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Finally Making the Grade, Bohanna, John , Issue Dec/Jan, p.2, (2011)
Recalls that the 1968 Ford Dagenham strike for equal pay, although it achieved a substantial pay rise and eventual parity with men on the same grade, did not recognise the skilled nature of the sewing-machinists work by upgrading them. Provides brief account of later 1984 strike by women machinists demanding upgrading, which led to an independent inquiry, which recognised their claim. A film Making the Grade by the Open Eye Film, Video and Animation Workshop documents this second struggle.
Frenzied argument in India , Jayaram, N. , 29/08/2011, (2011)
Article written at peak of Hazare movement, noting the divided views on the movement and criticisms of it, including the dangers of ‘messianic campaigns’ for parliamentary democracy.
From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation, Sharp, Gene , London, p.94, (2011)
Also published by London, Serpent’s Tail, 2012, and available from the Albert Einstein Institution (see website). Written at the request of a Burmese dissident, this is now widely known as a succinct analysis of how nonviolent resistance can overthrow tyrannical regimes.
From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia: Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation and the Politics of Evo Morales, Webber, Jeffrey , Chicago IL, p.340, (2011)
Gandhi in the West: the Mahatma and the Rise of Radical Protest, Scalmer, Sean , Cambridge MA, p.254, (2011)
Primarily discusses the US civil rights and the British nuclear disarmament movements.
Gay Men and Ambivalence about ‘Gay Community’: from Gay Community Attachment to Personal Communities, Holt, Martin , Volume 13, Issue 8, p.15, (2011)
Gay Men and the Left in Post-War Britain: How the Personal got Political, Robinson, Lucy , Manchester, p.232, (2011)
Gewaltfrei Aktion - Erfahrungen und Analysen, Steinweg, R., and Laubenthal U. , Frankfurt am Main, (2011)
Gewaltfreie Aktion: Erfahrungen und Analysen, Steinweg, Reiner, and Laubenthal Ulrike , Frankfurt am Main, (2011)
Noting that nonviolent actions, like the resistance to 'Stuttgart 21', seem to become the focus of public attention, the authors (who have participated in many such protests in recent years) analyze the theory, practice, history, and current situation of nonviolent resistance in its international context. 
Glimpses of the Tunisian revolution: The victory of dignity over fear, Caruso, Giuseppe , (2011)
Part 1, Part 2 is available at
Global Activism Reader, Reydams, Luc , London, p.420, (2011)
Main focus on contemporary transnational activism, including case studies of labour, environmental, human rights, women’s rights, social justice and peace campaigns. Readings include theoretical perspectives and critical views. A companion website provides information on further reading, films and documentaries and activist websites.
Global Restructuring, Labour and the Challenges for Transnational Solidarity, Bieler, Andreas, and Lindberg Ingemar , London, p.280, (2011)
A range of transnational case studies, including cooperation between unions in developing and developed countries, illustrate problems and possibilities of solidarity.
A History of World Order and Resistance: The Making and Unmaking of Global Subjects, Drainville, Andre C. , London, p.216, (2011)
Looks at Global Justice Movement in a broad historical framework and relates it to case studies of earlier struggles in the USA, UK, France, South Africa, Algeria, the Philippines and Jamaica.
How We Stopped Loving The Bomb. An Insider’s Account Of The World On The Brink Of Banning Nuclear Arms, Roche, Douglas , Toronto, p.205, (2011)
Former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament, Douglas Roche describes the approaches of diplomats, members of NGOs, and individuals who have been working to ban nuclear weapons. This book contains links to global networks, and social movements that work to ban nuclear weapons.
An Indian Anti-Nuclear Movement?, Sarkar, Jayita , 07/2011, (2011)
Discusses briefly the potential for a significant movement either against new nuclear power plants, especially in the light of the US 2008 deal to assist India's civilian nuclear energy programme, or against India's nuclear weapons policy. Sarkar notes that a number of lively local protest movements had sprung up against the construction of new nuclear reactors.  There are also a number of groups, backed by 'prominent citizens', opposed to India's possession of nuclear weapons. But Sarkar is sceptical about the likelihood of an effective national campaign against either the energy programme, or the nuclear weapons policy, capable of influencing the government's commitment to both.
Indian Water Rights in Conflict with State Water Rights: The Case of the Pyramid Lake Paieiten Tribe in Nevada, US, Wilkinson, Charles , New York, p.10, (2011)
Focuses on legal struggle.
Iran’s Green Movement: Decapitated but not Defeated, Falasiri, Arash , Number 1 March 2011, London, (2011)
Karama! Journeys through the Arab Spring, West, Johnny , London, p.387, (2011)
West is a former Reuters correspondent in Egypt and now works for the UN in the Middle East. Lively personal account and analysis – a further subtitle on the cover is ‘Exhilarating encounters with those who sparked a revolution’. Focuses on Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. ‘Karama’ means honour and dignity, and West stresses its role in sparking and maintaining the revolts, quoting a Tunisian revolutionary from Sidi Bou Zid: ‘This is a revolution of honour’.
Kashmir: the Case for Freedom, Ali, Tariq, Bhatt Hilal, Chatterji Angana P., Mishra Pankaj, and Roy Arundhati , London, p.192, (2011)
Includes Roy’s 2008 essay ‘Azadi: the only thing Kashmiris want’, previously published in the Guardian (London), Outlook (New Delhi), and her 2009 book [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=56743].
L’Imperatif de Désobeissance, Fondements Philosophique et Stratégiques de la Désobeissance Civil, Muller, Jean-Marie , p.281, (2011)
The author analyses the foundation texts and historic campaigns of civil disobedience in France and in the world.  He constructs a definition of the concept understood as both an ethical imperative and a form of nonviolent direct action.
The Lady and the Peacock: The Life of Aung San Suu Kyi, Popham, Peter , London, p.438, (2011)
Biography by British journalist. Covers the major protests of 2007 as well as 1988.
Los Indignados, Gerbaudo, Paolo , Issue Aug/Sept, p.3, (2011)
On launch of movement by Real Democracy Now! on 15 May 2011 with marches and protest camp in Madrid, its spread across Spain and to Greece.
Making Democratic Citizens in Spain: Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-1978, Radcliff, Pamela Beth , Basingstoke, p.440, (2011)
In the early 1960s, the dictatorship approved the formation of various types of family and neighbours associations, which in fact opened spaces for oppositional networking.
The Meaning behind Protests in Chile, Figueroa-Clark, Victor , 10/08/2011, (2011)
Discusses context of protest, the school and university education system, extent of inequality in Chilean society, and implications if movement successful.
Movement, Knowledge, Emotion: Gay Activism and HIV/AIDS in Australia, Power, Jennifer , Canberra, p.204, (2011)
In three Parts: 1. ‘Fear and Morality’, 2. ‘(Mis)trust of Medicine, 3. ‘Grief and Activism’. Provides historical background and uses interviews with members of early AIDS Councils and covers role of ACT UP.
