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Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare, Porter, Gareth , Charlottesville, VA, p.310 (pb), (2014)
Detailed analysis by an investigative US reporter of attempts by the George W. Bush Administration and Israel to prove that Iran was developing nuclear weapons.  Porter scrutinizes the evidence cited and throws doubt on much of it.
Mobilizing for Democracy: Comparing 1989 and 2011, Della Porta, Donatella , Oxford, p.384, (2014)
Expert on social movements combines analysis of movements with theory of democratisation, and using comparative framework discusses causes and outcomes of 1989 movements in Eastern Europe with the Middle East and North Africa from 2011. Particular, but by no means exclusive, focus on GDR and Czechoslovakia and on Tunisia and Egypt.
Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste: How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Meltdown, Mirowski, Philip , London, p.384, (2014)
Economic historian’s caustic analysis of self-validating nature of neoliberal thought among economists and politicians and suggested bases for an alternative analysis of economic crisis and future possibilities.
Nonviolence: Challenges and Prospects, Chakrabarty, Bidyut , Oxford, p.560, (2014)
Brings together historical and contemporary approaches to nonviolent struggle and theoretical contributions as well as analyses of particular movements. Section 1 on theory includes writings by Thoreau, Tolstoy, Gandhi and Martin Luther King.  Section 2 covers 'Nonviolence as a Political Strategy' and Section 3 'Nonviolence in Contemporary Movements' including a number of contributions on important recent movements in India: environmental campaigns against the Narmada dams and to preserve forests, Gandhian campaigns after Independence and the role of  Jayaprakash Narayan, and the Anna Hazare Movement against corruption. A number of eminent contemporary Indian scholars have contributed.
Nonviolent Resistance: A Philosophical Introduction, May, Todd , Cambridge, p.200, (2014)
May, a philosopher who has taken part in nonviolent resistance, explores both the dynamics of different types of nonviolent action O (such as moral ju-jitsu and nonviolent coercion) drawing on historical and contemporary campaigns. He then considers the values inherent in nonviolent action, such as respect for dignity, and discusses the role of nonviolent action today.
Occupy the Earth: Global Environmental Movements, Kedzior, Sya Buryn, and Leonard Liam , Bingley, p.275, (2014)
Covers range of environmental campaigns in different parts of the world, including Ireland, France, Israel, Japan, India and Indonesia.
One Global Movement, Many Local Voices: Discourse(s) of the Global Anti-Fracking Movement, Steger, Tamara, and Milicevic Milos , Bingley, p.35, (2014)
Partisan and Nonpartisan Protests in Brazil, Winters, Matthew S., and Weitz-Shapiro Rebecca , Volume 6, Issue 1, p.14, (2014)
Uses evidence of two surveys to examine effects of protests on party-alignment and suggests a drop in support for the ruling Workers’ Party, but that no other party gained in support.
Pour Une Nonviolence Ethique Et Politique, MAN , p.93, (2014)
This book is the key reference guide to the main French nonviolent action movement. It presents the basis for applying a culture of nonviolence to the spheres of the economy, ecology, education, democracy, defence and international solidarity.
Power-Sharing Executives:Governing in Bosnia, Macedonia, and Northern Ireland, McEvoy, Joanne , Philadelphia PA, p.288, (2014)
Comparative study of power sharing-initiatives, analyzing the different approaches in each case and the role of external actors. Author argues that the experience in Northern Ireland, despite many setbacks and false starts, has been relatively positive, though threatened by the rioting and quarrels that followed the decision in December 2010 to fly the Union flag at Stormont only on special occasions rather than every day as had previously been the case.
The Principle of Nonviolence: A Philosophical Path, Muller, Jean-Marie , Honolulu, p.273, (2014)
The goal of this book is to develop a philosophical concept of nonviolence, aiming to challenge the ideology that violence is necessary, legitimate and honourable.
Rebellion in Brazil, Singer, André , Issue 85 (Jan/Feb), p.20, (2014)
Analyzes varied class, age and political beliefs of the protesters (sometimes resulting in conflict between them).
Reclaiming Queer Activist and Academic Rhetorics of Resistance, Rand, Erin J. , Tuscaloosa, p.224, (2014)
See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166864]
Resistance to Mining in El Salvador: A Battle for Water, Life and National Sovereignty, Achtenberg, Emily , Issue Winter, (2014)
Rio Tinto’s “Sustainable Mining” Claims Exposed, Özkan, Kemal , 30/07/2014, (2014)
Ozkan, Associate General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, comments critically on Rio Tinto’s record and notes his union’s commitment to campaign for changes in corporate policies. IndustriALL has produced reports on Rio Tinto, for example ‘Rio Tinto in Africa: Global Citizen or Corporate Shame’, available from:
Setting the Truth Free: The Inside Story of the Bloody Sunday Justice Campaign, Campbell, Juleann , Dublin, p.256, (2014)
Detailed account of the campaign set up by the families of the 13 people killed, and 14 injured, on ‘Bloody Sunday’ in Derry in 1972. The campaign set up in 1992 succeeded, in the face of intransigence by the British authorities and indifference or open hostility of many others, in forcing the government to institute a new inquiry under Lord Justice Saville. This concluded in 2010 that the demonstrators had been unarmed, that no stones or petrol bombs had been thrown and that the civilians were not posing any threat. British Prime Minister David Cameron made a public apology in Parliament, describing the killings as ‘unjustified and unjustifiable.’ The book is written by the niece of one of those who was killed, and includes the testimonies of eyewitnesses, and a foreword by the leading civil rights lawyer, Garreth Pierce.
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, Kolbert, Elizabeth , London, p.336, (2014)
Kolbert, a former New York Times journalist, sets the current crisis in the context of five mass extinctions over the last half a billion years. She draws on the scientific findings of geologists, botanists and marine biologists to track 12 species which have become extinct, or are on the point of extinction, and raises basic questions about the impact and role of the human species.   
Solidarity and Sexuality: Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners 1984-5, Kelliher, Diarmaid , Volume 77, Issue 1 (spring), p.23, (2014)
Among the many groups that sprang up to offer financial support and solidarity to the miners was the London- based Lesbian and Gays Support the Miners. This article charts support offered by LGSM and discusses wider implications for the movement on the left.
Special issue on ‘Black British Feminism’, , Volume 108, Issue 1, p.114, (2014)
Looks back at pioneering issue 30 years earlier on black feminism (no. 17, 1984) and examines role of black feminists today and the mobilizing impact of cyber feminism.
The Squatters’ Movement in Europe: Commons and Autonomy as Alternatives to Capitalism, Cattaneo, Claudia, and Martínez Miguel Ángel , London, p.288, (2014)
Case studies from most of Europe (excluding eastern Europe and Greece) covering direct action to create social housing and other community services over 30 year period.
Theories Et Practiques De La Non-violence, Diogene(revue) , Issue 243-244, p.251, (2014)
This special number of Diogene (international review of the human sciences) presents diverse perspectives on different themes relating to nonviolence: the language of nonviolence; the links between nonviolence and religion; and between nonviolence and civil resistance.  It also considers the future of nonviolence.
Thermonuclear Monarchy. Choosing Between Democracy And Doom, Scarry, Elaine , New York and London, p.582, (2014)
Social theorist Elaine Scarry recalls the threats to use nuclear weapons by successive US presidents and argues that the power of one leader to obliterate millions people with a nuclear weapon deeply violates the constitutional rights of the citizens in the US. She also argues that it undermines the social contract and is fundamentally at odds with the deliberative principle of democracy. She explores political and constitutional changes that she believes could make it possible to start dismantling the nuclear arsenals.
They Can’t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy, Sitrin, Marina, and Azzellini Dario , London, p.192, (2014)
Combines history of direct democracy from classical Greece to the Indignados, drawing on interviews with activists in contemporary movements, including Occupy, that are based on forms of participatory democracy and reject liberal parliamentary democracy.
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate, Klein, Naomi , New York and London, p.566, (2014)
Well known critic of neoliberal globalization analyses its impact on climate change, argues against the adequacy of technical fixes and for fundamental social change. She also examines the developments in the environmental movement and suggests how campaigns against fracking and tar sands are front lines in the struggle against climate change.
Toolkit, , London, (2014)
Information sheets on preparing for nonviolent action and nonviolent training resources and links to organizations offering training.
