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Global Anti-Corporate Struggle: A Preliminary Analysis, Crossley, Nick , Volume 53, Issue 4, p.15, (2002)
A preliminary sociological analysis of the ‘recent wave of anti-corporate protest’ seeking to provide a framework and highlight important themes.
Globalization and its Discontents, Stiglitz, Joseph , London, p.320, (2002)
Globalization, Global Alliances and the Narmada Movement, Smitu, Kothari , Minneapolis MN, p.14, (2002)
Italy’s Social Centres, Klein, Naomi , London, p.4, (2002)
John E. Fryer, MD and the Dr. H. Anonymous Episode, Scasta, D. I. , Volume 6, Issue 4, p.12, (2002)
Recounts Fryer’s anonymous appearance on stage, at the 1972 American Psychiatric Association session on psychiatry and mental illness, to announce his homosexuality. (He spoke anonymously – as he explained later – through fear of being refused tenure at his university.)
L’Intervention Civile, Une Chance Pour La Paix, , p.80, (2002)
This special issue of the magazine Alternatives Non-Violentes, collects papers presented at a landmark conference organized at the French National Assembly in October 2001 on civil peace intervention.
Landless Battalions, Stedile, Joao Pedro , Issue 15 (May/June), p.28, (2002)
Account by participant in evolution of land seizures and of how MST eventually achieved legal possession.
Lavender and Blue: Attitudes About Homosexuality and Behavior Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Among Police Officers, Bernstein, Mary , Volume 18, Issue 3 (Aug), p.27, (2002)
Mexico Under Siege: Popular Resistance to Presidential Despotism, Hodges, Donald, and Gandy Ross , London, p.268, (2002)
Spans period from 1940 to 2000, examining urban worker protest and railway strikes, new peasant movements, school strikes, student opposition and also the rise of guerrilla struggles, including the Zapatistas.
Milosevic: A Biography, Lebor, Adam , London, p.386, (2002)
Chapter 24 – ‘Toppling Milosevic from Budapest’, pp. 298-312 – covers Otpor demonstrations in 2000, but focuses on role of outside powers in toppling Milosevic and ensuring TV coverage.
Mining Uranium and the Indigenous Australians: The fight for Jabiluka, Katona, Jacqui , London, p.12, (2002)
Moving Mountains: Communities Confront Mining and Globalisation, Evans, Geoff, Goodman James, and Lansbury Nina , London, p.284, (2002)
Discusses role of corporations and governments in different parts of the world. Chapters 8-12 focus on resistance in Bougainville, the Philippines and Australia. Chapter 12 (pp. 195-206) covers the resistance to the Jabiluka uranium mine by the local Aboriginal people, supported by environmentalists.
Mugabe at war: The political economy of conflict in Zimbabwe, Maclean, Sandra J. , Volume 23, Issue 3 (June), p.16, (2002)
Examines deterioration of governance in Zimbabwe since independence and the effectiveness of opposition since 2001.
Multiculturalism in Latin America. Indigenous Rights, Diversity and Democracy, Sieder, Rachel , Basingstoke, p.304, (2002)
The New Anarchists, Graeber, David , Volume II, Issue 13 (Jan/Feb), p.13, (2002)
Nonviolent Action Handbook, Beck, Sanderson , Goleta CA, p.95, (2002)
Introductory texts, downloadable or as print copies from: World Peace Communications, 495 Whitman St, Goleta, CA 93117, USA.
Nonviolent Peace Force Feasibility Study, Schweitzer, Christine, Howard Donna, Junge Mareike, Levine Corey, Stieren Carl, and Wallis Tim , (2002)
Nonviolent Resistance in Lithuania, Miniotaite, Grazina , Cambridge MA, p.98, (2002)
Northern Ireland 1921-2001, Bew, Paul, Gibbon Peter, and Patterson Hnery , London, p.274, (2002)
An extended historical interpretation from a Marxist perspective, which makes use of the large volume of archive material released in the 1970s. Focuses on the interaction of class and other economic and political factors in the conflict in Northern Ireland. Maintains that the divisions in the country made some form of partition inevitable, the issue at stake being what form it would take.
Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition: institutionalizing a political voice and ensuring representation, Fearon, Kate , Issue 13, p.4, (2002)
(Accord is published by the London-based Conciliation Resources. Issue 13 was entitled ‘Owning the process: Public Participation in Peacemaking’, edited by Catherine Barnes.) The Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition (NIWC) was initiated by women of various political affiliations, religious beliefs and occupations. It was institutionalized as a political party in 1996 so that its members would be eligible to take part in the all-party talks that culminated in the Good Friday Agreement. It also campaigned for the acceptance of the GFA in the referendums which followed its signing.
An Obstacle to Progress, Clark, Howard , Issue 2449, (2002)
Campaign of the U’wa people of Colombia to prevent oil drilling.
Of holy disobedience, Muste, A.J. , New York, p.23, (2002)
Otpor - An Organization in Action, Ilic, Vladimir , p.54, (2002)
People, Peace and Power: Conflict Transformation in Action, Francis, Diana , London, (2002)
(looking in particular at developing skilled nongovernmental leadership in nonviolent approaches to promoting justice and ending destructive conflict)
People Power and Democracy: The Popular Movement Against Military Despotism in Nigeria 1989-1999, Edozie, Rita Kiki , Trenton NJ, p.205, (2002)
Analyses critically the roles of several national pro-democracy groups in the 1990s, and their attempts to mobilize civil society to resist. Compares their strategies and activities and their role in promoting a democratic transition.
