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We Are Millions: Neo-Liberalism and New Forms of Political Action in Argentina, Lopez Levy, Marcela , London, (2004)
West Papua and Indonesia Since Suharto: Independence, Autonomy or Chaos?, King, Peter , Sydney, p.240, (2004)
When Spring turns to Winter, Stanfield, Pablo , Philadelphia PA, p.19, (2004)
Covers earlier post-war period.
Where We Have Hope: A Memoir of Zimbabwe, Meldrum, Andrew , London, p.272, (2004)
Personal account by Guardian journalist of Zimbabwe’s politics and people since 1980. Chapters 12-19 (pp. 114-241) cover the rise of the MDC, the debate about the new constitution, resistance and repression, and Chapter 20 describes his own expulsion from the country.
With All Our Strength: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, Brodsky, Anne E. , London, p.336, (2004)
Account of feminist organization founded in 1977, which uses literacy classes, underground papers and pamphlets and demonstrations, based on more than 100 interviews with key activists by author, a US feminist scholar. The founder of the Association, who left university in Kabul to struggle for women’s rights, was assassinated in 1987.
The Anti-Coup, Sharp, Gene, and Jenkins Bruce , Cambridge MA, p.64, (2003)
Summary analysis of potential for popular nonviolent resistance to defeat coup attempts, recommendations for organised strategy and advance preparations to prevents coups, and with very brief description of resistance to Kapp Putsch in 1920, the Algerian Generals in 1961 and to attempt to overthrow Gorbachev in 1991.
Be Not Afraid; Only Believe: Madagascar 2002, Radrianja, Solano , Volume 102, Issue 407 (April), p.15, (2003)
A Carnival of Revolution: Central Europe 1989, Kenney, Padraic , Princeton NJ, (2003)
Youthful personal impressions combined with later historical research on Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. Especially strong on the playful resistance of groups such as the Orange Alternative in Wroclaw.
Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance, Perry, Elizabeth J., and Selden Mark , London, p.296, (2003)
Analyses reactions to government reforms, including both covert and open resistance. Distinguishes between intellectual dissidents and popular rebellion. See especially ‘Rights and resistance: The changing context of the dissident movement’ (pp. 20-38); ‘Pathways of labour insurgency’ (pp. 41-61); and ‘Environmental protest in rural China’ (pp. 143-59) which includes reference to direct action against a factory polluting water. Second edition has added chapters on Falun Gong, Christianity and land struggles.
Christian Non-Resistance, Ballou, Adin , Ed., with an introduction by Lynn Gordon Hughes, Providence, (2003)
 (reprinted in 1910 by the Universal Peace Union, and online at
Civil Resistance and the “Diversity of Tactics” in the Anti-Globalization Movement: Problems of Violence, Silence and Solidarity in Activist Politics, Conway, Janet , Volume 41, Issue 2/3, p.25, (2003)
Denmark and National Liberation in Southern Africa: A Flexible Response, Morgenstierne, Christopher Munthe , Uppsala, p.142, (2003)
Companion to Eriksen and Sellstrom, this section.
Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement: A Radical Democratic Vision, Ransby, Barbara , Chapel Hill NC, p.470, (2003)
Recounts the life and work of black woman activist who played key role in three major organisations: the NAACP, SCLC and SNCC.
Environmental Protest in Rural China, Jing, Jun , London, p.17, (2003)
Discusses protest through letters, petitions, law suits and sometimes demonstrations and sabotage, against pollution, soil erosion, contaminated water, etc.
Feminists Under Fire: Exchanges Across War Zones, Giles, Wenona, de Alwis Malathi, Klein Edith, and Silva Neluka , Toronto, p.238, (2003)
Examines role of women’s organizations in civil wars in former Yugoslavia and Sri Lanka.
A Fierce Green Fire: The American Environmental Movement, Shabecoff, Philip , Washington DC, p.352, (2003)
History stretching back to origins of the republic, covering key individuals, NGOs and governmental responses.
From Disobedience to Obedient Consumerism: Influences of Market-based Activism and Eco-Certification on Forest Governance, Walter, Emily , Volume 14, Issue 2-3, p.6, (2003)
Reports on anti-logging campaign in British Columbia, Canada, in 1980s and 1990s and discusses shift from pressurizing state to directly confronting lumber camps. Critiques approach leading to establishment of global regulatory body, the Forest Security Council, but supports offering ‘carrot’ of ‘certification’ in combination with ‘stick’ of campaigning for a boycott.
From Guilt to Solidarity: Sweatshops and Political Responsibility, Young, Iris , Issue Winter, p.6, (2003)
On US movement.
From Homebreakers to Jailbreakers: Southall Black Sisters, Gupta, Rahila , London, p.301, (2003)
Southall Black Sisters was founded by Asian women in 1982 to campaign about issues specific to women in racial minorities in Britain. Over the years it has become the focus for racial and ethnic minorities in Britain and gained an international profile. Issues tackled include: ‘honour’ killings, domestic violence, forced marriages and resistance to deportations. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166707],: a collection of essays covering the first ten years, and available from SBS. For current activities:
Gandhi in His Time and Ours: The Global Legacy of his Ideas, Hardiman, David , London, p.356, (2003)
Sympathetic, but not uncritical, assessment of Gandhi’s style of politics, his conflicts with the Raj and opposition groups and critics within India, and his impact on later movements. The author studied ‘subaltern’ movements in India for many years before engaging with Gandhi.
Green States and Social Movements: Environmentalism in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Norway, Dryzek, John S., Downes David, Hunold Christian, Schlosberg David, and Abstract Hans-Kristian Hernes , Oxford, p.238, (2003)
Comparative study of successes and failures of four environmental movements since 1970, exploring implications of inclusion and exclusion from political process.
Indians, Oil, and Politics: A Recent History of Ecuador, Gerlach, Allen , Willimantic CT, p.286, (2003)
Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin, D’Emilio, John , New York, p.568, (2003)
Shows how Rustin’s gay lifestyle was repeatedly brought up by public enemies intent on discrediting the movement and by political rivals wanting to marginalize him.
Monsoon Risings: Megadam Resistance in the Narmada Valley, Palit, Chitaroopa , Volume II, Issue 21 (May/June), p.21, (2003)
Anti-dam resistance persuaded the World Bank to withdraw from funding one of the dams, but did not change Indian government policy.
Music in the Struggle to End Apartheid: South Africa, Drewett, Michael , Philadelphia PA, p.13, (2003)
See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=26547].
