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What is Third Wave Feminism? A New Directions Essay, R. Snyder, Claire , Volume 34, Issue 1 (Autumn), p.22, (2008)
Clear critical analysis of third wave feminism, which also provides a list of relevant texts
Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, Chenoweth, Erica, and Stephan Maria J. , Volume 33, Issue 1 (summer), p.38, (2008)
Zur Aktualitaet von Sozialer Verteidigung. Dokumentation eines Workshops von IFGK and BSV vom 15-16 April 2005, Mueller, Barbara, and Schweizer Christine , (2008)
This working paper is the product of a joint workshop on ‘The Timeliness of Civilian-based Defence’ held by the Union for Civilian Defence.  It discusses the role of nonviolent resistance in successful conflict management today in the context of the current direction of world politics.
Beyond the Boycott: Labor Rights, Human rights, and Transnational Activism, Seidman, Gay , New York, p.176, (2007)
Especially ch. 3, pp. 47-71, ‘Monitoring multinationals: lessons from the anti-apartheid era’.
The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, Snow, David A., Soule Sarah A., and Kriesi Hanspieter , p.776, (2007)
Blogging Down the Dictator? The Kyrgyz Revolution and Samizdat Websites, Kulikova, Svetlana V., and Perlmutter David D. , Volume 69, Issue February, p.22, (2007)
Budding Hope: Lebanon's Cedar Revolution, Zimmer, Benjamin , Volume 27, Issue 3 (22 November), (2007)
Discusses the mass protests and Syrian troop withdrawal in 2005.
Changing Venezuela: The History and Policies of the Chavez Government, Wilpert, Gregory , New York, p.352, (2007)
Supportive yet critical account of Chavez’s first term by founder of
Civil Society versus Corruption in India, Jenkins, Rob , Baltimore MD, p.7, (2007)
The “Commons” versus the “Commodity”: Alter-Globalization, Anti-Privatization and the Human Right to Water in the Global South, Bakker, Karen , Volume 39, Issue 3 (June), p.26, (2007)
Examines different (though overlapping) alternatives to privatization developed through North-South and red-green alliances and argues concept of the ‘commons’ most effective basis for a strategy of action.
A Comprehensive, Annotated Bibliography on Mahatma Gandhi, Pandiri, Ananda M. , Volume 2, Westport CT, p.653, (2007)
Conscientious Objection in the Context of Canadian Peace Movements, Socknat, Thomas , Volume 25, p.14, (2007)
Courageous Resistance: The Power of Ordinary People, Thalhammer, Kristina E., O’Loughlin Paula L., Glazer Myron Peretz, Glazer Penina Migdal, McFarland Sam, Shepela Sharon Toffey, and Stoltzfus Nathan , Basingstoke, p.224, (2007)
Discusses examples of individual and group resistance, with an emphasis on defensive resistance (trying to protect key targets of repression) with a number of examples from World War Two and Nazi Germany; but it also includes the open challenge by the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, and communal struggles to preserve the local environment.
Demonstrating for “Peace” in the Cold War: The British and West German Easter Marches 1958-64, Nehring, Holger , Oxford, (2007)
A Different Chronology: Reflections on Feminism in Contemporary Poland, Graff, Agnieszka , New York, p.24, (2007)
Argues ‘wave’ chronology does not apply to Poland.
Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Birth of the Lesbian Rights Movement, Gallo, Marcia M. , Seattle WA, p.274, (2007)
‘DOB’ was founded in 1955 as a social group in San Francisco, but developed over two decades into a national organization. See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=166749].
Dynamics of Conflict and Displacement in Papua, Indonesia, Hedman, Eva-Lotta E. , Working Paper No. 42, Oxford, p.75, (2007)
The East German Revolution of 1989, Dale, Gareth , Manchester, p.252, (2007)
Eye-witness stresses the role of civic groups and the increasing radicalisation of workers and technicians, and engages critically with other interpretations of the revolution. See also his earlier book, [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=14726].
Ecuador: The Popular Rebellion against the “Partidocracia” and the Neo-Liberal State, Burbach, Roger , Berkeley CA, (2007)
Enough! Electoral Fraud, Collective Action Problems, and the Second Wave of Post-Communist Democratic Revolutions, Tucker, Joshua A. , Volume 5, Issue 3 (September), p.17, (2007)
The Environmental Movement in Spain. A Growing Source of Contention, Jimenez, Manuel , (Special Issue on ‘New and Alternative Movements in Spain), Volume 12, Issue 3, p.20, (2007)
Essays in Philosophy: A Biannual Journal, Gray, John Scott , Volume 8, Issue 2 (June), (2007)
Includes essays related to the anti-globalization movement and on civil disobedience in context of transnational mobilization.
Extricating the State: The Move to Competitive Capture in Post-Communist Bulgaria, Barnes, andrew , Volume 59, Issue 1, p.25, (2007)
Barnes notes that, although academic analysis initially stressed the need to end extensive state control of the economy in post-Communist states, there was now increasing recognition that private economic interests can capture the state and prevent full-scale political reform. While no single economic group can control the political institutions, competing groups can struggle to gain leverage for their own economic benefit.
From Civil Society to Civil Servants: Women’s Organizations and Critical Elections in Croatia, Irvine, Jill , Volume 3, Issue 1 (March), p.26, (2007)
From Where We Stand: War, Women’s Activism and Feminist Analysis, Cockburn, Cynthia , London and New York, p.288, (2007)
Examines women’s resistance to war in many parts of the world, including Sierra Leone, Colombia and Gujarat, India. It also covers women’s cooperation across enemy lines in the former Yugoslavia and in Israel/Palestine, and resistance in the west to imperialist war, and develops theoretical questions about gender and militarism. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166713]
