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Civil Resistance, Randle, Michael , (Online at, London, p.259, (1994)
Chapters 1-4 focus on the history and dynamics of nonviolent resistance, and its increasing use in recent decades, within a framework of broader historical analysis. The main emphasis is on national resistance to oppressive regimes. The second half of the book analyses civilian (nonviolent) defence (see A.5.b.)
Covering Dissent: The Media and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement, Small, Melvin , New Brunswick, NJ, p.228, (1994)
Direct Action in Environmental Conflict in Australia: A Re-examination of Non-violent Action, Doyle, Timothy , Volume 28, p.13, (1994)
Economic Change and Political Liberalization in Sub-Saharan Africa, Widner, Jennifer A. , Baltimore MD, p.320, (1994)
Economic Crisis and Political Realignment in Zambia, Bratton, Michael , Baltimore MD, p.28, (1994)
Ecopopulism: Toxic Waste and the Movement for Environmental Justice, Szasz, Andrew , Minneapolis MN, p.216, (1994)
Traces how a movement developed in the US out of official debate and television coverage into the formation of thousands of neighbourhood groups, and over a decade the establishment of strong civic organizations tackling different toxic threats.
Eternal Russia: Yeltsin, Gorbachev and the Mirage of Democracy, Steele, Jonathan , London, (1994)
Chapter 4, pp. 59-70, gives an eye witness account of the coup and stresses the inefficiency of the plotters and the limited popular response to Yeltsin’s call for popular defiance and a general strike.
Fifth International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns, , Founding Assembly of Conscience and Peace Tax International: Hondarribia, September 16-19 1994, 09/1994, Hondarribia, Spain, p.111, (1994)
Text of contributions, workshop reports and summaries of discussions. Conscience and Peace Tax International was established in Brussels as a non-profit association under Belgian law.
Gender and the Israeli-Palestine Conflict: The Politics of Women’s Resistance, Sharoni, Simona , Syracuse NJ, p.199, (1994)
Explores how Intifada strengthened Palestinian women’s movement and stimulated an Israeli women’s peace movement and led to joint movement.
The Green Rainbow: Environmental Groups in Western Europe, Dalton, Russell , New Haven CT, p.305, (1994)
Examines development of Green movement in Western democracies. Argues that environmental interest groups are important new participants in the contemporary political process and that, if the movement is politically successful ‘it may at least partially reshape the style and structure of democratic processes in these countries’.
The Iranian Revolution of 1977-79: A Challenge for Social Theory, Foran, John , Minneapolis, (1994)
chapter 7.
Israeli women against the Occupation: Political growth and the persistence of ideology, Deutsch, Yvonne , London, p.18, (1994)
Describes the growing number of organizations engaged in demonstrating solidarity with the Palestinians (e.g. Women in Black), meeting with Palestinian women in the Occupied Territories, helping Palestinian women political prisoners, or proposing peace plans.
La Non-violence, Mellon, Christian, and Sémelin Jacques , Paris, p.128, (1994)
The authors offer a definition of nonviolence and its main components, before reviewing the history of nonviolent struggles, as well as the past and future research agenda on civil resistance.
Lenin’s Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire, Remnick, David , Harmondsworth, p.586, (1994)
Part 4, pp. 433-90, covers the August Coup, emphasizing popular support for the resistance as well as the mistakes of the plotters. For a contrasting interpretation see:
Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela, Mandela, Nelson , London, p.768, (1994)
Includes views on nonviolence and support for the turn to violent resistance. Mandela’s earlier articles, speeches and addresses at his trials are published in: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=26559].
The Men with the Pink Triangle: The True Life-and-Death Story of Homosexuals in the Nazi Death Camps, Heger, Heinz , p.120, (1994)
The National Conference Phenomenon in Francophone Africa, Robinson, Pearl , Volume 36, Issue 3 (July), p.36, (1994)
Begins with the Benin Conference in February 1990.
The National Conferences in Benin and Togo Revisited, Nwajaku, Kathryn , Volume 32, Issue 3, p.19, (1994)
Nonviolence and the Case of the Extremely Ruthless Opponent, Summy, Ralph V. , Issue May/June, p.29, (1994)
Also available in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=16899], pp. 141-57.
Nuclear War: the perspective of a planetary astronomer, Sagan, Carl , In: Waging Peace Series - Booklet 36, 07/1994, p.12, (1994)
Professor of Astronomy, Carl Sagan discusses the roots of the nuclear arms race in the context of receiving the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s 1993 Distinguished Peace Leadership Award. His passionate speech was given at a time when the US and the Soviet Union possessed over 60,000 warheads all together, and calls for a shift from a mentality relying on mutual deterrence and ethnic hatred to one on mutual dependence, which are still very relevant in 2019.
The Origins of Democratization in Poland: Workers, Intellectuals and Opposition Politics, 1976-1980, Bernhard, Michael H. , New York, p.298, (1994)
The Politics of Human Rights in Argentina: Protest, Change, and Democratization, Brysk, Alison , Stanford CA, p.308, (1994)
See also the recent discussion between Amy Risley and Brysk, pp. 83-113, in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=7316].
Power and Community. Organizational and Cultural Responses to AIDS, Altman, Dennis , London and Bristol PA, p.179, (1994)
Assessment of role of community-based organizations world-wide in responding to AIDS.
Refusal to Participate in Torture, Arrarte, Edison , Geneva, p.4, (1994)
Arrarte is the most famous of the Uruguayan soldiers who refused to torture, and served a total of 10 years in prison for his conscience. After the dictatorship, he went on to become a general and an active member of Amnesty International.
Resistance and Reform in Tibet, Barnett, Robert, and Akiner Shirin , Bloomington IN, p.314, (1994)
Barnett also contributes an essay to [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=17433], a primarily photographic record.
