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Persécutions Et Entraides Dans La France Occupée. Comment 75% Des Juifs Ont Echappé A La Mort, Sémelin, Jaques , Paris, p.912, (2013)
Huge historiography which uncovers the role of civil servants in resisting the deportation of Jews during WWII occupation in France; based on several years of archival and interview-based research.
Pink Sari Revolution: A Tale of Women and Power in India, Fontanella-Khan, Amana , Oxford, p.304, (2013)
Describes Sampat Pal and the now 20,000 strong Pink Gang she founded, which uses ‘social power’ to defend individual women treated unjustly and to challenge misogyny in general, The women carry sticks and sometimes attack corrupt politicians and policemen. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166688]
Political Culture and National Identity in Conceptualising the Gezi Park Movement, Abbas, Tahir , Volume 15, Issue 4 (Fall), p.10, (2013)
The Politics of Arctic Sovereignty: Oil, Ice and Inuit Government, Shadian, Jessica M. , New York, p.272, (2013)
A political history of the Inuit Circumpolar Council.
Politics of Security: British and West German Protest Movements in the Early Cold War 1945-1970, Nehring, Holger , Oxford, p.368, (2013)
Discusses cultural and social bases of protest against nuclear weapons, role of nationalism in the movements, and importance of British types of activism for German protest in light of experience in World War Two and the cold war. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166408], chap. 15; [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166409].
Populism and the Construction of Political Charisma: Post-Transition Politics in Bulgaria, Gurov, Boris, and Zankina Emilia , Volume 60, Issue 1 (Jan/Feb), p.15, (2013)
Article published just before protests erupted in February.
The Poverty of Capitalism: Economic Meltdown and the Struggle for What Comes Next, Hilary, John , London, p.240, (2013)
Analysis by War on Want director of how neoliberal elite is using the 2008 crisis to entrench its own power and impose neoliberal policies on Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland. The book ends with a sketch of the growing worldwide struggle against neoliberalism and suggesting how alternatives might be strengthened.
Protest Camps, Feigenbaum, Anna, Frenzl Fabian, and McCurdy Patrick , London, p.272, (2013)
Examines protest camps as key tactic of movements from Tahrir Square to Occupy Wall Street; includes Red Shirts in Thailand and teachers in Oaxaca.
Protesting Democracy in Brazil, Dent, Alexander S., and Pinheiro-Machado Rosana , 20/12/2013, (2013)
Series of 22 posts covering numerous aspects of protests, their cause, and issues of policing.
Pussy Riot!: A Punk Prayer For Freedom, , London, p.152, (2013)
The Queer African Reader, Ekine, Sokari, and Abbas Hakima , Cape Town, p.220, (2013)
Wide ranging reader including poetry and analysis, personal testimonies, and activist accounts and discussions of strategy. Testament to resistance of LGBT communities across the continent.
Reclaiming the F Word: Feminism Today, Aune, Kristin, and Redfern Catherine , London, p.244, (2013)
Based on a survey of over 1000 feminists discusses revitalized movement, the areas in which change is necessary, and how to struggle for change. International perspective but especial focus on UK.
Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles, Bartkowski, Maciej J. , Boulder, CO, p.436, (2013)
Ambitious volume in historical and geographical range (from 1765 to current struggles, and in every continent). Individual chapters feature in relevant sections of this bibliography.
Red Hill: A Mining Community, Parker, Tony , London, p.236, (2013)
Eyewitness accounts (from different perspectives) of impact of strike on community.
Reflections on Taksim – Gezi Park Protests in Turkey, Gokay, Bulent, and Xypolia Ilia , p.80, (2013)
Includes a range of brief essays on the Taksim protests, but also includes Immanuel Wallerstein on ‘Turkey: Dilemma of the Kurds’, and chapters making comparisons with Mexico 1968 and with Brazil, plus an analysis of ‘Two Waves of Popular Protest in 2013 Bulgaria’.
Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain, Tyler, Imogen , London, p.224, (2013)
Begins with forced eviction (despite their resistance) of about 500 travellers from their homes in 2011, and explores exclusion and labelling of a range of ‘abjected’ groups (treated as scapegoats) and denigration of their resistance. Main focus on Britain, but makes comparisons with other oppressed groups, such as those in the Niger Delta.
Revolution is for Us: The Left and Gay Liberation in Australia, Ross, Liz , Melbourne, (2013)
The author, an active socialist, argues contrary to widely held views that the left and working class supported earlier gay rights campaigns and that the left is central to Gay Liberation.
Ructions in Rio, Branford, Sue, and Wainwright Hilary , Issue Aug/Sept, p.2, (2013)
Sexuality and Social Justice in Africa: Rethinking Homophobia and Forging Resistance, Epprecht, Marc , London, p.220, (2013)
Covers activism for rights and over HIV. Notes external influences exacerbating position of lesbians, gays and trans, as well as role of some African leaders and cultural influences.
The Slutwalk Movement: A Study in Transnational Activism, Carr, Joetta L. , Issue 4 (Spring), p.14, (2013)
North American initiative, but taken up in Britain and transnationally.
Sparks from the Spanish Crucible: Resisting evictions Spanish style, Lamarca, Melissa Garcia , 01/04/2013, Issue April, (2013)
On the Platform for Mortgage Affected People (PAH) set up in February2009 to campaign about the hundreds of thousands of foreclosures and evictions of people unable to keep up mortgages on their homes, and often faced with a huge debt to the banks even after eviction. The group organized mass resistance to evictions, occupied foreclosed flats and houses to provide shelter for those made homeless, and to lobby Parliament to end evictions, promote affordable rents and changes to the mortgage law.
The Squatters’ Movement in Europe: A durable struggle for social autonomy in urban politics, Lopez, Miguel A. Martine , Volume 45, Issue 4 (Sept), p.22, (2013)
Examines squatting in empty properties in European cities over three decades, and argues squatting has promoted a mode of citizen participation, protest and self-management.
A Struggle for Sacred Land: The Case of Wirikuta, Palma, Lillian , 26/09/2013, (2013)
Examines resistance by indigenous people in desert of Central Mexico to government granting mining concessions to Canadian First Majestic Silver in their protected zone, and wider support in Mexico for their cause.
Students Take Bulgaria’s Protests to the Next Level. Can They Break the Political Stalemate?, Junes, Tom , Issue 44, (2013)
Useful and well referenced analysis of student phase of protests, in context of earlier student protests in 1997 and wider national demonstrations in 2013.
Sweden’s Indigenous Sami in Fight against Miners, Risong, Malin, and MacDougall David , 29/08/2013, (2013)
Saami in Sweden have right to use land for herding but no ownership rights. The dispute over iron ore mining has prompted calls for Swedish government to give legal recognition to Saami ownership rights.
