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Georgia’s ‘Rose Revolution’ of 2003: Enforcing Peaceful Change, Jones, Stephen , New York, p.18, (2009)
Global Movements and Local Struggles: The Case of World Social Forum, Vinthagen, Stellan , London, p.7, (2009)
History on Our Side – Wales and the 1984-85 Miners’ Strike, Francis, Hywel , Swansea, p.96, (2009)
(new edition in preparation) Account of how the strike developed differently in Wales from other parts of Britain, and grew into a national movement involving community groups, churches and Welsh nationalists and fostered a greater national consciousness with a lasting impact on Welsh politics.
A Horse of a Different Color: Revolution and Regression’ in Bunce, Radnitz, Scott , New York, p.25, (2009)
Impasse in Iran, Buchan, James , Issue 59 (Sept./Oct.), p.15, (2009)
Mostly an analysis of broader Iranian history, but discusses June 2009 protests and their aftermath.
Importing revolution: Internal and external factors in Ukraine’s 2004 democratic breakthrough, McFaul, Michael , New York, p.37, (2009)
Importing Revolution: Internal and External Factors in Ukraine’s 2004 Democratic Breakthrough, McFaul, Michael , New York, p.37, (2009)
In Bangkok: Remembering the Tak Bai Massacre, Haberkorn, Tyrell , 03//11/2009, (2009)
Haberkorn recalls a massacre of peaceful protesters in the Muslim-majority south in October 2004 after a declaration of martial law. He argues the failure of the state and courts to hold any official accountable for 78 deaths demonstrates the country's 'deepening crisis' in which the International Crisis Group reported (22 June 2009) over, 3,400 people had died.  
India – Macro Violence, Micro Resistance: Development Violence and Grassroots Unarmed Resistance, Mazgaonkar, Anand , London, p.10, (2009)
Include two brief accounts of struggles to retain land, by Adivasi (indigenous) people in Gujarat against dispossession from traditional lands by the Forest Department, and the ‘Save Our Lands’ campaign in Gujerat for common lands held by villages and often used by the landless for herding animals, plant collecting, etc, who were threatened by corporate agriculture. See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=8].
The International Dimensions of Democratization, Europe and the Americas, Whitehead, Laurence , Oxford, p.496, (2009)
International Encyclopaedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the present, Ness, Immanuel , p.4280, (2009)
International Support for the Chilean Opposition, 1973-1989: Political Parties and the Role of Exiles, Angell, Alan , Oxford, p.18, (2009)
The Interplay of Nonviolent and Violent Action in the Movements Against Apartheid in South Africa, 1983-94, Lodge, Tom , New York, p.18, (2009)
The Intersection of Ethnic Nationalism and People Power Tactics in the Baltic States, 1987-1991, Beissinger, Mark , Oxford and New York, p.16, (2009)
Intersex and Transgender in Movement!, , (2009)
Includes article on ‘Intersex and Transgender Activism in South Africa’ and interviews with activists from Africa, Latin America and Europe discussing situation of trans people, forms of organization and role transnational organizations in these regions.
Iran’s Islamic Revolution and Nonviolent Struggle, Sazegara, Mohsen, and Stephan Maria J. , New York, p.20, (2009)
Islam and Nation: Separatist Rebellion in Aceh, Aspinall, Edward , Stanford CA, p.312, (2009)
The Limits of Prudence: Civil Resistance in Kosovo, 1990-98, Clark, Howard , Oxford, p.17, (2009)
Listening to Grasshoppers: Field Notes on Democracy, Roy, Arundhati , London, p.304, (2009)
Living in Arcadia: Homosexuality, Politics and Morality in France from the Liberation to AIDS, Jackson, Julian , Chicago IL, p.336, (2009)
Account of the French ‘homophile’ organization Arcadie.
Living Silence: Burma Under Military Rule, Fink, Christina , London, p.320, (2009)
Comprehensive survey of regime in its internal and international context, covering protests against General Ne Win in the 1970s, the national nonviolent resistance 1988-90, subsequent opposition to military rule and campaigns by transnational bodies. Updated to include the 2007 protests. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=54480].
London Greenpeace: A History of Ideas, Protests and Campaigns (1971-2005), , 29/10/2009, (2009)
Concise outline of campaigns by group distinct from the better known international organization. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=165949] for their epic struggle against McDonald’s.
Making Accompaniment Effective, Martin, Brian , p.5, (2009)
Malalai Joya: The woman who will not be silenced, Hari, Johann , 28/07/2009, p.5, (2009)
Mass Protests in the Iranian Revolution, 1977-79, Abrahamian, Ervand , Oxford, p.17, (2009)
