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Baltic Independence and Russian Empire, Clemens, Jr., Walter C. , New York, p.346, (1991)
Covers the period from 1945, including detailed discussion of 1988-90 moves towards independence (chapters 8-12) giving weight to role of nonviolent resistance.
China’s Students: The Struggles for Democracy, Cherrington, Ruth , London, p.239, (1991)
The Chinese People’s Movement: Perspectives on Spring 1989, Saich, Tony , Armonk NY, p.207, (1991)
Includes both an account of the protests and the authorities’ response, and scholarly essays interpreting the context. Extensive bibliography.
Civil Resistance in the East European and Soviet Revolutions, Roberts, Adam , Cambridge MA, p.43, (1991)
Cruisewatch: Civil Resistance against American Nuclear Cruise Missile Convoys in the English Countryside: 1984-1990, Baxendale, Martin , Stroud, p.41, (1991)
Czechoslovakia’s Nonviolent Revolution, Sormova, Ruth, Neubarova Michaela, and Kavan Jan , London, p.6, (1991)
Drafting the Nepal Constitution, 1990, Hutt, Michael , Volume 31, Issue (November), p.20, (1991)
The End of Socialism in Europe: A New Challenge for Socialist Feminism, Haug, Friga , Issue 39, (1991)
The Eyes on the Prize - Civil Rights Reader: Documents, Speeches and Firsthand Accounts from the Black Freedom Fighters, 1954-1990, Carson, Clayborne, Garrow David J., Gill Gerald, Harding Vincent, and Hine Darlene Clark , New York and London, p.764, (1991)
Comprises documents, speeches and firsthand accounts of from the black freedom struggle during this period. Published to accompany Eyes on the Prize TV series.
Freedom from Fear and Other Writings, Aung San Suu Kyi , London, p.338, (1991)
See especially Suu Kyi’s writings on the democracy struggle in ‘Part II’, pp. 167-237, and essays by Josef Silverstein. ‘Aung San Suu Kyi: Is she Burma’s woman of destiny?’, pp. 267-83 and Philip Kreager, ‘Aung San Suu Kyi and the peaceful struggle for human rights in Burma’, pp. 284-325. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=54419], with contributions by U Kyi Maung and U Tin Oo, London, Penguin, 1997, pp. 301.
The Gulf Between Us: The Gulf War and Beyond, Brittain, Victoria , London, p.186, (1991)
Published immediately after the war to discuss key issues raised. Gives background information and comments on the conduct of the war, in particular the killing from the air of large numbers of Iraqi troops flying white flags. On opposition to the war see: Grace Paley, ‘Something about the Peace Movement: Something about the People’s Right Not to Know’, which comments on the US-based opposition, including references to soldiers refusing to support the war, pp. 64-5 and 70-71.
How we won democracy in Chile, Fernando, Aiaga Rojas , London, p.4, (1991)
Iran, Islamic Revolution against Westernization, Moshiri, Farrokh , Boulder CO, p.20, (1991)
A Just and Lasting Peace: The US Peace Movement from the Cold War to Desert Storm, Peace, Roger C. , Chicago IL, p.345, (1991)
Peace, a writer/activist, documents the growth of the peace and justice movement in the US, with particular focus on the 1980s. Areas covered include anti-nuclear campaigning and campaigns for justice in Latin America. Discusses also debates and controversies within the movement.
Law and Disorder: The Brazilian Landless Farmworkers Movement, Hammond, John L. , Volume 18, Issue 4, p.21, (1991)
See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=165881]
Le Printemps de l’Afrique, Bourgi, Albert, and Castern Christian , Paris, p.187, (1991)
Left Face: Soldier Unions and Resistance Movements in Modern Armies, Cortright, David, and Watts Max , Westport CT, p.296, (1991)
The chapter ‘The Philippines: another Portugal?’, pp. 220-28, challenges the view that the Reformed Armed Forces Movement was ever a revolutionary movement, concluding ‘The primary thrust for the overthrow of Marcos and the installation of Cory Aquino came from the people themselves, notably the church and the middle classes’.
Living the Intifada, Rigby, Andrew , London, p.233, (1991)
Account of the ‘unarmed resistance’ of the First Intifada and also an analysis in the context of theories of nonviolent action. Addresses the issue of leverage when the regime has no direct dependence on a population but would rather expel them. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=81607], which considers the issue of ‘collaboration’ in more detail.
The Long Road to Greenham: Feminism and Militarism in Britain since 1820, Liddington, Jill , London and Syracuse NY, p.341, (1991)
Minds Stayed On Freedom: The Civil Rights Struggle In The Rural South – An Oral History, Youth of Rural Organising and Culture Center , Boulder CO, p.198, (1991)
Oral histories from Holmes County, Mississippi, voter registration campaign, which Payne (above) says ‘suggests what we may hope for’ in future historical research, identifying ‘themes important from an organising perspective’ and based on the collective work of teenagers – ‘a powerful reminder of what the movement’s values were’.
A Moment of Truth: Workers Participation in China’s 1989 Democracy Movement and the Emergence of Independent Unions, Asia Monitor Resource Center , Hong Kong, p.254, (1991)
More Than 50,000 Nuclear Weapons, Boyle, Francis, Rubin Alfred P., Weston Burns H., MacBride Sean, Falk Richard A., Hodgkin Dorothy, Wilkins Maurice, and Weiss Peter , Northampton, MA, p.145, (1991)
The contributors provide an analysis of the illegality of nuclear weapons under international criminal law. 
A Nations of Enemies: Chile Under Pinochet, Constable, Pamela, and Valenzuela Arturo , New York, p.368, (1991)
Nepal in 1990: End of an Era, Koirala, Niranjan , Volume 31, Issue (February), p.6, (1991)
See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=56817].
Nonviolent Struggle and Social Defence, Martin, Brian , ed. Shelley Anderson and Janet Larmore, London, (1991)
Analysis of nonviolent action and case studies of people power in Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Central and South America and South Africa.
