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The Kwangju Uprising: Shadows over the Regime in South Korea, Clark, Donald N. , Boulder CO, p.101, (1987)
Includes bibliography pp. 95-96.
Living in Truth: 22 Essays Published on the Occasion of the Award of the Erasmus Prize to Vaclav Havel, Havel, Václav , London, p.315, (1987)
The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It: The Memoir of Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, Robinson, Jo Ann Gibson , Knoxville, p.208, (1987)
Never the Same Again: Women and the Miners’ Strike, Stead, Jean , London, p.177, (1987)
Nonviolent direct action in the 1950s and 1960s, Randle, Michael , Manchester, p.31, (1987)
Panama: Disaster or democracy?, Arias Calderon, Ricardo , Volume 66, Issue Winter 1987/88, p.20, (1987)
The President of the Christian Democratic Party discusses the 1987 National Civic Crusade to coordinate the protest movements and formulate its key demands: for justice, removal of Noriega and democratiization. Explains background to protests, notes the 1,500 arrests and numerous shootings of protesters, and comments on changing attitudes inside the USA.
People Power: An Eyewitness History: The Philippine Revolution of 1986, Mercado, Monina Allarey , Manila and New York, p.320, (1987)
Popular Struggles for Democracy, Anyang' Nyong'o, Peter , London, p.288, (1987)
Contributors provide case studies of Morocco, Uganda, People’s Republic of Congo, South Africa, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya and Swaziland.
The Power of the Powerless, Havel, Václav , London, p.87, (1987)
(Also available in other collections.) Influential analysis of ‘post-totalitarian’ society and politics in the Soviet bloc in the 1970s and eloquent argument for individual integrity and acts of dissent by lead Czechoslovak playwright and dissident, who became President after 1989. This text inspired many activists in Eastern Europe and others round the world, including Aung San Suu Kyi, leading figure in the nonviolent resistance in Burma from 1988.
Powerful Peacemaking: A Strategy for a Living Revolution, Lakey, George , Philadelphia PA, p.246, (1987)
Analyses revolutionary popular movements (such as Guatemala and El Salvador 1944, and France 1968) and issues of cultural preparation, organisation and tactics from a committed nonviolent standpoint. Also discusses how to develop and defend revolution by decentralizing power and use of nonviolent civilian defence.
Swords into Plowshares: Nonviolent Direct Action for Disarmament, Laffin, Arthur, and Montgomery Anne , San Francisco , p.243 pb, (1987)
This is an account of the origin and early years of the US Plowshares movement launched in 1980 by radical Catholics, and edited by two of the leading figures in this new form of personal ‘witness’ against nuclear weapons. Plowshares took inspiration from the biblical phrase ‘beat your swords into ploughshares’ and physically attacked missiles and associated targets, before publicizing their actions and accepting arrest and often subsequent imprisonment. This book explains their motivation, wider social beliefs, and provides details of early protests.
Thinking about Peace and War, Ceadel, Martin , Oxford, p.222, (1987)
A frequently cited analysis and classification of different ways of thinking about war, which examines 5 ‘ideal types’ of ‘militarism’, ‘crusading’, ‘defencism’, ‘pacific-ism’ (representing many ideological and organizational strands within peace movements), and ‘pacifism’.
The United Democratic Front and the township revolt, Swilling, Mark , Durban, South Africa, p.23, (1987)
Waking Up In The Nuclear Age: The Book Of Nuclear Therapy, Glendinning, Chellis , New York, p.235, (1987)
Argues that the pretence that nuclear weapons do not constitute an actual danger constitutes a “psychic numbing”, and prevents people from taking positive action on either a personal and political level.
Women and Peace: from the Suffragists to the Greenham Women, Eglin, Josephine , Manchester, p.39, (1987)
Writings on Civil Disobedience and Nonviolence, Tolstoy, Leo , Philadelphia PA, p.426, (1987)
Collection illustrating Tolstoy’s Christian anarchist-pacifist perspective, stresses individual refusal to fight in wars. Omits ‘Letter to a Hindu’, which reflects on why millions of Indians submit to a small number of British rulers and which is available in Peter Mayer, ed.,The Pacifist Conscience, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1966, pp. 166-76. See also Leo Tolstoy, Government is Violence, Phoenix Press, 1990, which includes essays on anarchism and nonviolence.
You Can’t Kill the Spirit: Women in a Welsh Mining Village, Miller, Jill , London, p.177, (1987)
30 Years of the Freedom Charter, Suttner, Raymond, and Cronin Jeremy , Johannesburg, p.266, (1986)
AIDS in the Mind of America, Altman, Dennis , New York, p.240, (1986)
Aquino’s elite populism: Initial reflections, Bello, Walden , Volume 8, Issue 3 (July), p.11, (1986)
Observes that Cory Aquino’s movement seen as a third force by the US, though author rebuts US claims to have supported her before the fall of Marcos. Describes movement as ‘a genuine populist phenomenon’ with base in urban middle class, bringing onto the streets the lower middle class, unemployed workers and shanty town residents. Aquino avoided ties to the left, and did not need them to win the election, though – Bello claims – the left had paved the way for her ultimate success.
Articles of Peace: celebrating fifty years of Peace News, Chester, Gail, and Rigby Andrew , Bridport, Dorset, (1986)
Ban the Bomb: A History of SANE, the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Katz, Milton , Westport CT, p.215, (1986)
SANE was founded in the US in 1957 to campaign against nuclear tests, but also to draw attention to wider dangers of the arms race. Its emphasis was on public appeals, lobbying in Washington and backing peace candidates in the 1962 primaries, and its support was mainly from intellectuals and some business people; students tended to support more radical groups and nonviolent direct action against tests and bases was carried out by groups like the Committee for Nonviolent Action.
Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Garrow, David J. , New York, p.800, (1986)
Breakaway: The Inside Story of the Four Day Revolution in the Philippines, February 22-25 1986, Arillo, Cecilio T. , Manila, p.288, (1986)
Account focusing primarily on role of military and using extensive military sources, but also discusses the role of people power.
Building the Green Movement, Bahro, Rudolf , Philadelphia PA, p.219, (1986)
Collection of writings (from Nov. 1982 to June 1985) by former East German dissident and radical ecologist. Covers issue such as North-South relations, the peace movement and the crucial role of communes in rebuilding an ecologically sound society. Includes his statement on resigning from the German Greens, claiming that they ‘have identified themselves -critically- with the industrial system and its administration’.
