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Firmeza Permanente: Labor holds the line Brazil, de Carvalho, Jesus Mario , Philadelphia PA, p.15, (2004)
Account by labour activist of protracted struggle from 1962 in PETRUS cement factory in Sao Paolo against strikebreaking, police repression and an employer-created ‘union’.
Fiscal Disobedience: An Anthropology of Economic Regulation in Central Africa, Roitman, Janet , Princeton NJ, p.216, (2004)
Anthropological study of resistance to fiscal regulation starts from the open and organised villes mortes campaign in Cameroon in 1992-93 (see E.I.2.1b.i). Main focus is on non-political forms of evading fiscal regulation, such as smuggling across borders.
Forging Links in Ozarow, , London, p.6, (2004)
On Polish worker occupation to prevent closure of a factory, supported by local community and anarchist groups.
Georgia’s Rose Revolution, Fairbanks, Charles H. , Volume 15, Issue April, p.25, (2004)
Explains background to the demonstrations, and elaborates on role of the US government in relation to the elections, and of the George Soros Open Society Foundation in funding opposition and promoting nonviolent prkotest. Comments also on the role of TV stations owned by private entrepreneurs.
Globalize Liberation: How to Uproot the System and Build a Better World, Solnit, David , San Francisco, p.451, (2004)
Thirty three essays, mainly by US-based activists, on the new radicalism and direct action in the Global Justice Movement.
The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experiences, Maathai, Wangaari , New York, p.117, (2004)
Greenpeace: An Insider’s Account, Weyler, Rex , London, p.600, (2004)
By a founder of Greenpeace International, focusing on the 1970s.
How One Small Anarchist Group Toppled the Thatcher Government, Ramsey, Kanaan , (Interviewed by David Solnit), San Francisco CA, p.14, (2004)
Discusses how the poll tax campaign spread beyond its origins in Edinburgh to the rest of Britain and describes its main tactics.
I was always told I was thick. The strike taught me I wasn't, Gillan, Audrey , 10/05/2004, p.2, (2004)
Indigenous Politics, Multinational Oil and Neoliberalism in Ecuador, Sawyer, Suzana , Durham NC, p.312, (2004)
Issue on 'Post-Communism', , (2004)
The editorial comments on key changes for women in the transition from Communism: political representation had dropped; more women were overrepresented among the unemployed; socialist reproductive rights were being challenged; women’s domesticity promoted as a virtue; and pornography and marketing of women’s bodies seen as ‘freedom’. Women were also more vulnerable to various sorts of violence, including sexual harassment at work, domestic violence and sex trafficking.
Ka Whawhai Tonu Motu: Struggle Without End, Walker, Ranginui , Auckland N.Z., p.334, (2004)
History of the Maori, including resistance to white occupation in 19th century: chapters 11-12 cover recent political protest, for example to protect land and fishing rights, and other forms of political activism.
Latin America: Democratization, Globalization and Protest Culture, Shefner, Jon , Volume 9, Issue 3, p.121, (2004)
The Leadership Challenge in Africa: Cameroon Under Paul Biya, Takougang, Joseph, and Mbaku John Mukum , Trenton NJ, p.563, (2004)
Living And Resisting In The Shadow Of The Colombian Conflict: Forcibly Displaced People Seen Through A Family Therapy Lens, Bowen, Ceri, and García-Durán Mauricio , Issue 5 (July), p.17, (2004)
Mao or never. China's people speak, New Internationalist , Issue 371 (September), p.20, (2004)
Miracle in Bolivia: Four women confront a nation, Boots, Wilson T. , Philadelphia PA, p.15, (2004)
On 1977-78 hunger strike.
The Moral Politics of Argentine Crowds, Ayuero, Javier , Volume 9, Issue 3, p.16, (2004)
Presents two episodes in the 1990s as ‘founding events’ in the later cycle of protest.
The Movements of the New Left 1950-1975: A Brief History with Documents, Gosse, Van , New York, p.224, (2004)
Uses a very broad definition of the New Left, and examines common features in Civil Rights, peace, anti-war, student, feminist and gay/lesbian movements in the USA.
The MST and the media: Competing images of the Brazilian Landless Farmworkers’ Movement, Hammond, John L. , Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter), p.30, (2004)
The nonviolence of desperation: Peasant land action in Honduras, Schlabach, Gerald , Philadelphia PA, p.15, (2004)
Examines 200 peasant occupations in 1972 (assertion of a tradition of ‘les recuparaciones’) in context of developing forms of protest since the ‘great strike’ against United Fruit Company in 1954.
Opening Space for Democracy: Training Manual for Third-Party Nonviolent Intervention, Hunter, Daniel, and Lakey George , Philadelphia PA, p.628, (2004)
Much of this book can be downloaded from: Devised as a training resource for the Nonviolent Peace Force, this manual contains hundreds of training activities, with special emphasis on team-building and defending human rights. It includes over 60 handouts, an integrated 23 day curriculum, and many tips for trainers.
Peace Under Fire: Palestine and the International Solidarity Movement, Andoni, Ghassan, Arraf Huwaida, Blincoe Nicholas, Khalili Hussein, McLaughlin Marissa, Sainath Radhika, and Sandercock Josie , London, p.240, (2004)
Collection of news reports, web-logs and diaries of International Solidarity Movement activists engaged in nonviolent resistance to Israeli military action in the occupied territories, including contributions relating to Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall, who were both killed.
Politics in Ghana, 1982-1992: Rawlings, Revolution and Populist Democracy, Oquaye, Mike , Accra, p.626, (2004)
The author has been prominent in Ghanaian politics and a professor of political science at the University of Legon.
Popular Protest in East Germany 1945-1989, Dale, Gareth , London, p.256, (2004)
