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The Iraq War Protests 10 Years Later, Yukich, Grace, Ortiz David, McVeigh Rory, and Myers Dan , (2013)
Assessments of degree of success or failure, unintended consequences, and lessons to be learned about movements. Contributors include David Cortright, William A. Gamson, Kathy Kelly, Lisa Leitz and Eric Stoner.
Kosovo: Civil Resistance in Defence of the Nation – 1990s, Clark, Howard , Boulder CO, p.18, (2013)
The Legacy of the Indignados, Prentoulis, Marina, and Thomassen Lasse , 13/08/2013, (2013)
Discusses impact two years later of Spanish and Greek movements: their new form of political activism and extended definition of politics.
Macht und Ohnmacht der Medien: der Medienkrieg in Syrien und der friedliche Widerstand, Al-Taher, Sarah , Diskussionspapier 34, 06/2013, Number 34, Bund fuer soziale Verteidigung, (2013)
Al-Taher begins by observing that, unlike in the beginning of the Syrian Spring 2011-12, the international and western press no longer reported on peaceful protests in Syria. The paper discusses two possible explanations: a problem of information (either a lack of information or an excess of news), or the absence of nonviolent protests in the region.  The author refutes the second thesis, arguing that despite the ongoing bloody civil war in Syria, large parts of the society nevertheless participate in peaceful protests.
Mahatma Gandhi – Sein Leben und Denken, Poehlmann, Horst Gerog , Volume 57, Issue 3, p.11, (2013)
This article presents a comprehensive account of Mahatma Gandhi’s life, work and thought and explores his continuing significance.
Making it Personal: How Anti-Fracking Organizations Frame Their Messages, Wright, Marita , Volume 24, p.19, (2013)
Marikana: A View from the Mountain and a Case to Answer, Alexander, Peter, Sinwell Luke, Lekgowa Thapelo, Mmope Botsang, and Xezwi Bongani , Johannesburg, p.144, (2013)
Interviews with strikers who took part in protests and written from their viewpoint.
Marikana and the Post-Apartheid Workplace Order, Chinguno, Crispen , Braamfontein, p.40, (2013)
See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=165816]
The Marikana Massacre: A Historical overview of the Labour Unrest in the Mining Sector in South Africa, Twala, Chitja , Volume 1, Issue 2, p.7, (2013)
Marikana Massacre and Strike Violence Post-Apartheid, Chinguno, Crispen , Volume 4, Issue 2, p.7, (2013)
The Marikana Massacre: ‘the sub-altern cannot speak', Pillay, Pearl , Issue 98 (December), (2013)
Brief article which details evolution of strike from 10-16 August.
Mass Protests under “Left Neoliberalism”: Brazil, June-July 2013, Saad-Filho, Alfredo , Volume 39, Issue 5 (Sep.), p.13, (2013)
Examines causes, range of demands, social base and ‘contradictory frustrations’ of the mass protests. Discusses political dilemmas and proposes ‘constructive alternatives for the left’.
N.B. Fracking Protests and the Fight for Aboriginal Rights: Duty to Consult at Core of Conflict over Shale Gas development, Schwartz, Daniel, and Gollom Mark , 19/10/2013, (2013)
On New Brunswick protest blockade by Elsipogtog First Nation and supporters.
A Neighbour in Turmoil: Two Waves of Popular Protest in 2013 Bulgaria, Drezov, Kyril , p.6, (2013)
Neither Turkish spring nor velvet revolution, Gokpinar, Ali , 05/06/2013, (2013)
A New Bolivia? Change, Resistance Protest from the Bottom Up, Crabtree, John, and Chaplin Ann , London, p.192, (2013)
The New Latin American Left: Cracks in the Empire, Webber, Jeffery R., and Carr Barry , London, p.402, (2013)
New Turn in Tunis, O'Nions, James , Issue June/July, p.3, (2013)
Assessment of World Social Forum conference in Tunisia March 2013, attempting to link the ‘alter-globalization’ movement and the ‘Arab Spring’.
Nuclear War And Environmental Catastrophe, Chomsky, Noam, and Polk Laray , New York, p.175, (2013)
Noam Chomsky, an internationally renowned linguist, and Laray Polk, an artist and activist, discuss the two major problems humanity is facing: the use of nuclear weapons and climate change.
Occupy Wall Street in Perspective, Calhoun, Craig , Volume 64, Issue 1, p.13, (2013)
Argues Occupy Wall Street was ‘less an organized effective movement’ than a dramatic performance.
Organising to Survive, Katerini, Tonia , Issue Dec/Jan, p.3, (2013)
Examines scale of crisis created in Greece by austerity programme and the growing movement Solidarity for All (promoted by the left coalition Syriza) creating support networks supplying food, health, education, cultural activity and legal advice, and setting up informal exchanges of goods and services.
Palestine: Nonviolent Resistance in the Struggle for Statehood, 1920s-2012, King, Mary Elizabeth , Boulder CO, p.20, (2013)
The Palestinian Spring That Was Not: The Youth and Political Activism in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Høigilt, Jacob , Volume 35, Issue 4, p.17, (2013)
Argues that Palestinian youth were constrained by the Israeli occupation, political oppression by both Fatah and Hamas, and 'political paralysis' resulting from the divisions between these two parties.  But youth activism did challenge the role of these parties. 
Peace, Power & Politics: How New Zealand Became Nuclear Free, Leadbeater, Maire , Dunedin, p.344, (2013)
Maire Leadbeater provides an insider’s view of the last 40 years of New Zealand’s peace movement and the fight for a nuclear free country. She was secretary and then spokeperson for Auckland’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and participated to the anti-nuclear weapons protests in the 1970s and 1980s. 
The People Want : A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprisings, Achcar, Gilbert , Berkley, CA, p.358, (2013)
Achcar rejects the concept of a sudden 'Spring', arguing instead that there is a long term deep-seated revolution which will take many years to develop. Achcar's Marxist inspired analysis stresses the basic socio-economic changes required.  He also covers the role of both the relatively tolerant monarchies of Morocco and Jordan and the 'oil monarchies' of the Gulf. 
