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Palestinians: New Directions, Hudson, Michael C. , Washington DC, p.268, (1990)
Includes analysis of the role of the labour movement (chapter 3), of traders (chapter 2) and of women in the Intifada.
Politics in the Streets: The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland, Purdie, Bob , Belfast, p.286, (1990)
Argues that the movement made a strategic error in taking to the streets because of the connection between street demonstrations and sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. Although activists drew inspiration from the US Civil Rights Movement they did not, in his view, take sufficient account of the different circumstances in the two countries.
Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, Foucault, Michel , London, (1990)
Covers a range of issues, including Foucault’s interpretation of power and resistance, in accessible form (and also includes interesting discussion on the 1977-79 Iranian Revolution). See also Foucault. M., ‘Truth and Power’ in Rabinow, ed., The Foucault Reader: An Introduction to Foucault’s Thought, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1991. For a brief survey of Foucault’s evolving thought see [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=108], pp. 530-73.
Repression, Micromobilization and Political Protest, Opp, Karl-Dieter, and Roehl Wolfgang , Volume 69, Issue 2 (Dec), p.27, (1990)
Uses experiences of West Germany anti-nuclear energy movement to discuss how repression impacts on protest.
South Africa: the Sanctions Report – documents and statistics, Hanlon, Joseph , London, p.342, (1990)
Spring in Winter: The 1989 Revolutions, Prins, Gwyn , (Preface by Vaclav Havel), Manchester, p.251, (1990)
Includes reflections by leading participants in revolutions from Hungary, Poland, East Germany and Czechoslovakia, a journalist’s view of ‘Why Romania could not avoid bloodshed’, and an essay by J.K. Galbraith on dangers of the triumph of a simplistic economic ideology, and a comparative chronology of 1988-1990.
The Strategies and Action Repertoires of New Movements, Rucht, Dieter , p.20, (1990)
Striking Back: a history of COSATU, Baskin, Jeremy , London, p.488, (1990)
Authoritative account of COSATU’s early years by then National Coordinator.
The struggle against Noriega, Eisenmann, Roberto , Volume 1, Issue 1 (winter), p.6, (1990)
Editor of La Prensa, Panama’s leading daily, looks at the role of Panama’s people and the organized opposition, in article written before US invasion.
Taiwan in transition, Cheng Tun-jen, and Haggard Stephen , Volume 1, Issue 2 (spring), p.13, (1990)
Discusses models of democratization, opting for an emphasis on processes rather than preconditions. Examines rather dismissively role of protest in 1970s, but notes evolution in the 1980s, and concludes that although 1986 did not mark a Philippine-style people power transition, it was a ‘tacit negotiation’ between the regime and the opposition. Cheng Tun-jen provides a similar analysis in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=58938].
Tearing Down the Curtain: The People ‘s Revolution in Eastern Europe by a team from the Observer, Hawkes, Nigel , London, p.160, (1990)
Voices from Tiananmen Square: Beijing Spring and the Democracy Movement, Mok, Chiu Yu, and J. Harrison Frank , Montreal, p.203, (1990)
Collection of documents from participants in demonstrations.
We the People: The Revolution of 89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague, Garton Ash, Timothy , London, p.156, (1990)
(Published in New York by Random House as The Magic Lantern).
What does Socialism Mean Today? The Rectifying Revolution and the Need for New Thinking on the Left, Habermas, Jürgen , Issue I/183 (September-October), p.19, (1990)
A Winter of Discontent: The Nuclear Freeze and American Politics, Meyer, David S. , New York, p.320, (1990)
With God for the People, Tokes, Laszlo , as told to David Porter, London, p.226, (1990)
Account by Reformed Church minister who resisted oppression of the Hungarian minority, and whose defiance sparked the December 1989 nonviolent protests in Timisoara.
The “Woman Question” in the Age of Perestroika, Molyneux, Maxine , Issue 183, p.27, (1990)
Useful overall summary analysis of changing position of women in communist (and post-communist) countries (including China), with detailed references.
Aborigines and Political Power, Bennett, Scott , Sydney NSW, p.167, (1989)
General analysis, includes some references to protest.
Across Frontiers: International Support for the Miners’ Strike, Saunders, Jonathan , London, p.288, (1989)
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, Abernathy, Ralph D. , New York, p.638, (1989)
One of King’s closest associates from 1955 onwards, Abernathy took on greater prominence after King’s assassination.
Coal, Crisis and Conflict: The 1984-85 Miners’ Strike in Yorkshire, Winterton, Jonathan, and Winterton Ruth , Manchester, p.360, (1989)
Daughter of the East: An Autobiography, Bhutto, Benazir , London, p.402, (1989)
A memoir by Bhutto’s daughter, who was a central figure in the campaign for democracy in the 1980s, which takes her story almost up to the November 1988 elections and her becoming Prime Minister. Although the focus is personal, includes material on the wider political context and the growing popular resistance.
Democratizing Brazil, Stepan, Alfred , New York, p.404, (1989)
Includes chapters on local social movements, and on the role of strikes in promoting popular unrest and encouraging move to elections.
Democratizing the quasi-Leninist regime in Taiwan, Cheng Tun-jen , Volume 41, Issue (July), p.19, (1989)
Dictatorship, Workers and the City: Labour in Greater Barcelona: Since 1939, Balfour, Sebastian , Oxford, p.290, (1989)
