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Peace Movements in Europe and the United States, Kaltefleiter, Werner, and Pfaltzgraff Robert L. , London, p.211, (1985)
Essays arising out of May 1984 conference at the Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, on peace movements in Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, West Germany, France, Italy, Britain and the US. Focus is on the anti-nuclear movements of the 1980s, though some contributors sketch the earlier history of movements in their countries.
People Power: Applying Nonviolence Theory, Albert, David H. , Philadelphia PA, p.64, (1985)
The Phoenix Trip: Notes on a Quaker Mission to Haiphong, Boardman, Elizabeth Jellinek , Bournsville, p.174, (1985)
Diary of a participant in this defiance of the US prohibition on taking supplies to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
The Politics of Insurgency: The Farm Workers Movement in the 1960s, J. Jenkins, Craig , New York, p.261, (1985)
The Problem of Political Obligation: A Critique of Liberal Theory, Pateman, Carole , Berkeley CA, p.222, (1985)
Critiques individualist liberal theories of civil disobedience, including the notion that civil disobedients should willingly accept punishment (pp. 57-60 and 161-2). Rather ‘political disobedience ... may be the only way in which freedom and equality can be preserved’, and minorities have the right to refuse or withdraw consent.
The Rise and Fall of the Greek Colonels, Woodhouse, C.M. , London, p.192, (1985)
Chapter 3 ‘Resistance and Reaction: April-December 1967, pp. 33-48, covers early opposition to the regime. Chapter 10 gives detail on ‘The Students’ Revolt: November 1973’, pp. 126-41.
State and Opposition in Military Brazil, Moreira Alvez, Maria Helena , Austin TX, p.352, (1985)
Storm Over Chile: The Junta Under Seige, Chavkin, Samuel , Westport CT, p.303, (1985)
Chapter 9 focuses on protests of 1983-84.
Tactical Innovation and the Pace of Insurgency, McAdam, Doug , Volume 48, Issue 6, p.20, (1985)
Thinking about Nuclear Weapons: Analyses and Prescriptions, Holroyd, Fred , London, p.409, (1985)
Covers a range of perspectives on nuclear weapons. Includes influential [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166380], arguing that NATO should not use nuclear weapons in response to a conventional attack. Also includes section from the Alternative Defence Commission report on ‘The rationale for rejecting nuclear weapons’, as well as an extract from Edward P. Thompson’s 1980 pamphlet Protest and Survive (see below).
We’ll be Here Right to the End...and After: Women in the Miners’ Strike, Loach, Loretta , London, (1985)
The Women’s Movement in Spain, Threlfall, Monica , Issue 151 (May/June), p.30, (1985)
Discusses post-Franco development of feminist movement and legislative results.
Yugoslavia in the 1980s, Ramet, Pedro, Martin Chris, and Hopken Wolfgang , Boulder CO, p.354, (1985)
Zambia’s March to Political Freedom, Makasa, Kapasa , Nairobi, p.199, (1985)
(Originally published as March to Political Freedom, 1981). Personal account by an activist prominent in the independence struggle of political events from the 1940s to 1963.
The Abolition, Schell, Jonathan , London, p.170, (1984)
Definition of the nuclear predicament and radical proposals for the abolition of all nuclear weapons.
Against the State: Politics and Social Protest in Japan, Apter, David E., and Sawa Nagayo , Cambridge MA, p.271, (1984)
Analysis of major campaign by agricultural community against loss of land for Narita airport.
Blood of the Land: The Government and Corporate War Against the American Indian Movement, Weyler, Rex , New York, p.304, (1984)
Changing the Problem: Post Forum Reflections, Murphy, Dervla , Gigglestown, (1984)
Puts the case, following the publication of the report of the New Ireland Forum, for an independent Northern Ireland
Church and Peace in the GDR, Ramet, Pedro , Volume 35, Issue Jul.-Aug, p.14, (1984)
Class Struggle and Women’s Liberation: 1640 to the Present Day, Cliff, Tony , London, p.271, (1984)
Sweeping historical and transnational survey from a socialist standpoint, noting industrial action by working women and criticizing class base and focus of second wave American and British feminism.
Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe, , Report for the Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly, Legal Affairs Committee, Brussels, p.99, (1984)
Sets out the legal provision for COs in all the European states at that date. Notes the importance of resolutions in support of making provisions for COs adopted by the Council of Europe in 1967, the UN in 1978 and the European Parliament in 1983.
Defence and Dissent in Contemporary France, Howorth, Jolyon, and Chilton Patricia , London, p.264, (1984)
Part 1 covers France’s defence policy since 1945 – including the wars in Indo-China and Algeria, and De Gaulle’s decision (supported by the major political parties) to develop a French nuclear bomb. Part 2 focuses on anti-nuclear critiques and movements in the 1980s, including a military critique of French defence policy by Admiral Sanguinetti and Claude Bourdet on the ‘The rebirth of the peace movement’.
The Druze of the Golan: A Case of Nonviolent Resistance, R. Kennedy, Scott , Volume 13, Issue 2, p.17, (1984)
Account widely reprinted (including in both [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=80232], and [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=169], (above) of the (Syrian) Druze resistance to incorporation into Israel after the occupation of the Golan Heights in 1967.
Greenham Common: Women at the Wire, Harford, Barbara, and Hopkins Sarah , London, p.171, (1984)
I Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala, Menchu, Rigoberta , London, p.252, (1984)
