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Touch the Earth, Wilton, Jen , Issue March, p.2, (2014)
Provides snapshots of struggles by local people against chromite, bauxite, copper, silver and gold mining in Canada, Guinea, Burma, Mexico, Papua New Guinea and Mozambique, and notes movement in northern Peru, beginning 2008 and erupting into mass blockades in 2009, against logging and oil drilling.
Transgendering the media: Trans Media Watch and the struggle over representations of transgender in the British media, Silva de Assis, C. , Utrecht, p.100, (2014)
Turkey’s Democratic Mirage: The Powerbrokers Ankara Back, Cook, Steven A. , 08/01/2014, (2014)
Assessment of Turkey’s progress towards being a consolidated democracy since the Justice and Development Party came to power in 2002, arguing that despite some significant gains there are still ‘profound’ problems as the corruption allegations against Erodgan illustrate.
Ukraine Crisis: What It Means for the West, Wilson, Andrew , New Haven and London, p.224, pb., (2014)
British academic expert on Ukraine (author of books on the Orange Revolution) covers both the Euromaidan protests, which he witnessed (stressing variety of protesters and arguing that the far right played a minor role), and the subsequent developments in both western and eastern Ukraine. He concludes with a discussion of Russian policy. Wilson also wrote brief assessments during the course of the Maidan protests, for example: 'The Ukrainian #Euromaidan', by the European Council on Foreign Relations, 5 December 2013. A film on the demonstration in the Maidan by Ukrainian Director Sergei Loznitsa (duration 134 minutes) was released in London in February 2015.
Ukraine Diaries: Dispatches From Kiev, Kurkov, Andrey , London, p.272, (2014)
Account by an enthusiastic Russian Ukrainian novelist, best known for his surreal Deat of a Penguin, who was a symphatetic observer of protests, and stresses popular anger at the systematic corruption of Yanukovytch regime and the spontaneous self-organising nature of the Euromaidan movement.
Ukraine's Big Three: Meet the Opposition Leaders at the Helm of Euromaidan, Chapman, Annabelle , 21/01/2014, (2014)
A journalist expert on Ukraine assesses the three opposition politicians - Vitaly Klitschko, Oleh Tyahnybok, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk - who, after the 2012 parliamentary elections, created a 'united opposotion' and put themselves forward as 'leaders' of the Euromaidan protests.
Ungehorsam! Disobedience! Theorie & Praxis kollektiver Regelversoesse, Burschel, Friedrich, Kahrs Andreas, and Steinert Lea , Munster, p.144, (2014)
There have been frequent examples of civil disobedience in Germany in recent years.  Protests in cities and regions such as Heiligendamm, Dresden, Stuttgart, Wendland and Frankfurt represent a kind of renaissance of civil resistance. This book examines the sources of legitimation and points of dispute, and also notes different definitions of civil disobedience and how these are discussed in the literature. Therefore this book draws on the ideas and experience of various authors.
We Should All Be Feminists, Adiche, Chimamanda Ngozi , p.64, (2014)
'We were so naive and optimistic': Ukraine Euromaidan protesters tell us what's changed for them , Fishwick, Carmen , 04/03/2014, (2014)
Interviews with three protesters, two of whom were then protesting against Russian military intervention. See also: Stelmakh and Tom Bamforth, 'Ukraine's Maidan Protests - One Year On', The Guardian, 21 November 2014
When Soldiers Say No: Selective Conscientious Objection in the Modern Military, Ellner, Andrea, Robinson Paul, and Whetham David , Farnham, p.290, (2014)
Explores theoretical arguments for and against selective objection, together with case studies from US, Britain, Australia, Germany and Israel.
Why the Orange Revolution Was Short and Peaceful and Euromaidan Long and Violent, Popova, Maria , Volume 61, Issue 6, p.7, (2014)
Focuses on the lack of institutional channels to resolve the crisis and politicisation of the judiciary, and argues that the violence used strenghtened the role of the far right.
Women on climate change frontline make big impact on small grants, Odendahl, Teresa , 28/11/2014, (2014)
Briefly discusses the women-led initiative in Indonesia against the burning and plundering of forests for mining and palm oil plantation.
Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot, Gessen, Masha , p.308, (2014)
Discusses roots of the group founded in 2011 and their international support, especially among musical celebrities, after their 2012 demonstration in Moscow Cathedral, leading to imprisonment of the three involved. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166644], including letters from prison, court statements, poems and tributes by international admirers.
A Year after the Protests, Gezi Park Nurtures the Seeds of a New Turkey, Letsch, Constanze , 29/05/2014, (2014)
Ziviler Ungehorsan? Pussy Riots Performances im Moskauer, Willems, Joachim , Volume 25, Issue 1, p.7, (2014)
Pussy Riot demonstrated provocatively in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow (which is a symbol of Russian Orthodoxy) in February 2012, and then uploaded a video of this event with the caption 'Mother of  God, drive out Putin'.  This protest resulted in the arrest of the activists and made Pussy Riot world-famous, though they had staged four other politically and artistically motivated performances. This article assesses whether Pussy Riot's acts can be seen as civil disobedience.   A much more extensive list of German titles is available in: Steinweg, Reiner, with Saskia Thorbecke, Gewaltf reie Aktion, Ziviler Ungehorsam, Sociale Vertedigung, Linz/ Donau 2011. Link on The bibliography (which includes a few titles in English and other languages) covers the theory of nonviolent action, case studies and  reports on individual campaigns, movement literature, training for nonviolent action, civil disobedience, social defence and third party intervention including nonviolent action.  It also includes materials on influential individual resisters and activists and theorists.  Volumes 2 and 3 cover a list of authors and titles listed by year of publication. NB It is hoped to make this bibliography more readily available on the internet in the future.   
2013: The Year of Bulgarian Protest, Lipkis, Sarah , 17/12/2013, p.3, (2013)
The Activist’s Handbook: Winning Social Change in the 21st Century, Shaw, Randy , Berkeley CA, p.304, (2013)
Urban activist focuses on how to achieve social change even in difficult environments.
All the Rebel Women: The Rise of the Fourth Wave of Feminism, Cochrane, Kira , London, p.71, (2013)
See also her article [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166704] Describes wide range of feminist activities and groups (both established like the Fawcett Society, and new) and wider attitudes to feminism in mainstream organizations such as Girl Guides and Mumsnet.
Beyond the Arab Spring: Authoritarianism and Democratization in the Arab World, Brynen, Rex, Moore Pete W., Salloukh Bassel F., and Zahar Marie-Joelle , Boulder CO, p.349, (2013)
Bulgaria: lost in transition, Nikolov, Nikolay, Kurzydlowski Dessislava Hristova, Merkova Sonya, and Simeonova Tanya , 10/12/2013, (2013)
Stresses that Bulgaria’s corrupt and incompetent governments are result of the nature of the 1989 transition, the opportunities created then for members of the security services to seize economic, social and political power, and lack of public debate about the past.
The Bulgarian Winter of Protests, Ivancheva, Mariya , 15/03/2013, (2013)
Article explaining the economic, social and political context of the protests that forced Boyko Borissov to resign at the end of February 2013, and the immediate repercussions. Ivancheva is highly critical of 'monopolies in the hands of private companies' within a context of no state regulation, and notes problems in electoral law making it hard for smaller parties to contest elections.
Civil Resistance: A Tale of Two Struggles, Bartkowsky, Maciej, and Kahf Mohja , Part 1 and 2, 23/09/2013, (2013)
The articles discuss the 'tragedy' of nonviolent resistance being overtaken by armed resistance and the tendency of the nonviolent activism to be obscured, and outline the role of nonviolent resistance in  Syria so far.
Civil resistance as deterrent to fracking, Duhamel, Philippe , 26/09/2013, (2013)
Part I: ‘They Shale Not Pass’, 26 Sept. 2013; Part II: Shale 911’, 26 Sept 2013
Comandante: Inside Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela, Carroll, Rory , London, p.320, (2013)
Conscientious Objection to Military Service in International Human Rights Law, Cinar, Ozgur Heval , New York, p.276, (2013)
An updated overview of the recognition of the right to conscientious objection in international human rights law, with a focus on the UN and Council of Europe.
