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Routledge Handbook of the Arab Spring, Sadiki, Larbi , London, p.688, (2015)
Includes a wide range of experiences and viewpoints discussing the context and range of the Arab uprisings, and focusing on topics such as women and the Arab Spring, agents of change and the technology of protest and the impact of the Arab Spring on the Middle East. Highlights developments in Egypt.
Scholarism on the March, Wong, Joshua , Issue 92 (March to April), (2015)
Interview with prominent young leader of the Umbrella Movement charting his personal (Christian) background, and his earlier activism in 2011-12 when still at school, in opposing the Hong Kong government’s proposal to introduce a compulsory course in ‘Moral and National Education’, which he and his friends saw as ideological indoctrination. Notes the impressive support (100,000 signatures to a petition in three days) which his ‘Scholarism’ group mobilized, and the move in 2012 from petitioning to a large demonstration and hunger strike by three students.
Second rate victims: the forced sterilization of Indigenous peoples in the USA and Canada, Pegoro, Leonardo , Volume 5, Issue 2, p.13, (2015)
The author examines the decades of enforced sterilization of Indigenous women in North America in the 20th century and the influence of eugenics ideologies on this policy.  Use of sterilization was most common from the 1940s to the 1970s, when the Indigenous populations began (after centuries of decline) to increase in numbers. This trend alarmed both eugenicists anxious to maintain racial ‘purity’, and corporations seeking to exploit resources on indigenous lands.  See also: Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda, ‘Forced sterilizations of Indigenous women: One more act of genocide’, The Conversation, 4 March 2019. See also: Virdi, Jaipreet, ‘The coerced sterilization of Indigenous women’, New Internationalist, 30 November 2018. Both links expose the forced sterilization of Canadian Indigenous women for several decades, up to the 2000s.
Social Media and the Umbrella Movement: Insurgent Public Sphere in Formation, Lee, Paul S. N., So Clement Y. K., and Long Louis , Volume 8, Issue 4, p.20, (2015)
The authors from the Chinese University of Hong Kong interviewed a random sample of 1011 to assess the role of social media in the Umbrella Movement. They found a positive correlation between support for the movement and reliance on social media for news and that this group also distrusted the Hong Kong authorities, the police and Chinese Government.
Social Movements in Post-Communist Europe and Russia, Jacobsson, Kerstin, and Saxonberg Steven , London, p.128, (2015)
Examines social movement strategies and how they differ to fit national circumstances and considers activism related to the environment and sustainability, animal rights, human rights, women’s rights and gay rights. Reconceptualizes the relationship between state and civil society under post-communism. Based on special issue of East European Politics.
Social Movements in Times of Austerity: Bringing Capitalism Back into Protest Analysis, Della Porta, Donatella , Cambridge, p.216, (2015)
Analyzes movements since 2008 (Iceland) challenging corruption and inequality and situating them within the crisis of neoliberalism. Covers Spain, Greece and Portugal anti-austerity movements, but also Peru, Brazil, Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Ukraine.
States of Ireland, O'Brien, Conor Cruise , London, (2015)
Mixture of history, personal memoir and analysis by this Irish academic, writer and statesman. In chapter 8, ‘Civil Rights: the Crossroads’ (pp. 147-77) he argues that the campaign of civil disobedience begun by the civil rights movement in 1968 was bound in the context of Northern Ireland’s deeply divided society to increase sectarianism and lead to violence. Defends Partition on the grounds that the alternative would have been a much bloodier civil war than the one that occurred in the South in 1922-23. Cites a loyalty survey conducted by Richard Rose in 1968 to dismiss as unrealistic the proposition that the Catholic and Protestant working class might unite in a struggle against a common class enemy and create a workers’ republic in a united Ireland.
Striking Back', (review of film Udita (Arise), Hoskins, tansy , (2015)
  The film Udita (made by the Rainbow Collective) traces the struggle by women garment workers in Bangladesh to get better conditions and pay in the context of appalling and dangerous conditions. The film stresses the growing  resistance by the women and interviews a woman organiser who describes the tactics used to make their boss pay them unpaid wages. It is still extremely relevant as the movement of Bangladeshi garment workers continues. The Guardian Weekly (18 January 2019, p. 7.) reported briefly on a strike by thousands of garment workers for better pay which had shut down 52 factories and was in its second week. The previous Sunday women had blockaded a road just outside Dhaka. The film is made available on YouTube at this link
Supramarkt, Wee, Cecilia, Schoenenbach Janicke, and Arndt Olaf , Sparsnas Sweden, p.511, (2015)
'SUPRAMARKET tries to provide those who want to see themselves as "disobedient consumers" with a "toolkit" with which one can crack the "fatal forces" of the "capitalocene" - the age in which capital determines everything - and reclaim their energy reserves in our collective favour.' (Olaf Arndt, p. 27)
Syriza: Inside a Labyrinth, Ovenden, Keith , London, p.181, (2015)
Analyzes the rise of Syriza (formed in 2004) within its broader political context, and comments on the problems faced after its victory in the polls and the developments up to early 2015. Chapter 3 'Their Austerity and Our Resistance' focuses on popular resistance by students, strikes by workers, occupations of the squares, environmental struggle, opposition to racism and the major struggle sparked in 2013 by efforts to maintain the national broadcasting and television networks, leading to work place occupations across the country.'
Towards an Equitable and Effective Climate Deal: An Interview with Mary Robinson, Yoon, Kate , Volume 36, Issue 3, p.3, (2015)
In this interview Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and UN Special Envoy on Climate Change, talks about the Mary Robinson Foundation-Climate Justice.  She discusses how climate change disproportionately affects women, especially through undermining food security, and notes that many women are farmers in developing countries. See also: Editorial spotlight: Climate action with women, UN Women, 13 September 2019. Link to women-led initiatives in Bolivia, the Caribbean and Cambogia to tackle climate change. See also: Empowering women on the frontlines of climate change, UN Environment Programme, 8 March 2019. Brief introduction to “Promoting Gender-Responsive Approaches to Natural Resource Management for Peace”, a Sudanese project implemented by UN Environment, UN Women and the United Nations Development Programme.
The transgender revolution, , 01/10/2015, Issue 486, (2015)
Covers a range of issues and including a list of organizations and resources.
Ukraine's Euromaidan: Analyses of a Civil Revolution, Marples, David R., and Mills Frederick V. , Stuttgart and Hannover, p.304, pb. , (2015)
Collection of essays edited by two historians at the University of Alberta. Topics cover the role of nationalism, the issue of the Russian language, the mass media, the motives and aims of the protesters, gender issues, and the impact of Euromaidan on politics in Ukraine, the EU, Russia and also Belarus. The Russian annexation of Crimea, and the creation of pro-Russian republics in the east of Ukraine and ensuing wars are covered in an epilogue.
The Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong's Protracted Democratization Process, Ortmann, Stephan , Volume 46, Issue 1, p.19, (2015)
Ortmann explains the movement in the context of the slow process of institutional democratization and the dashing of early hopes. He notes the obstacles to progress through the democratic political parties created by the Hong Kong authorities. He also points to the role of the business elite, afraid that fully democratic politics would lead to radical economic and social policies, and the constraints imposed by Beijing. As a result the democracy movement has become divided, and students have come to the fore in promoting protest.
Unsung Hero: Popular Resistance Key to Defeating Burkina Faso Coup, Harsch, Ernest , 06/10/2015, p.8, (2015)
The attempt by the previous president, Blaise Compaore (forced to resign a year earlier) to topple President Kafando. was defeated within a week.  The role of neighbouring states, the African Union and UN in condemning the coup and threatening sanctions played a part. But the immediate resistance by young people and civil society groups, together with unions calling a ten day general strike, played a key role.  (For further analysis of wider struggle for democracy in Burkina Faso see Vol.1. E.1.2.3.)
Water Usage and Privatization, , Volume 2016, Cotati CA, (2015)
Useful summary analysis including brief case studies of corporate misuse of water and resistance to them (and further references): Nestle in US, Vivendi and Suez in Mexico, Bechtel in Bolivia and Coca Cola in India.
”We are not the Wild West...”: Anti-Fracking Protests in Romania, Lucian, Vesalon, and Remus Cretan , Volume 24, Issue 2, (2015)
We Should All Be Feminists, Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi , New York, p.64, (2015)
In this essay Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie offers a unique definition of feminism, by rooting it in inclusion and awareness. This book is an adaptation of Chimamanda Ngozi’s TEDx talk.
Youth, Revolt, Recognition: The Young Generation During and After the 'Arab Spring' , Schäfer, Isabel , Berlin, p.107, (2015)
Youth, Revolt, Recognition: The Young Generation during and after the ‘Arab Spring’, Schäfer, Isabel , Berlin, p.110, (2015)
American Anti-Nuclear Activism 1975-1990: The Challenge of Peace, Harvey, Kyle , London, p.221, (2014)
The Introduction examines the dynamics of anti-nuclear activism in the Second Cold War. There is a chapter on mainstream movement building, but the emphasis is on nonviolent approaches and the role of pacifists.
American Anti-Nuclear Actvism 1975-1990: The Challenge of Peace, Harvey, Kyle , London, p.221, (2014)
The introduction examinesthe dynamics of anti-nucelar activism in the Second Cold War. There is a chapter on mainstream movement building, but the emphasis is on nonviolent approaches and the role of pacifists.
Analyse: Die Maidan-Revolution in der Ukraine - Gewaltloser Widerstand in gewaltgeladener Situation, Bartkowsky, Maciej , (online), (2014)
This study of the Maidan Revolution analyzes what Bartkowsky calls nonviolent resistance in violence-loaded situations. He argues that the major use of force and violence by the regime was not a sign of strength, but of the fundamental weakening of the regime and seemed to be a desperate attempt to avert its threatened defeat. Therefore Janukowytsch's fall was preceded by three months of mobilization and civil resistance that undermined the already weak defences of the regime.
The Arab Spring and Online Protests in Iraq, Al-Rawi, Ahmed , Volume 8, p.27, (2014)
This article elaborates on earlier protests before 2019, focusing on 2011 and noting 'dozens of protests' (which crossed sectarian lines) against political corruption and calling for revolution at Tahrir Square, Baghdad, between February 12 and the 'day of rage' on  February 25 2011. On this day the government of Nouri Maliki shut down media coverage, accusing the protesters of being followers of the banned Baath Party of Saddam Hussein or supporters of Al Qaeda. On February 25 2011, 30 demonstrators were killed by security services and many injured. But the main focus of the article is on the use of Facebook and You Tube to publicize, comment on and justify the protests. The blogs and comments studied were predominantly by young men, including some in the US and Canada.
Black Stats: African-Americans By The Numbers In The Twenty-First Century, Morris, Monique W. , New York and London, p.240, p.b. , (2014)
In this work, Monique Morris provides a statistical account on the lives of African Americans in the U.S. related to the field of education, environment, sport, health and justice system, military, politics, voting and civic engagement in order to highlight the disparity between racial communities.
