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The Syrian resistance: a tale of two struggles, Bartkowski, Maciej J., and Kahf Mohja , London, (2013)
Transgender Movement, Stone, Amy , Oxford, (2013)
Examines evolution of US transgender movement from 1960s as it challenged violence, demanded legal recognition and resisted employment discrimination, poverty and media misrepresentation.
Turkey, a people-power tide, Bechev, Dimitar , 02/06/2013, (2013)
Understanding Nonviolent Resistance, Chenoweth, Erica, and Cunningham Kathleen Gallagher , Special Issue, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 50 no. 3 (May), (2013)
After introductory essays by the editors and by Kurt Schock, there are sections on: ‘Explaining Nonviolent Resistance’, ‘Dynamics of Nonviolent Contention’ and ‘Outcomes’. Topics covered include self-determination disputes, gender ideologies and forms of mobilisation in the Middle East, role of mutiny in the Arab Spring, transitions in autocracies and transitions from armed to unarmed struggles.
Unpacking nonviolent campaigns: Introducing NAVCO 2.0, Chenoweth, Erica, and Lewis Orion A. , Volume 50, Issue 3 (May), p.8, (2013)
A u-turn in Turkish politics? Gezi Park in perspective , Tocci, Nathalie , 03/06/2013, (2013)
The view from Taksim Square: why is Turkey now in turmoil?, Shafak, Elif , 03/06/2013, (2013)
Viewing Peace through Gender Lenses, Sjoberg, Laura , Volume 27, Issue 2 (Summer), p.13, (2013)
The Village Against the World, Hancox, Dan , London, p.252, (2013)
(Successor to ebook [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166056], on same topic.) Discusses the small village, Marinaleda, in southern Spain that has battled for decades with the state and capitalist policies, but gained international attention in 2012 when its mayor (and farmers union leader) organized the filling of ten shopping trolleys, refused to pay, and distributed them to the poor from a military base and mansion of a local large landowner.
Violence, Resistance and Gezi Park, Arat, Yeşim , Volume 45, Issue 4 (Nov), p.3, (2013)
Examination of violence from a gender perspective by academic specializing in women’s political participation in Turkey.
Voices of Syrian women in civil resistance, Alwadi, Nada , London, (2013)
''Was heisst "gewalfreie Aktion". Ein Beitrag zur begrifflichen und konzeptionellen Klaerung, Schweitzer, Christine , Volume 31, Issue 3, p.5, (2013)
Nonviolent action is a form of political action based on the decision, either principled or pragmatic, not to physically harm or destroy human life.  In many social movements it has proved an effective tool for political change, which can be explained by Gene sharp's theory that all power rests ultimately with those who can withdraw their consent.  Nonviolent action applies in several fields: local and regional struggles; in popular (people power) uprisings; in the theory of civilian-based  defence; in approaches of nonviolent intervention  in conflicts; and in what has been called unarmed civilian peacekeeping.
We Are Going to Kill Each Other Today: The Marikana Story, Cape Town, Jika, Thanduxolo, Mosamo Sebabatso, Sadiki Leon, Saba Athandiwe, Ledwaba Lucas, and Dlangamandla Felix , Cape Town, p.256, (2013)
Account by City Press reporters and photographers, supplemented by edited evidence from official Enquiry, and including analyses of labour migration.
We will give people a political alternative: an interview with Arvind Kejriwal, Baisakh, Pradeep , 08/03/2013, (2013)
What drives protests in Brazil? Corruption, ineptitude and elections, Campos, Nauro F. , 23/07/2013, (2013)
Economics professor suggests three main causes of the protests.
Whither the Peaceful Movement in Syria?, Zouhour, Line , Number 18 March 2013, (2013)
Widerstand und ziviler Ungehorsam im demokratischen Rechtsstaat, Kleger, Heinz , Wiesbaden, p.41, (2013)
The author stresses that a democratic state based on the rule of law provides a rigorous normative order, which guarantees basic civil and human rights for each citizen, whilst also allowing for democratic government. Therefore, resistance and civil disobedience are always caught in a conflict between social (and political) rules and individual rights.
'Widerstand Ziviler Ungehorsam, Opposition, Eine Typologie, Ballestrem, Karl Graf , Weisbaden, p.8, (2013)
The subject of this article is the right to resistance, and in particular whether this right can exist within a liberal and democratic order, which emphasizes protection of civil rights, freedom of speech and the right to public criticism and the right to form an opposition.
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Snow, David A., Della Porta Donatella, Klandermans Bert, and McAdam Doug , Oxford, p.1544, (2013)
Covers period since the French Revolution, but also contains summary accounts of numerous contemporary movements and organizations, including many included in this volume.
Winning at Walmart, Woods, Alex , June/July, p.3, (2013)
On the campaign by OUR Walmart against the retail giant in USA in 2012, when non-unionized workers mobilized across the country with support from local communities, using blockades as well as brief strikes.
Zambia: Nonviolent Strategies Against Colonialism, 1900s–1960s, Momba, Jotham C., and Gadsden Fay , Boulder CO, p.18, (2013)
Zero. The Case for Nuclear Abolition, Krieger, David , Santa Barbara, CA, p.166, (2013)
David Krieger, founder of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, proposes a counter argument to the widely held belief that nuclear weapons are necessary and provide protection to the countries that possess them. He argues that there is a ‘human responsibility’ to seek the elimination of these weapons.
Ziviler Ungehorsam und whistleblowing: Begriffe und rechtliche Bezuege, Kroepil, Karl , Volume 49, Issue 4, p.6, (2013)
The author distinguishes between 'civil disobedience' and 'whistle blowing', discusses possible classification of the terms and clarifies their meaning with reference to historical context.
African Awakenings, Red Pepper , Issue Dec/Jan, p.6, (2012)
with articles by Firoze Manji, ‘Hope for the Future’; Justin Pearce, ‘Aspiring to Tahrir’ and Tommy Miles ‘After Gaddafi’.
Anna Hazare and the Idea of Gandhi, Sengupta, Mitu , Volume 71, Issue 3 (Aug), p.7, (2012)
Originally published in Dissent. Raises caveats about comparisons with Gandhi, discusses Hazare’s diagnosis and prescriptions for corruption and comments on the nature of the Hazare movement. Argues against claims that it is a pawn of the extreme right RSS and/or CIA, noting the extent of mass protests and the depth of anger about corruption.
