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Cameroon: A flawed transition to democracy, Mentan, Tatah , Westport CT and London, p.17, (1998)
Citizens Without Rights, Chesterman, John, and Galligan Brian , Cambridge, p.288, (1998)
On Australia. It includes some references to protests.
Contestation over political space: The state and the demobilization of opposition parties, Kanyinga, Karuti , Uppsala, p.52, (1998)
The Courage to Stand Alone: Letters from Prison and Other Writings, Wei, Jingsheng , New York and London, p.283, (1998)
Wei, a prominent advocate of ‘the fifth modernization’ – democracy, was arrested and jailed in 1979.
Crippled Giant: Nigeria Since Independence, Osaghae, Eghosa , London, p.342, (1998)
Democratization in Late Twentieth Century Africa: Coping with Uncertainty, Gros, Jean-Germain , Westport CT and London, p.162, (1998)
Contributors to this book include democracy activists as well as scholars, who look critically at the process of democratization in: Malawi, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana and Gabon. The focus is not on institutions but on leadership, and also on the role of the military and churches in the reform process.
Democratization in Malawi: Its roots and prospects, Mchombo, Sam , Westport CT and London, p.20, (1998)
Elections and Democratic Transition in Ghana: 1991-96, Panford, Kwamina , Westport CT and London, p.14, (1998)
Environment and Society in Eastern Europe, Tickle, Andrew, and Welsh Ian , London, p.192, (1998)
Examines contribution of environmental activism to ‘an immanent civil society’. Chapters on Hungary, Poland, Romania and Russia.
Environmental Politics in Japan: Networks of Power and Protest, Broadbent, Jeffrey , Cambridge, p.418, (1998)
Examines dilemma of growth versus environmentalism, and how Japan has resolved it, with focus on how anti-pollution protests 1960s-1973 changed government policy , using the movement in one prefecture as a case study.
The Fall of Soeharto, Forrester, Geoff, and May R.J. , London, p.261, (1998)
Produced by Australian National University Research Unit. Examines how and why Suharto was forced to step down. See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=16869] and [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=54490].
Feminist Boundaries in the Feminist-Friendly Organization. The Women’’s Caucus of ACT UP/LA, Roth, Benita , Volume 12, Issue 2 (April), p.17, (1998)
The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs, Bregman, Ahron, and El-Tahri Jihan , Harmondsworth, p.301, (1998)
Published in conjunction with a BBC TV series. Chapters 27 and 28 (pp. 187-199) cover the first Intifada, the impact on Israel and the initiatives taken by the PLO.
The Fight for the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the Farm Workers Movement, Ferris, Susan, and Sandoval Ricardo , (Foreword by Gary Soto), New York, p.352, (1998)
Well documented and illustrated account of movement.
The Fire Last Time: 1968 and After, Harman, Chris , London, p.410, (1998)
Chapter 13 ‘Portugal: The Revolution that Wilted’ recounts from a revolutionary socialist perspective the extraordinary ferment of 1974-75, a period of ‘dual power’ between radical workers going on strike and occupying their workplaces and the provisional government, with increasing polarization between left and right.
From People’s Politics to State Politics: Aspects of National Liberation in South Africa, Neocosmos, Michael , Uppsala, p.47, (1998)
Discusses the post-1990 statist supplanting of ‘the popular emancipatory project’.
Gathering Visions, Gathering Strength, Bierley, John , Bradford and London, p.39, (1998)
Report of conference of that title bringing together nonviolent activists from different campaigns and different generations.
Green Bans, Red Union: Environmentalism and the New South Wales Builders’ Labourers Federation, Burgmann, Verity, and Burgmann M. , Sydney NSW, (1998)
On the initiation of ‘green bans’ – work bans by unions to prevent redevelopment of working class neighbourhoods and destruction of historic buildings and urban green spaces in Sydney. Between 1971 and 1974 42 separate bans were imposed and linked unionists with middle class conservationists. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166280]
High-Risk Collective Action: Defending Human Rights in Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina, Loveman, Mara , Volume 104, Issue 2, p.49, (1998)
Imagining Democracy: Reading ‘The Events of May’ in Thailand, Callahan, William A. , Singapore and London, p.199, (1998)
”It Was Like a Fever...” Narrative and Identity in Social Protest, Polletta, Francesca , Volume 45, Issue 2 (May), p.23, (1998)
(reprinted in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=9970]). Discusses the contagious impact of the sit-ins and the spirit they generated among participants.
Kosova: Separate Worlds: Reflections and Analysis, Maliqi, Shkelzen , Peja/Pec, p.261, (1998)
La Guerre Par Actions Civiles: Identité d’Une Stratégie De Défense, Marichez, Jeanet, and Olagne Xavier , Paris, (1998)
This book aims to sensitise policy-makers and especially those active in the security sector, to the strategic utility of mass-based civilian resistance, and its potential use for national defence purposes.
Lay Bare the Heart: An Autobiography of the Civil Rights Movement, Farmer, James , New York, p.370, (1998)
Central figure in CORE outlines its origins and later campaigns (chapters 9, 10 and 19).
Lessons from the Damned: Queers, Whores and Junkies Respond to AIDS, Stoller, Nancy , New York and London, p.175, (1998)
