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Bitter Flowers, Sweet Flowers: East Timor, Indonesia, and the World Community, Tanter, Richard, Selden Mark, and Shalom Stephen R. , Lanham MA, p.312, (2001)
Part I ‘East Timor: Resistance, Repression and the Road to Independence’ focuses particularly on the role of the National Council of the Timorese Resistance, the Catholic Church and the student movement.
Bulgaria: The Uneven Transition, Dimitrov, Vesselin , London, p.132, (2001)
Charts transition to multiparty democracy and a market economy from 1989, with a focus on party coalitions and alignments.
Campaigning for Corporate Change: Global citizen action on the environment, Newell, Peter , London, p.13, (2001)
Charles Perkins: A Biography, Read, Peter , Melbourne VIC, p.392, (2001)
Perkins has been one of the leading activists in New South Wales and his role in leading protests is described in some detail.
Choose Hope. Your Role In Waging Peace In The Nuclear Age, Krieger, David, and Ikeda Daisaku , Santa Monica, CA, p.202, (2001)
A dialogue between two peace philosophers, one American and one Japanese, that provide a balance of Western and Eastern perspectives on the imperative of abolishing nuclear weapons.
Croatia after Tudjman: The 2000 Parliamentary and Presidential Elections, Bellamy, Alex , Volume 48, Issue 5 (September/October), p.14, (2001)
Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements, Moyer, Bill, McAllister JoAnn, Finley Mary Lou, and Soifer Steven , Gabriola Island, p.228, (2001)
From his central insight that some movements could not recognise when they were succeeding, Bill Moyer constructed his model MAP - Movement Action Plan - as a tool for strategic analysis for nonviolent movements. The book includes case studies of five US movements: civil rights, anti-nuclear energy, gay and lesbian, breast cancer and anti-globalization.
The Dynamics of Contentious Politics, McAdam, Doug, Tarrow Sidney, and Tilly Charles , Cambridge and New York, p.407, (2001)
Book by three important authors in the field of social movements who also have some interest in nonviolent action – they address the role of nonviolent action more directly in their contribution to the ‘Symposium on Nonviolence’ (see below).
Emotion Work in High-Risk Social Movements: Managing Fear in the US and East German Civil Rights Movements, Goodwin, Jeff, and Pfaff Steven , Chapter 16, Chicago, p.21, (2001)
Farewell to the “End of History”: Organization and Vision in Anti-Corporate Movements, Klein, Naomi , London, p.12, (2001)
A Farmers’ International?, Bove, Jose , Issue 12 (Nov/Dec), p.13, (2001)
Discusses the Confederation Paysanne and the farmers’ international Via Campesina, but also gives account of French farmer resistance to McDonald’s.
Fighting authoritarianism in Zimbabwe, Sithole, Masipula , Volume 12, Issue 1 (January), p.10, (2001)
Fighting to organize, Xueqin, Jiang , 06/09/2001, p.4, (2001)
Gives examples of strikes and sit-ins and role of unofficial trade unions.
For the Sake of Wales: The Memoirs of Gwynfor Evans, Evans, Gwynfor , Caernarfon, p.281, (2001)
Memoirs of this key figure in the nationalist movement and committed advocate of nonviolence.
From human rights to citizenship rights: Recent trends in the study of Latin American social movements, Oxhorn, P. , Volume 36, Issue 3, p.20, (2001)
The Gay and Lesbian Movement in the United States, Nancy, Gregory , Gabriola Island, p.13, (2001)
Analyses the US LGBT movement from 1945-2000 using the model of the Movement Action Plan developed by Moyer.
Global Citizen Action, Edwards, Michael, and Gaventa John , London, p.327, (2001)
Discusses transnational civil society, its impact on financial institutions, and a range of specific campaigns, e.g. to ban landmines, Jubilee 2000, campaigns against corporations.
Global Uprising: Confronting the Tyrannies of the 21st Century, Welton, Neva, and Wolf Linda , Gabriola Island BC, p.273, (2001)
Guerrillas in their midst: armed struggle in the South African anti-apartheid movement, Seidman, Gay , Volume 6, Issue 2 (Fall), p.17, (2001)
Indigenous Resistance to New Colonialism, Gandhi, Ajay , Volume 25, Issue 3 (Fall), (2001)
Notes opposition by indigenous activists (at ‘People’s Summit’ in Quebec City April 2001) to Free Trade Agreement of the Americas debated at official government Summit of the Americas elsewhere in the city, and reports some of speeches.
Kosovo: The Politics of Delusion, Waller, Michael, Drezov Kyril, and Gokay Bulent , London, p.190, (2001)
Main focus on developments after 1996, the role of the Kosovo Liberation Army and the NATO war on Serbia (including documents such as the Rambouillet Text and the UN Security council Resolution of June 1999). But chapter two (pp. 11-19) discusses Albanian schooling in Kosovo, 1992-98, and chapter 19 ‘The limitations of violent intervention’ raises questions about nonviolent alternatives.
Listen Up: Voices from the Next Feminist Generation, Findlen, Barbara , Settle, p.300, (2001)
Collection featuring writers and activists – including Rebecca Walker, Nomy Lama and Inga Musci – and editors of several women’s periodicals – discussing range of issues.
Living with Landmines: From International Treaty to Reality, Purves, Bill , Montreal, p.208, (2001)
Purves focuses on a key issue in the campaign to ban landmines: the long term dangers of death and mutilation for tens of thousands of civilians from antipersonnel mines used in battle and left on the ground; and the urgency - stressed by campaigners for the Landmines Treaty - of clearing millions of these mines around the world. The book reports on some progress, but also some major problems.
No Toxic Dump: A Triumph for Grassroots Democracy and Environmental Justice, Strangio, Paul , Sydney NSW, p.217, (2001)
An Australian case study.
Otpor – In or Beyond Politics, Ilic, Vladimir , Belgrade, (2001)
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