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Palestine: constructing power from within, Mansour, Omar , (2006) PDF icon omar.pdf (289.71 KB)
Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan: A failed revolution, Valiyev, Anar M. , Volume 53, Issue 3 (May/June), p.19, (2006)
Argues that despite violence used against opposition and shattered hopes, the protests promoted increased political participation.
Peace and Freedom: The Civil Rights and the Antiwar Movements in the 1960s, Hall, Simon , Philadelphia PA, p.280, (2006)
Using archival research, explores both how the Civil Rights Movement reacted to the Vietnam War, and also examines relations between black groups opposed to the War and the wider peace movement, and difficulties that arose.
Peaceful Resistance: Advancing Human Rights and Democratic Freedom, Press, Robert M. , Aldershot, p.227, (2006)
Primarily with reference to Kenya, discusses interplay of human rights advocacy and democratic resistance in authoritarian state. Articles by Press on nonviolent movements in Kenya, Liberia and Sierra Leone can be downloaded from:
People’s Power in Nepal, Vishwakarma, R.K. , New Delhi, p.298, (2006)
Prominent Maoist contributors.
Political Psychology of Nonviolent Democratic transitions in Southeast Asia, Montiel, Cristina Jayme , Volume 62, Issue 1 (February), p.18, (2006)
Power and persuasion: Nonviolent strategies to influence state security forces in Serbia (2000) and Ukraine (2004), Binnendijk, Anika Locke, and Marovic Ivan , Volume 39, Issue 3 (Special Issue ‘Democratic Revolutions in Post-Communist States’, ed. Taras Kuzio), p.19, (2006)
Describes explicit strategies developed in both Serbia and Ukraine to increase costs of repression and reduce the willingness of the security forces to resort to violence. By combining deterrence and persuasion the organisers were able to avert major repression in 2000 and 2004.
Promised Land: Competing Visions of Agrarian Reform, Rosset, Peter M., Patel Roy, and Courville Michael , Oakland CA, p.380, (2006)
Includes chapters on Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, India, Mexico, South Africa and Zimbabwe (the latter refrains from discussing the human rights issues of the government sponsored post 1996 land occupations). Not all chapters discuss social movements, but the book does cover gender and indigenous issues.
Promoting democracy: Is exporting revolution a constructive strategy?, Beissinger, Mark , Volume 53, Issue 1 (Winter), p.7, (2006)
A critical assessment that notes the role of neoconservatives in endorsing export of democracy, the dangers of compromising the impartiality of human rights bodies, or intensifying internal ethnic and other conflicts, and the danger of ‘packaging, exporting, and spreading democratic revolution like a module across a broad array of settings, irrespective of local circumstances’.
Prospects for Democracy in Belarus, Forbrig, Joerg, Marples David R., and Demes Pavol , Washington DC, (2006)
Protest still matters, Kingsnorth, Paul , 08/05/2006, (2006)
Radical Pacifism in Modern America: Egalitarianism and Protest, Molin, Marian , Philadelphia PA, p.255, (2006)
Regime Vulnerability and Popular Mobilization in Georgia’s Rose Revolution, Welt, Cory , Stanford CA, p.60, (2006)
Discusses US involvement and assesses the ‘Serbian factor’ in diffusing strategic ideas. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=18867].
Repression, backfire and the theory of transformative events, Hess, David, and Martin Brian , Volume 11, Issue 1 (June), p.19, (2006)
Resisting Water Privatisation, Building Water Democracy, Shiva, Vandana , 03/2016, Mexico City, (2006)
Includes information on successful local campaigns: against Coca Cola bottling plant, closed in 2004, leading to national campaign “Coca-Cola-Pepsi Quit India Campaign’; resistance to water diversion in Uttar Pradesh; campaign in Delhi against raised tariffs and proposed privatization.
Revolution in Orange: The Origins of Ukraine’s Democratic Breakthrough, Aslund, Anders, and McFaul Michael , Washington DC, p.216, (2006)
Selection of essays including assessments of the role of civil society and of the youth group Pora, an examination of western influence, and a concluding analysis of the ‘revolution’ in comparative perspective.
Rightful Resistance in Rural China, O'Brien, Kevin J., and Li Lianjiang , Cambridge and New York, p.201, (2006)
Based on fieldwork since 1994 on local instances of rights-based opposition. Chapter 4, ‘Tactical Escalation’, pp. 67-94, is especially rich in examples
The Rise of the Global Left: The World Social Forum and Beyond, Santos, Boaventura De Sousa , London, p.240, (2006)
Examines history and organization of WSF and argues need to move beyond acting as platform for diverse movements.
The Role of Georgia’s Media – and Western Aid – in Georgia’s Rose Revolution, Anable, David , Volume 11, Issue 3, p.37, (2006)
Also available online as Joan Shorenstein Center Working Paper no. 3, 2006.
The Rose Revolution: A Revolution without Revolutionaries?, Jones, Stephen , Volume 9, Issue 1, p.16, (2006)
Argues that the role of civil society bodies was important, but not vital. He suggests that key factors were popular attitudes to the ideal of Europe, the impact of the global economy, the appeal of western models and the implications of the soviet legacy. See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=18843].
Sebastian Acevedo Movement Against Torture: A Project for the Dignity of Life, Parissi, Rosa , Farnham, p.8, (2006)
References to the Sebastian Acevedo Movement also occur in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=65096], who see it as ‘an expression both of psychological counter-strategies at the private and political level and of healing strategies at the societal level’ (p. 184) but do not describe its methodology. [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=65097], pp. 109-11, discusses its liturgical aspects in comparison with contemporary Critical Mass bicycle rides.
Shades of Green: Environmental Activism Round the Globe, Mauch, Christof, Stoltzfus Nathan, and Weiner Douglas R. , Lanham MD, p.240, (2006)
Explores impact of political, economic, cultural and religious conditions on environmental activism.
Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters: A New Urban World, Neuwirth, Robert , London, p.335, (2006)
Author lived in squatter communities in Rio, Bombay, Nairobi (where squatting was linked to building new homes) and Istanbul.
Shah of Shahs, Kapuscinski, Ryszard , London, p.152, (2006)
Celebrated analysis by distinguished Polish journalist of later years of Shah’s regime and meditation on power, the role of fear and the nature of revolution.
Social Movements and Citizenship: Conscientious Objection in France, the United States and Israel, Lainer-Vos, Dan , Volume 11, Issue 3 (Oct), p.19, (2006)
Compares movements of objection to the French war in Algeria, the US War in Vietnam and Israel’s invasion of Lebanon.
