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Anti-Gay Violence and Victimization in the United States: An Overview, Berrill, Kevin T. , Volume 5, Issue 3, p.21, (1990)
There have been significant campaigns to protect and promote LGBT rights in the USA, including a series of National Marches on Washington in 1979, 1987, 1993 and 2000, but also in many other western countries, which are not so well covered in English publications. The political, legal , religious and cultural contexts vary, however, between countries, so LGBT communities can face somewhat different problems. (For the UK see G.2.b.)
Anti-Nuclear Movements: A World Survey of Opposition to Nuclear Energy, Rudig, Wolfgang , Harlow, p.466, (1990)
The Antiwar Movement of the Vietnam Era, De Benedetti, Charles , Syracuse NY, p.495, (1990)
Detailed and well researched account. Final chapter by Charles Chatfield analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the movement and influence on US policy. Concludes that anti-war activists contributed to the growth of public disaffection with the war, but could not harness it, but that both Johnson and Nixon Administrations adapted their policies in response to pressure from dissenters.
Arab Nonviolent Political Struggle in the Middle East, Crow, Ralph E., Grant Philip, and Ibrahim Saad E. , Boulder CO, p.129, (1990)
Beijing Spring 1989: Confrontation and Conflict, The Basic Documents, Oksenberg, Michael, Sullivan Lawrence R., and Lamberts Marc , Armonk NY, p.403, (1990)
Collection of documents from official perspective.
Breaking the Curfew: A Political Journey through Pakistan, Duncan, Emma , London, p.312, (1990)
A journalist (now deputy editor of the Economist) provides her perspective on Pakistan in the 1980s.
Bringing Down the Great Wall: Writings on Science, Culture and Democracy, Fang Lizhi , translated and edited J.H. Williams, New York, p.336, (1990)
Fang Lizhi, a prominent astrophysicist, became an increasingly vocal critic of the regime in the 1980s and was linked to the 1986 student protests.
Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Dalton, Russel J., and Kuechler Manfred , Oxford, p.344, (1990)
Civilian-Based Defense: A Post-Military Weapons System, Sharp, Gene , Princeton NJ, p.166, (1990)
Examines theoretical case for relying on the power of society to deter and defend, rather than weaponry, cites examples of Ruhr 1923 and Czechoslovakia 1968-69 as examples of improvised civilian defence, and explores strategy and possibility of ‘transarmament’. Sharp’s 72-page Self-reliant Defense Without Bankruptcy or War, 1992, written for Soviet successor states (especially the Baltic states) can be downloaded from
Creating Facts: Israel, Palestine and the West Bank, Aronson, Geoffrey , London, New York and Washington, p.334, (1990)
Covers the growing resistance from 1967 inside the Occupied Territories.
Cries for Democracy: Writings and Speeches from the 1989 Chinese Democracy Movement, Han, Minzhu , Princeton NJ, p.401, (1990)
Collection of materials from the protest movement.
Dispatches from the Barricades: An Eye-Witness Account of the Revolution that Shook the World, Simpson, John , London, p.320, (1990)
By BBC reporter; includes a chapter on Romania.
Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts, Scott, James C. , New Haven, p.251, (1990)
Much-cited analysis of forms of hidden and indirect resistance, as opposed to overt organised opposition. Develops at a more general level ideas explored in his Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance (1985). Scott discusses how everyday resistance might turn into open revolt: an aspect of his analysis that has been critically examined.
Feminism and Political Action, Gelb, Joyce , Oxford, p.20, (1990)
Comparing the US, British and Swedish movements.
The Fighting Years: The Struggle for a New South Africa, Mufson, Steven , Boston, p.360, (1990)
Washington Post journalist, who was in South Africa 1984-86, interviewed leaders of banned organizations and more conservative Africans. Less strong on post-1986 period.
Force of Arms, Force of Conscience: A Study of Militarisation, the Military and the Anti-Apartheid War Resisters’ Movement in South Africa, 1970-1988, Nathan, Laurie , Bradford, (1990)
Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama, Dalai Lama , London, p.308, (1990)
God’s Dream, Tutu, Desmond , In: Waging Peace Series - Booklet 24, 06/1990, Santa Barbara, CA, (1990)
Archbishop Tutu discusses the arms race and the concept of world order in light of the Gaia Peace Atlas, a collection published in the year of the U.N. special sessions on disarmament, that provides a study of the prospects for peace and survival into the twenty-first century.
In the Time of the Tyrants: Panama 1968-1990, Koster, R.M., and Sanchez Guillermo , New York, p.430, (1990)
The authors, Panamanian journalists, were both forced to leave the country.
Insurrectionary Civic Strikes in Latin America: 1931-1961, Parkman, Patricia , Cambridge MA, p.55, (1990)
See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=62030].
Interpreting Northern Ireland, Whyte, John , Foreword by Garret Fitzgerald, Oxford, p.328, (1990)
Reviews the principal interpretations of the causes of conflict in Northern Ireland, including various Nationalist, Unionist and Marxist accounts, and proposed solutions. Concludes that both the traditional nationalist and traditional unionist interpretations had lost their popularity over the previous 20 years to be replaced by one prioritizing internal causes. Points also to the serious disagreements among Marxist commentators but acknowledges the major contribution a number of them, including McCann, Farrell, Bew, Gibbon and Patterson, have made to the literature, Suggests a new paradigm may be needed which, among other things, would take account of the contrast between different parts of Northern Ireland where areas only a few miles apart can differ enormously ‘in religious mix, in economic circumstances, in the level of violence, in political attitudes.’
Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising, Peretz, Don , Boulder CO, p.246, (1990)
Charts the evolution of the movement from spontaneous protests to highly organized resistance.
The Iron House: A Memoir of the Chinese Democracy Movement and the Tiananmen Massacre, Duke, Michael S. , Layton, Utah, p.180, (1990)
Eyewitness account from May 19 by Chinese-speaking American professor.
Organizing “People Power” in the Philippines, Pascual, Dette , Volume 1, Issue 1 (winter), p.8, (1990)
Brief but illuminating account, by the founder and chair of the National Women’s Movement for the Nurturance of Democracy in the Philippines, of the role played by her organization and two related civil society groups between 1983 and 1986.
Outrage: Burma’s Struggle for Democracy, Lintner, Bertil , London and Bangkok, p.208, (1990)
Covers the 1988 mass unarmed resistance and its suppression.
