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The battle of Larzac, Rawlinson, Roger , London, p.15, (1977)
Blockade: A Guide to Nonviolent Intervention, Taylor, Richard K. , Maryknoll NY, p.175, (1977)
Account of how a nonviolent fleet of canoes and kayaks blocked Pakistani shipping at East Coast ports of the USA to oppose US support for Pakistan’s repression in East Bengal. Part 2 is a manual for direct action.
The Brazilian Corrporate State and Working Class Politics, Erikson, Kenneth P. , Berkeley CA, p.225, (1977)
Culebra: Nonviolent action and the US Navy, Walker, Charles C. , London, p.18, (1977)
Resistance to the use of Puerto Rican island as a US Navy bombing and gunnery range. Recounts direct action by Puerto Ricans and development of transnational action, involving US Quakers, to build chapel on the island.
Gandhi and Civil Disobedience: The Mahatma In Indian Politics 1928-1934, Brown, Judith M. , Cambridge, p.414, (1977)
Grunwick, Rogaly, Joe , Harmondsworth, p.199, (1977)
Account by journalist who gave prominent coverage to the women’s struggle during the strike.
A History of the Bolivian Labour Movement, 1848-1971, Lora, Guillermo , Cambridge, p.380, (1977)
An Infantile Disorder? The Crisis and Decline of the New Left, Young, Nigel J. , London, p.490, (1977)
The New Left became closely associated with opposition to the Vietnam War, and there are frequent references to this opposition in the US and UK, including a critique in chapter 9 ‘Vietnam and Alignment’, of New Left support for North Vietnam, pp. 163-88.
Liberation without Violence: A Third Party Approach, A. Hare, Paul, and Blumberg Herbert H. , London, p.368, (1977)
Covers both ‘partisan’ nonviolent action, e.g. against extension of a military camp on Larzac plateau in France, and ‘nonpartisan’ nonviolent intervention to try to prevent violent conflict, e.g. the role of the Gandhian peace brigade (Shanti Sena) in the Ahmedabad riots of 1969. Parts 3 and 4 analyse examples of partisan and nonpartisan intervention by international teams operating a transnational level. Several chapters are listed later in the bibliography. Part 5 analyses processes of change through the third party approach. With extensive bibliographical guide, pp. 288-341.
Mairead Corrigan, Betty Williams, Deutsch, Richard , Foreword by Joan Baez, Woodbury NY, p.204, (1977)
Account of the genesis, development and programme of the Peace People by French journalist resident in Belfast at the time the movement began
Mexico: The Impact of the 1968 student protest on Echeverria’s reformism, Shapiro, Yoram , Volume 19, Issue 4 (November), p.24, (1977)
and the Ghana Revolution, James, C.I.R. , London, p.227, (1977)
Frequent references to strikes and nonviolent resistance. See especially ch. 7, ‘Positive action’.
Operation Omega, , London, p.11, (1977)
After Pakistani repression of the 1971 East Bengali independence movement and outbreak of the India-Pakistan war, a transnational team tried with some success to take relief supplies into East Bengal. Their aim was to provide practical aid to refugees and protest against Pakistani army repression. At the same time US activists blocked arms supplies to Pakistan (see also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=166600]).
Report from Wounded Knee, Schragg, James L. , London, p.8, (1977)
On the spot account by pacifist during the occupation, noting the demands of the American Indian Movement protesters, that they had been invited by organizations representing many of the Sioux on the Pine Ridge Reservation angry about the conduct of the reservation government, and commenting on disparity between the light rifles of the protesters and the full military arsenal being deployed by the FBI.
The Sahara Protest Team, Carter, April , London, p.31, (1977)
On a transnational expedition in 1959-60 attempting to prevent French nuclear tests in the Algerian Sahara.
Worker Sit-ins and Job Protection: Case Studies of Union Intervention, Greenwood, J. , Farnborough, p.121, (1977)
Discusses sit-down strikes in Britain, the well-known occupation of the Lip factory in France in 1973 and West European sit-ins and work-ins protesting against redundancy.
The Americanisation of Gandhi: Images of the Mahatma, Chatfield, Charles , New York, p.802, (1976)
Czechoslovakia’s Interrupted Revolution, H. Skilling, Gordon , Princeton NJ, p.924, (1976)
Especially chapters 21-22 (pp. 659-758). Charts the background to and evolution of the Prague Spring, international reactions to it and mounting Soviet and Warsaw Pact pressure, before outlining the August 1968 invasion and popular and official unarmed resistance to it. Skilling also discusses reasons for the gradual end to resistance and acceptance of the replacement of Dubcek by Husak.
Franco and the Politics of Spain, de Blaye, Edouard , Harmondsworth, p.576, (1976)
Especially chapter 18 ‘The Oppositions’, pp. 490-513.
Green Bans: The Birth of Australian Environmental Politics, Roddewig, Richard J. , Montclair NJ, p.180, (1976)
Compares Australian and US environmental activism in relation to their political and social context.
History of East Africa, Low, D. A., and Smith Alison , Volume 3, Oxford, (1976)
Housing: An Anarchist Approach, Ward, Colin , London, p.182, (1976)
Ward, a leading anarchist theorist and expert on housing, examines the post-1945 British squatters movement (pp. 13-27) and assesses the revival of squatting between 1968 and early 1970s.
Kenya: from “White Man’s Country” to Kenyatta’s state 1945-1963, Bennett, George, and Smith Alison , London, p.48, (1976)
Summary of developing African opposition, including early ‘passive resistance’ and land protests, attempts at unionization, and links with the East African Indian National Congress, as well as role of Mau Mau.
Massacre in Mexico, Poniatowska, Elena , New York, (1976)
