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The Geopolitics of the Water Justice Movement, Davidson-Harden, Adam, Naidoo Anil, and Harden Andi , Issue 11 (Nov), p.34, (2007)
I’ve Got the Light of Freedom: The Organising Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle, Payne, Charles , Berkeley CA, p.525, (2007)
Thorough study of grass-roots activism in Mississippi, with useful bibliographical essay. See also commentary by Francesca Polletta in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=7316], pp. 133-152.
Islands in the Stream: A Comparative analysis of Zones of Peace within Colombia’s Civil War, Rojas, Catalina , Bloomfield CT, p.19, (2007)
Joseph Rotblat: Visionary For Peace, Braun, Reiner, Krieger David, Kroto Harold, and Milne Sally , Weinheim, p.355, (2007)
A series of essays on the life of Joseph Rotblat, British physics and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, including his activism for the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Justice Ignited: The Dynamics of Backfire, Martin, Brian , Lanham MD, p.236, (2007)
Analysis of how violent attacks can (but do not always) backfire on the perpetrators. Not solely about unarmed resistance movements, but the theoretical framework is relevant to nonviolent strategy and there are chapters on Sharpeville, South Africa 1960. the 1991 Dili massacre in East Timor, and the 1930 salt works protest in Dharasana, India. Many of Brian Martin’s publications are online at
La Via Campesina: Globalization and the Power of Peasants, Desmarais, Annette Aurelie , London, p.254, (2007)
Examines impact of modernization and globalization on agriculture and explores alternative forms of development and the evolution of an international peasant voice in Via Campesina, formed in 1993 to challenge the neoliberal economic agenda.
A Lesbian-Feminist Journey Through Queer Nation’s Construction of Identity, Zimmerman, Bonnie , Volume 11, Issue 1-2, (2007)
The Making of a Quagmire, Halberstam, David , London, p.248, (2007)
Includes helpful information on the Buddhist resistance in 1963, see especially pp. 194-243 in original edition.
Mobilizing Against the Iraq War in Spain: Background, Participants and Electoral Implications, Jimenez, Manuel , Volume 12, Issue 3, p.22, (2007)
Moral Entrepreneurs and the Campaign to Ban Landmines, Faulkner, Frank , Amsterdam, p.244, (2007)
Faulkner argues that the 'bottom up' international campaign, and the cooperation between leading activists and sympathetic government officials, provides a model for a way of achieving arms control. The campaign succeeded in changing policies on anti-personnel mines in 130 countries.
Nonviolence: an Alternative for Defeating Global Terror(ism), Ram, Senthil, and Summy Ralph V. , New York, p.296, (2007)
OK’98: A Campaign of Slovak NGOs for Free and Fair Elections, Butora, Martin , Washington DC, p.32, (2007)
Paradigm Wars: Indigenous Peoples’ Resistance to Globalization, Mander, Jerry, and Tauli-Corpuz Victoria , Los Angeles CA, p.272, (2007)
Documents how multinationals are targeting resources in indigenous lands and strong indigenous resistance. Section V discusses activism and social movements and what can be done.
Perfect Hostage: A Life of Aung San Suu Kyi, Wintle, Justin , London, p.480, (2007)
Part Three ‘Sixteen Months’ pp. 225-326 covers March 1988 to July 1989, the evolution of the protests and the regime clamp down; Part Four, pp. 329-429 covers Suu Kyi’s house arrest, the 1990 elections, subsequent attempts to mobilize international pressure, and her defiance when released from arrest in 1998 and 2003.
Political Change in Post-Communist Slovakia and Croatia: From Nationalist to Europeanist, Fisher, Sharon , New York, p.272, (2007)
Analyses rise of nationalist movements, how the regimes in newly independent Croatia (1991) and Slovakia (1992) promoted nationalism and the subsequent decline of nationalism and rise of democratic civil society and opposition movements.
The Politics of Latin America: The Power Game, Vandon, Henry E., and Prevost Gary , New York, p.116, (2007)
The Politics of the Environment: Ideas, Activism, Policy, Carter, Neil , Cambridge, p.432, (2007)
Part I covers environmental philosophy and green political thought; Part II Green parties and NGOs; Part III policy making at international, national and local levels. This is a textbook, which gives guidance on other sources.
The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia, Dangl, Benjamin , Oakland CA, p.240, (2007)
The process of donor funding as the cause of social movement decline; A case study of the Barabaig Land Rights Movement in Tanzania, McKie, Kristin , 04/2012, Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, IL, (2007)
Protest and Opportunities: The Political Outcomes of Social Movements, Kolb, Felix , Frankfurt Main, p.360, (2007)
Derives propositions about social movements and political change from detailed analyses of the US Civil Rights Movement compared with movements against nuclear power.
A Quest For Global Peace: Rotblat And Ikeda on War, Ethics, And The Nuclear Threat, Rotblat, Joseph, and Ikeda Daisaku , London and New York, p.176, (2007)
Nobel Peace Prize physicist Joseph Rotblat and Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda discuss how the application of 20th-century science and technology requires a 21st-century growth in newfound wisdom. Such wisdom must arise from basic human values that transcend the limitations of knowledge and state sovereignty alone.
A Quiet Revolution: The First Palestinian Intifada and a Strategy for Nonviolent Resistance, King, Mary Elizabeth , New York, p.304, (2007)
Argues that the First Intifada represented a mass nonviolent mobilization in which women played a significant role, and looks at the global history of nonviolent resistance to suggest that nonviolent strategies are the way to achieve a just peace. See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=81551].
The Rebellion of the Forajidos: The Movement to Overthrow President Lucio Gutierrez, Leiter, Benjamin , Issue 34, p.10, (2007)
Reclaiming Democracy: Civil Society and Electoral Change in Central and Eastern Europe, Forbrig, Joerg, and Demes Pavol , Washington DC, p.254, (2007)
First section includes contributions from Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Georgia and the Ukraine. Second section is comparative discussion on range of issues by authors including Valerie Bunce and Sharon Wolchik, Taras Kuzio and Vitali Silitski.
Refusal in the International War Resistance Movement: An Outline of Contemporary Refusal and Refusal Movements in Various Political Circumstances throughout the World, Speck, Andreas , 05/09/2007, (2007)
