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Everyday Revolutions: horizontalism and autonomy in Argentina, Sitrin, Marina , London, p.272, (2012)
”For Democracy – Against Violence”: a Kosovar Alternative, Krasniqi, Gezim , Baden-Baden, p.20, (2012)
Freedom in Entangled Worlds: West Papua and the Architecture of Global Power, Kirksey, Eben , Durham NC, p.344, (2012)
From Protest to Proposal: The Contentious Politics of the Nicaraguan Anti-Water Privatization Social Movement, Romano, Sarah , Volume 31, Issue 4, p.16, (2012)
Gandhian Views on Democracy, Mishra, K.P. , Volume 34, Issue 2-3 (Jul-Dec), p.12, (2012)
Primarily an exposition of Gandhi’s theory of democracy, but commenting on Hazare’s anti-corruption movement as a starting point.
Gay Pride and its Queer Discontents: ACT UP and the Political Deployment of Affect, Rand, Erin J. , Volume 98, Issue 1, p.6, (2012)
The Global Movement against Fracking : Lessons from Bulgaria, the UK and New York State, Castle, Ben , p.13, (2012)
Go Feminist: Feminism for all, Okolosie, Lola , Issue Apr/May, (2012)
Account of first Go Feminist conference designed to link up and inspire activists.
Grassroots Groups and Civil Society Actors in Pro-democratic Transitions in Poland, Piotrowski, Grzegorz , Number COSMOS (Centre on Social Movement Studies) Working Paper 2012/7, Florence, p.34, (2012)
Green Grabbing – a New Appropriation of Nature?, , Volume 39, Issue 2 (Special Issue), p.381, (2012)
Prints papers from international conference: The Land Deal Politics Initiative, (convenor of) ‘The Second International Academic Conference on Land Grabbing’ , Cornell University, 17-19 October 2012.
How to Grow a Student Movement, Chilean Style, McIntyre, Jody , Issue October, p.2, (2012)
Stresses challenge to Pinochet legacy and links with workers’ unions. Includes timeline of protests from May 2011 – August 2012.
Human Rights Movement and Discourse: Its Emergence and Constitution in Argentina, Barros, Mercedes , Villa Maria, p.282, (2012)
The Indignados of Spain: A Precedent to Occupy Wall Street, Castaneda, Ernesto , Volume 11, Issue 3-4, p.11, (2012)
Builds on participant observation in Barcelona in summer of 2011.
The Intersex Movement: Empowering Through New Technologies, Brossi, Lionel, Landa María Inés, and de Zarate Amalia Ortíz , Volume 2, Issue 22 (Special Issue), p.12, (2012)
Jahre des Umbruchs: Friedliche Revolution in der DDR und Transition in Ostmitteleuropa, Vollnhal, Clemens , Goettingen, (2012)
The disintegration of the Soviet bloc led to different kinds of peaceful transformation in Central Eastern Europe at the end of the 1980s.  In spite of many differences, common tendencies became apparent. Leading experts elaborate on similarities and differences in the GDR, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.
The Journey to Tahrir: Revolution, Protest and Social Change in Egypt, 1999-2011, Sowers, Jeannie, and Toensing Chris , London, p.320, (2012)
Begins with the uprising centred on Tahrir Square and then examines the Mubarak regime, the economic trends, and the growing protests by workers, and by democracy, anti-war, social and environment activists.
Land, Hall, Derek , Cambridge, p.176, (2012)
Analyzes conflicts over land in terms of its role as territory (leading to inter-state claims or wars), its status as property, and ways in which its use is regulated. The book examines the attempts of NGOs to protect property rights and environments in the Global South and the land grabs by corporations and governments, drawing on wide range of examples, including China and Honduras.
Land Grabbing in Latin America, , Special issue, Vol. 33, no. 4, (2012)
Land Struggles in the Global South: Strategic Innovations in Brazil and India, Schock, Kurt , Minneapolis MN, p.24, (2012)
The Landgrabbers: The Fight Over Who Owns the Earth, Pearce, Fred , London, p.400, (2012)
Examination of how land is being taken from subsistence farmers round the world, for example across Africa, South-East Asia and parts of Eastern Europe.
Lebanon: After the Cedar Revolution, Kerr, Michael, and Knudsen Are , London, p.256, (2012)
Covers Lebanon since the mass movement in response to Hariri’s assassination, covering the role of Hizbollah and other political groupings.
The Legacy of Social Conflicts over Property Rights in Rural Brazil and Mexico: Current Land Struggles in Historical Perspective, Vergara-Camus, Leandro , Volume 39, Issue 5, p.26, (2012)
Lessons of Struggle: The Rise and Fall of the Anti-Privatisation Forum, McKinley, Dale T. , 08/02/2012, (2012)
Critical analysis of failings of Forum, which was set up in 2000 and active for 10 years, but also noting its positive role as voice for marginalised and promoter of grass roots activism.
Making Sense of The Troubles, McKittrick, David, and McVea David , London, p.404, (2012)
Coverage of major events during the Troubles. Includes a useful chronology and an account of the Ulster Workers Council strike in 1974. . The revised 2012 edition also covers political developments in Northern Ireland since the origonal publication including the historic power-sharing agreement between the DUP and Sinn Féin in 2007.
Male Homosexuality in West Germany: Between Persecution and Freedom 1945-69, Whisnant, Clayton J. , New York, p.280, (2012)
Looks at prejudice and role of police, the homophile movement, the gay scene and the rejection of Paragraph 175 of the Constitutional Code.
