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Masculinities, Militarisation and the End Conscription Campaign: War Resistance in Apartheid South Africa, Conway, Daniel , Manchester, p.176, (2012)
See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=30057].
Militarism, Conflict and Women’s Activism in the Global Environment: Challenges and Prospects for Women in three West African Countries, Mama, Amina, and Okazawa-Reis Margo , Issue 101 (July), p.27, (2012)
Focus on examples from Nigerian, Sierra Leone and Liberian civil wars over several decades.
Mobilization, Mobilization , Volume 17, Issue 4 (December), (2012)
contains an overview by Charles Kurzman. ‘The Arab Spring Uncoiled’, and articles on Egypt, Iran, and Syria.
Neoliberal Education and Student Movements in Chile: Inequalities and Malaise, Cabalin, Cristian , Volume 10, Issue 2, p.10, (2012)
Looks at 2006 and 2011 protests.
Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age, Castells, Manuel , Cambridge, p.200, (2012)
Well known theorist of global networks examines the mass uprisings across the world in 2011, giving account of events in ‘Arab Spring’ and the reaction to the bank collapse and austerity policies in the west in Iceland, Spain, Greece and the USA, and stressing the causal role of the internet.
No More Mortgage Suicides! Spain’s Social Movements Struggle for Housing Justice, Clark, Howard , Issue 2552-2553 (Dec-Jan), (2012)
On the vigorous campaign to support mortgage defaulters and the wider 15M movement.
Nonviolence in Political Theory, Atack, Iain , Edinburgh, p.208, (2012)
Scrutinises the theories behind nonviolence. Develops his earlier criticisms of consent theory, suggesting the relevance of Foucault’s apporach to ‘micro-resistance’ (See [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=96255]).
Nonviolent Resistance in the Second Intifada: Activism and Advocacy, Carter Hallward, Maia, and Norman Julie M. , New York, p.196, (2012)
Occupy, Chomsky, Noam , London and New York, p.120, (2012)
This book comprises five sections: Chomsky’s Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture given to Occupy Boston in Oct.2011; an interview with a student in Jan 2012; a question and answer session with ‘InterOccupy’; a question and answer session partly on foreign policy; and Chomsky’s brief appreciation of the life and work of radical historian Howard Zinn. There is a short introductory note by the editor, Greg Ruggiero.
Occupy!, , Volume 11, Issue 3-4, p.207, (2012)
This issue has several articles on Occupy. See: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166073] [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166071] [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166072] Content overview:
The Occupy Handbook, Byrne, Janet , New York, p.560, (2012)
Includes discussion of why the 1% have such a dominant economic position.
Occupy Nation, the Roots: The Spirit and the Promise of Occupy Wall Street, Gitlin, Todd , New York, p.320, (2012)
Book by former radical student leader in the 1960s, providing a portrait of the movement.
Occupy Pittsburgh and the challenges of participatory democracy, Smith, Jackie, and Glidden Bob , Volume 11, Issue 3-4, p.7, (2012)
Occupy!: Scenes from Occupied America, Blumenkranz, Carla, Gessen Keith, Greif Mark, Leonard Sarah, Resnick Sarah, Saval Nikil, Schmitt Eli, and Taylor Astra , New York and London, p.224, (2012)
Collection of brief accounts of events at Zuccotti Park encampment and initial assessments by writers from leftist New York media, plus extracts from speeches of visiting intellectuals and activists – Judith Butler, Slavoj Zizek, Angela Davis and Rebecca Solnit.
Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap of Radical Economic and Political Reform, Jackson, Ross , Vermont VT, p.336, (2012)
The chair of the Danish-based Gaia Trust advocates return to smaller decentralised communities with a more sustainable life style.
Occupying Wall Street: The Inside Story of an Action that Changed America, , Chicago IL, p.217, (2012)
(Initially published by OR Books New York on print-on-demand and ebook basis.) Detailed account of daily life at the camp by figures on the left.
The Path To Zero. Dialogues On Nuclear Dangers, Falk, Richard, and Krieger David , Boulder, CO, p.221, (2012)
The authors critique the theory of nuclear deterrence, and debate the role of civil society in leading to the abolition of nuclear weapons. They also discuss nuclear weapons from a moral and cultural perspective, and the interconnections between nuclear weapons and militarism, energy, international law, and democracy. See also Richard Falk and David Krieger (2016) ‘A Dialogue on Nuclear Weapons’ in Peace Review, Vol. 28, issue 3, pp. 280-287, DOI: 10.1080/10402659.2016.1201936. A dialogue on what steps are necessary to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons.
People Power and Political Change: Key Issues and Concepts, Carter, April , London, p.207, (2012)
Focuses on unarmed national movements of resistance to imperial, dictatorial or semi-authoritarian rule in relation to the theories and experience of guerrilla warfare, revolution, concepts of power and links between people power and electoral processes. The discussion, which draws on a range of literatures (including theories of nonviolent action, political thought and democratization) is then set in a global context.
Political dialogue workshops: Deepening the peace process in Northern Ireland, Cory, Geoffrey , Volume 30, Issue 1, p.38, (2012)
The author discusses the more than fifty residential three-day political dialogue workshops he facilitated between 1994 and 2007 at the Glencree Centre for Reconciliation near Dublin that brought together politicians from all parties in Britain and Ireland during the period of peace negotiations in Northern Ireland.
The Politics of Resource Extraction: Indigenous Peoples, Multinational Corporations and the State, Sawyer, Suzana, and Gomez Edmund Terence , New York, p.336, (2012)
Studies cover Peru, India (Orissa), Philippines, Nigeria (the Niger Basin), Chad and Cameroon, as well as Australia and Canada.
Popular Mobilization and Empowerment in Georgia’s Rose Revolution, Hash-Gonzales, Kelli , Lanham MA, p.180, (2012)
Portugal: the Impossible Revolution, Mailer, Phil , London, p.276, (2012)
Firsthand account from Irish libertarian socialist, looking beyond parties and discussing agrarian and urban social struggles.
Precluding Nonviolence, Propelling Violence: The Effect of Fragmentation on Movement Protest, Pearlman, Wendy , Volume 47, Issue 1 (March), p.24, (2012)
Public Squares and Resistance: The Politics of Space in the Indignados Movement, Dhaliwal, Puneet , Volume 4, Issue 1 (May), p.23, (2012)
Putin, the protest movement and political change in Russia, Saradzhyan, Simon, and Abdullaev Nabi , Paris, (2012)
