of its breakdown. Notes emerging feminist peace and ecological movement in the 1980s and the role of women in ongoing opposition to the war, including Serbian women demonstrating against the war with Croatia and demanding return of their husbands and sons.
Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action, Dalton, Dennis , New York, p.279, (1993)
Analysis of Gandhi’s concept of satyagraha, of his political leadership and and of the 1931 Salt Satyagraha and 1947 fast, as well as covering critiques by contemporaries and making comparisons with Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
Martin, Malcolm and America: A Dream or a Nightmare, Cone, James H. , London, p.358, (1993)
Compares two contrasting African-American leaders. Initially totally opposed, they moved closer together in the later 1960s, as King came out against the Vietnam War and Malcolm X moved away from black messianic separatism. They also worked with different constituencies: the black communities of the south and the alienated residents of the northern ghettoes.
Mobilizing Against Nuclear Energy: A Comparison of Germany and the United States, Joppke, Christian , Berkeley CA, p.307, (1993)
The New Conscientious Objection: From Sacred to Secular Resistance, Moskos, Charles C., and Chambers John Whitelay , New York, p.296, (1993)
The New Conscientious Objection: From Sacred to Secular Resistance, Moskos, Charles C., and Chambers John Whiteclay , Oxford and New York, p.286, (1993)
Section 1 suggests ‘the secularization of conscience and modern individ-ualism have been the driving force’ in the rise of conscientious objection. Section 2 looks at the historical record in the USA. Section 3 has articles on France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the former Communist states in Eastern Europe, Israel and South Africa.
The New Resource Wars: Native and Environmental Struggles against Multinational Corporations, Gedicks, Al , Boston MA, p.270, (1993)
Examines campaigns by the Ojibwa Indians against mining and over land tenure and the role of multinationals in Wisconsin.
Nonviolent Action in the Liberation of Latvia, Eglitis, Olgerts , Cambridge MA, p.72, (1993)
Nonviolent Struggle and the Revolution in East Germany, Bleiker, Roland , Cambridge MA, p.53, (1993)
Out of the Shadows: The Communities of Population in Resistance in Guatemala, Ecumenical Program on Central America(EPICA), and Center for Human Rights Legal Action(CHRLA) , Washington DC, (1993)
Political Expression and Ethnicity: Statecraft and Mobilization in the Maori World, Hazelhurst, Kayleen M. , Westport CT, p.222, (1993)
Includes information on demonstrations, but focus on the Mana Motukhake political party founded at beginning of 1980s which contested several elections and by-elections in that decade.
The Politics of Structural Adjustment in Nigeria, Olukoshi, Adebayo , Portsmouth NH, p.144, (1993)
Includes assessments of the increasingly active role of civil society and relations with the state.
The Poll Tax Struggle in Britain: A Reply to Hoggett and Burn, Lavalette, Michael, and Mooney Gerry , Volume 12, Issue (Jan.), p.13, (1993)
Power and Protest: Movements for Change in Australian Society, Burgmann, Verity , St Leonards NSW, p.302, (1993)
See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=7308].
Present at the Transition, Sanguinetti, Julio Maria , Baltimore MD, p.8, (1993)
Sanguinetti, a lawyer and journalist, was President from 1985-1990 and played a central role in the negotiations at various times between 1980 and 1984 and notes the importance of dialogue, although this is a more broad ranging analysis of forms of transition.
Repression, Exile and Democracy: Uruguayan Culture, Sosnowski, Saul, and Popkin Louise B. , Durham NC, p.272, (1993)
The Role of the political parties in the redemocratization of Uruguay, Kaufman, Edy , Durham NC, p.42, (1993)
Includes references to role of ‘truly peaceful resistance’ in 1983.
A Single Tear, Wu, Ningkun , London, p.367, (1993)
Wu, a university teacher of English educated in the US, returned to China in 1951. This is a personal account of his experiences. The Hundred Flowers campaign is covered pp. 47-72.
Social Defence, Social Change, Martin, Brian , London, p.157, (1993)
Anarchist perspective on civilian (nonviolent) defence.
Social Origins of National Conferences in Benin and Togo, Heilbrunn, John , Volume 31, Issue 2 (June), p.23, (1993)
Stresses the role of voluntary associations in Benin.
South Africa: From Laager to Anti-Apartheid, Seegers, Annette , New York, p.8, (1993)
Surveys development of conscientious objection from 1960.
State and society in Thailand: How fragile the democracy?, Paribhatra, Sukhumbhand , Volume 33, Issue (September), p.15, (1993)
Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the Twentieth Century, Ackerman, Peter, and Kruegler Christopher , Westport CT, p.366, (1993)
Focuses on the importance of resistance strategy in determining the outcome. Outlines 12 principles of strategic action and assesses five movements (Russia 1905, Ruhr 1923, the Indian independence campaign,, resistance in German-occupied Denmark, and Solidarity in Poland) in relation to these principles.
