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Protest and Survive, Thompson, Edward P. , London, p.33, (1980)
This polemic, whose title was prompted by government civil defence advice ‘Protect and Survive’, provided considerable impetus to the rejuvenated nuclear disarmament movement of the 1980s, and the launch of the European Nuclear Disarmament (END) campaign in which Thompson played a leading role.
Side Show: Kissinger, Nixon an d the Destruction of Cambodia, Shawcross, William , London, p.467, (1980)
Detailed analysis of the evolution of the US war on Cambodia.
Social Power and Political Freedom, Sharp, Gene , Introduction by Senator Mark. O. Hatfield, Boston, MA, (1980)
Sharp, whose 1973 three volume The Politics of Nonviolent Action is now a standard reference work on the theory and strategy of civil resistance has here brought together a collection of writings from over 20 years to address key themes relating to social power and popular empowerment. Other topics covered include several essays on civilian-based defence, reflections on the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa (written as a series of articles in 1963), civil disobedience in a democracy, and review essays of Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, and On Revolution.
Tell the American People: Perspectives on the Iranian Revolution, Albert, David H. , Philadelphia PA, p.212, (1980)
Albert also comments briefly on the Iranian Revolution to illustrate the dynamics of power relationships (pp. 29-36) in his booklet: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=80287].
On Violence, Kaunda, Kenneth, and Morris Colin , London, p.184, (1980)
Kaunda, President of Zambia and an advocate of nonviolence, wrestles with problems of violence and nonviolence, giving his reasons for ultimately accepting the case for armed struggle in neighbouring Zimbabwe.
War and an Irish Town, McCann, Eamonn , London, p.176, (1980)
Describes the genesis of the civil rights and housing action campaign in Derry in which he played a leading role, and the civil rights march through the city in October 1968, which was attacked by the RUC and is now widely regarded as marking the start of the Troubles. Analyzes subsequent political developments from a radical socialist perspective and argues that the solution to the conflict lies in the creation of an all-Ireland workers’ republic. Critical of what he regards as the apolitical stance of NICRA , and of the later Women Together and Peace People campaigns. McCann took part in the Battle of the Bogside in 1969 and the civil rights march in Derry on Bloody Sunday. Argues that there is war in Ireland ‘ because capitalism, to establish and preserve itself, created conditions which made war inevitable.’
The War Without a Name: France in Algeria 1954-62, Talbott, John , New York, p.305, (1980)
Ch. 9 examines the generals’ putsch in 1961 and notes responses to it both by the left and by De Gaulle, and their conflicting claims to have quashed the coup.
No Nukes: Everyone’s Guide to Nuclear Power, Gyorgy, Anna , Cambridge MA, p.478, (1979)
Includes large section on the transnational movement against nuclear power.
The Nuclear Question: The United States and Nuclear Weapons 1946-1976, Mandelbaum, Michael , Cambridge, p.288, (1979)
Opposition in Eastern Europe, Tokes, Rudolf L. , London, p.306, (1979)
Includes surveys of human rights and political change, worker resistance and potential for peasant opposition, and essays on Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Poland and Hungary from 1968-1978.
Poor People’s Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail, Piven, Frances Fox, and Cloward Richard A. , New York, p.408, (1979)
Compares the efficacy of defiance and disruption with constitutional methods in four US movements.
Uranium Mines on Native Land, La Duke, Winona , 02/05/1979, (1979)
On struggle in late 1970s by Navajos against proposed uranium and coal mining, stressing dangers of uranium mining. See also her article [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166141], on Navajo resistance in past and new threat from revived stress on nuclear power. (Includes references to Kakadu.)
We Eat the Mines and the Mines Eat Us: Dependency and Exploitation in Bolivian Tin Mines, Nash, June , New York, p.363, (1979)
Includes material on strikes, demonstrations, hunger strikes and road blocks.
Bulletin of Peace Proposals, International Peace Research Association, and International Peace Research Institute , Volume 9, Oslo and Boston MA, (1978)
Issue devoted to reconsideration of nonviolent defence with contributions by leading exponents, including Sharp, Roberts and Galtung, and articles on its role in Sweden’s Total Defence strategy, and on a Dutch government research project.
Creative Conflict: The Politics of Welsh Devolution, Osmond, John , Llandysul and London, p.314, (1978)
States the case for devolution, criticizes British regional policy, and traces the emergence and development of a distinctive Welsh politics.
Dictatorship and Political Dissent: Workers and Students in Franco’s Spain, Maravall, Jose , London, p.199, (1978)
From Mobilization to Resistance, Tilly, Charles , Reading MA, (1978)
A classic of the social movement literature and the developing concepts of ‘repertoire’ and ‘contentious politics’.
Greenpeace III: The Journey into the Bomb, McTaggart, David, and Hunter Robert , London, p.372, (1978)
Leading Greenpeace activists recount how their boat succeeded in sailing into the French nuclear testing zone near Muroroa Atoll in 1971, forcing the French government to halt one of its planned nuclear tests.
Grunwick: The Workers’ Story, Dromey, Jack , London, p.207, (1978)
The author was secretary of Brent Trades Council in London when the non-unionised women strikers at the mail-order plant contacted him for help in 1976, and became a member of the strike committee. He also wrote an obituary of the inspirational leader of the strike, Jayaben Desia, when she died 23 December 2010 (Guardian, 29 Dec 2010, p.30). (For a celebration of Desia’s role and life see also Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, ‘Remembering an unsung heroine of our modern history’, Independent, 3 Jan 2011, p.5.)
Linguistic conflict in Wales: A problem in the design of government, Madgwick, P.J. , London, p.15, (1978)
Peacekeeping by Unarmed Buffer Forces: Precedents and Proposals, Keyes, Gene , Volume 5, Issue 2/3, p.8, (1978)
Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Wales, Williams, Glyn , London, (1978)
Southern Africa after Soweto, Callinicos, Alex, and Rogers John , London, p.246, (1978)
Includes critical assessment of the 1960s campaigns and examination of trade union action in the 1970s.
The Testimony of Steve Biko, Biko, Steve , London, p.298, (1978)
Biko, a key figure in the move to radical black consciousness, was killed while in custody by the security services.
The Tragedy of Chile, Alexander, Robert I. , Westport CT, p.509, (1978)
