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Military Cohesion and Regime Maintenance : Explaining the Role of the Military in 1989 China and 1998 Indonesia, Lee, Terence , Volume 32, Issue 1, p.25, (2005)
Modern Mongolia: From Khan to Communism to Capitalism, Rossabi, Morris , Edinburgh, p.418, (2005)
Includes assessment of the post-Communist economy: the end of state assistance and role of international finance agencies, leading to growing inequalities.
The Movement of Movements, Development , Volume 48, Issue 2 (June), p.121, (2005)
Analysis of Social Forum processes, the nature of the global justice movement and the Zapatista experience. NB: Development, vol. 47 no 3 (2004) is on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’.
National Internationalists: British and West German Protests Against Nuclear Weapons, the Politics of Transnational Communication and the Social Hisotry of the Cold War 1957-1964, Nehring, Holger , Volume 14, Issue 4, p.24, (2005)
Nepal: Rule of Law and Human Rights Challenges, Fair, Christine, Levitas Kerem, and Rauch Collette , Briefing, Washington DC, (2005)
Brief analysis of gaps in 1990 Constitution and of the King’s February 2005 coup removing the Prime Minister
The New Northern Irish Politics, Tonge, Jonathan , Basingstoke, p.282, (2005)
Analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the constitutional arrangements embodied in the Good Friday Agreement. Argues that despite the difficult concessions unionists had to make, the GFA was a triumph for them politically since it embodied the principle of consent for any constitutional change in the province and the amendment of Articles 2 and 3 of the Republic’s constitution. Rejects the proposition that the separate referendums on the GFA in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic amounted to a genuine exercise in Irish self-determination, but expresses cautious optimism that the void left by ‘the demise of traditional republicanism’ can be filled within the broader EU context by a growing bi-nationalism and diminution of the north-south border.
The New Transnational Activism, Tarrow, Sidney , Cambridge and New York, p.258, (2005)
A survey by one of the major theorists of social movements, that includes some reference to the role of civil resistance.
Nonviolence and Social Empowerment, Ney, Chris , London, (2005)
Nonviolence in Theory and Practice, Holmes, Robert L., and Gans Barry L. , Long Grove IL, p.381, (2005)
Reader with excerpts on religious roots of nonviolence and classic writings on disobedience, including Socrates, as well as Thoreau, Tolstoy and Gandhi on nonviolent resistance.
Nonviolenza, mafia e anti-mafia, Santino, Umberto , Palermo, (2005)
Santino analyses the Mafia organisation and social consensus. He sees in the latter a supportive element to mafia organisations as well as the ground on which it is possible to build forms of nonviolent education and practices that could lead to a change within the current system. He adopts a ‘paradigm of complexity’ at the foundation of the epistemological and methodological approach to the mafia phenomenon and identifies the limit of the military and repressive reaction against it. In so doing, he discusses what action civil society can undertake to sustain nonviolent forms of resistance against mafia.     Retrievable at:
Now More than Ever, Hudson, Kate , London, p.278, (2005)
Up to date account of British nuclear disarmament movement since the 1950s by chair of CND, giving some weight to direct action.
Palestinian Defiance: Interview by Eric Hazan, Barghouti, Mustafa , Issue 32, p.15, (2005)
Barghouti is the leader of Al Mubadara (the Initiative), launched in 2000 with a petititon signed by 10,000, urging civil resistance, and formally established in 2002.
Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas, Cortright, David , Cambridge, p.378, (2005)
Chapters 7 and 8 cover anti-nuclear weapon campaigns, opposition to Vietnam and Iraq wars, resistance in the military and also draft resistance and conscientious objection.
People Building Peace II: Successful Stories of Civil Society, von Tongeren, Paul, Brenk Malin, Hellema Marte, and Verhoeven Juliette , Boulder CO, p.695, (2005)
Political Movements and Violence in Central America, Brockett, Charles D. , Cambridge MA, p.404, (2005)
Analyses the confrontation between popular movements – urban and rural – and repressive regimes, especially in Guatemala and El Salvador, in particular discussing the ‘repression-protest paradox’.
Politics in the Supermarket: Political consumerism as a form of political participation, Stolle, Dietland, Hooghe Marah, and Micheletti Michele , Volume 26, Issue 3, p.25, (2005)
The Politics of Bones: Dr Owens Wiwa and the Struggle for Nigeria’s Oil, Hunt, Timothy J. , Toronto, p.400, (2005)
Focuses on the brother of the executed leader of the Ogoni movement, Kenule Sarowiwa, and his efforts to carry on the campaign.
Power: A Radical View, Lukes, Steven , Basingstoke, p.192, (2005)
Substantially expanded second edition (with two new chapters) of his influential 1974 short book. His delineation of ‘three dimensions of power’ has influenced debates about power in the social sciences, and provided a reference point for some debates about resistance to domination.
Power: Nonviolent Transformation from the Transpersonal to the Transnational, Hastings, Tom H. , Lenham, MD, (2005)
(written from the perspective of an activist academic)
Pre-empting Democracy: The Case of Belarus, Silitski, Vitali , Volume 16, Issue 4 (October), p.15, (2005)
Presidential Election and Orange Revolution: Implications for Ukraine’s Transition, Kurth, Helmut, and Kempe Iris , Kyiv, p.152, (2005)
Public Resistance to Privatisation in Water and Energy, Hall, David, Lobina Emanuele, and de la Motte Robin , Volume 15, Issue 3-4 (June), (2005)
Examines role of different types of opposition in ‘delaying, cancelling or reversing the privatization of water and energy’, including success in Nkondobe (South Africa), Paraguay where parliament voted in 2002 to suspend indefinitely privatization of state-owned water and Poznan in Poland in 2002, and failure of campaigns in UK, Chile and Philippines.
Queer Anti-Capitalism: What’s Left of Lesbian and Gay Liberation?, Sears, Alan , Volume 69, Issue 1, p.26, (2005)
Rage Against the Regime: the OTPOR Movement in Serbia, Jovanovich, Milja , p.7, (2005)
Reclaiming Public Water. Achievements, Struggles and Visions from Around the World, Brennan, Brid, Hoedeman Olivier, Terhorst Philipp, Kishimoto Satoko, and Balanyá Belén , Amsterdam, p.284, (2005)
