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Riddle of the Tatmadaw, Callaghan, Mary , Issue 60 (Nov/Dec), p.38, (2009)
Stresses economic basis of original 2007 protests.
The Road of Lost Innocence: The True Story of a Cambodian Heroine, Mam, Somaly , New York, p.224, (2009)
Memoir by a Cambodian activist against sexual slavery, whose organizations have tried to rescue, shelter and teach girls and women escaping from sexual exploitation in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and more generally. She received high level international support, but the credibility of her claims to have been sent to a brothel as a child, and of her most lurid examples of abuse in the sex industry, was challenged in a Newsweek report, 21 May 2014. An interview and report in Marie Claire 16 September 2014 in turn queried some of the allegations and interpretations of the Newsweek story. Mam is still involved in campaigning and fund raising, but controversy continues about her role, management of her campaigns, and the extent of exploitation in the sex industry.
The Role of Strategy in Advancing Nonviolent Resistance in West Papua, MacLeod, Jason , Bilbao, p.23, (2009)
MacLeod has a chapter on dialogue in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=55709], above, and a historical chapter, ‘West Papua: Civil Resistance, Framing, and Identity, 1910s-2010s’, in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=147], Chapter 12, pp. 217-237. He also contributes on Papua for
Roses and Tulips: Dynamics of regime change in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, O'Beachain, Donnacha , Volume 25, Issue 2/3, p.8, (2009)
Section on ‘Iran in Ferment’, Journal of Democracy , Volume 20, Issue 3 (October), p.15, (2009)
Articles by: Afshan, Ali and Graham Underwood, ‘The Green Wave; Milani, Abbas, ‘Cracks in the Regime’ (focusing on role of Islamic Revolutionary Guard corps and dissent in Ministry of Intelligence’; Bouroumand, Ladan, ‘Civil Society’s Choice’ (stressing human rights and referring back to her article [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=80403]).
Serbia – Nonviolent struggle for democracy: The role of Otpor, Nenadic, Danijela, and Belcevic Nenad , London, p.10, (2009)
Former Otpor activists assess its role and criticism made of the group. Accompanied by critical reflections on ‘Serbia eight years after’ by Ivana Franovic (pp. 35-38).
Shell to Sea, Bowman, Andy , Issue Dec/Jan, p.2, (2009)
Discusses community campaign in County Mayo on west coast of Ireland against a planned gas pipeline and refinery. The campaign involved fasting, blockades and civil disobedience by five men who defied compulsory purchase orders and went to jail. (See also Rossport 5 and Siggins below)
Social Movements and Activism in the USA, Valocchi, Stephen , New York and London, p.200, (2009)
Examines what can be learned from social movement activists, focusing on community, labour, feminist, gay and lesbian, peace and anti-racist groups in Hartford Connecticut.
The Social Movements Reader: Cases and Concepts, Goodwin, Jeff, and Jasper James M. , p.472, (2009)
Solidarity Based on Sexual Orientation: Regional Organising in Africa, Samba, Chesterfield , London, p.6, (2009)
Discusses attempts to develop African regional organization and activism and difficulties encountered up to 2006.
The Spirit of May ‘68 and the Origins of the Gay Liberation Movement in France, Sibalis, Michael , Basingstoke, p.19, (2009)
See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166768]
This is No Longer the City I Once Knew. Evictions, the Urban Poor and the Right to the City in Millenial Delhi, Bhan, Gautam , Volume 21, Issue 1 (April), p.16, (2009)
See also the book [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=165846]
Towards “Self-limiting Revolution”: Poland 1970-1989, Smolnar, Aleksander , Oxford, p.17, (2009)
Transnational Solidarity and War Resistance: The Case of Turkey, Speck, Andreas , London, p.7, (2009)
Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution” of 2004: The Paradoxes of Negotiation, Wilson, Andrew , New York, p.19, (2009)
Uranium Mining, Native Resistance and the Greener Path: The impact of uranium mining on indigenous communities, La Duke, Winona , Issue Jan/Feb, (2009)
The US Civil Rights Movement: Power from Below and Above, 1945-70, McAdam, Doug , Oxford, p.17, (2009)
Velvet Revolution: The Prospects, Garton Ash, Timothy , 03/12/2009, Volume 56, Issue 19, p.5, (2009)
Essay by observer and analyst of many recent movements of unarmed resistance (see later sections). Garton Ash looks back after 20 years on 1989 in the Soviet bloc, but also other movements involving large scale unarmed resistance and culminating in negotiated agreement for a transfer of power (as in South Africa) that suggest a new model of revolution has emerged challenging older models.
Why David Sometimes Wins: Leadership, Organisation, and Strategy in the California Farm Worker Movements, Ganz, Marshall , Oxford and New York, p.344, (2009)
Uses the struggle of Latino farmworkers in California in the 1960s to illustrate the concept of ‘strategic capacity’ – how strategic resourcefulness can sometimes compensate for lack of resources.
Women in Black: The Stony Path to “Solidarity”, Cockburn, Cynthia , London, p.8, (2009)
Women’s Movements in Twentieth Century Taiwan, Chang, Doris , Champaign IL, p.248, (2009)
Discusses mixed fortunes of women’s movement in changing political contexts, and how Taiwanese women made selective use of western feminist theory.
Worker solidarity and civil society cooperation: Blocking the Chinese arms shipment to Zimbabwe, April 2008, Carter, April, and Cherry Janet , London, p.2, (2009)
The Year That Changed the World: The Untold Story Behind the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Meyer, Michael , New York, p.255, (2009)
Former Newsweek bureau chief in East Europe combines personal recollections with an analysis contesting the view that the US government made a significant contribution to the collapse of the regimes – except indirectly through cooperating with Gorbachev’s detente agenda.
Youth Movements in Post-Communist Societies: A Model of Nonviolent Resistance, Nikolayenko, Olena , Stanford CA, p.50, (2009)
Zimbabwe – Unarmed resistance, civil society and limits of international solidarity, Cherry, Janet , London, p.14, (2009)
Account written during the post-electoral negotiations in 2008, but primarily assessing the role of community-based organisations (unions, professional associations, urban community groups and women’s groups) in the broad resistance movement. Draws on extensive interviews with activists. In the same volume see: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=51054].
