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Solidarity with War Resistance in Turkey, Speck, Andreas , (2006) PDF icon Andreas Speck.pdf (205.2 KB)PDF icon Osman.pdf (71.59 KB)
Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: A Training Manual, Miller, Christopher A. , Addis Ababa, p.142, (2006)
A manual derived mainly from writings and approach of Gene Sharp, Robert Helvey and Peter Ackerman and directed at an African audience.
Toppling Thaksin, Kasian, Tejapira , Issue 39 (May/June), p.33, (2006)
Analyses social and political context and mounting opposition up to April 2006.
Transnational Movement Strategies, Vinthagen, Stellan , (2006) PDF icon Stellan Vinthagen.pdf (114.19 KB)PDF icon Stellan Vinthagen Bio.pdf (14.74 KB)
The Transnational Network and Labor Rights in China, Yan, Huang, and Qeiqing Guo , Issue 3, p.6, (2006)
The Tulip Revolution: Kyrgyzstan One Year After, Marat, Erica , Washington DC, p.151, (2006)
Chronological collection of articles from Jamestown’s Eurasia Daily Monitor.
Twelve Days: The Story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, Sebestyen, Victor , New York, p.340, (2006)
Unarmed resistance in Nepal, Daly, Tom , Issue 2478, p.1, (2006)
Unbowed: A Memoir, Maathai, Wangaari , p.338, (2006)
(also published as: Unbowed: My Autobiography, Anchor 2008) By prominent Kenyan woman who promoted mass planting of trees by women at grassroots level through the Green Belt Movement (founded in 1977) to reverse effects of deforestation. She also undertook vigils and fasts for human rights under the dictatorship of President Moi. See also her book: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=166217]
Unspeakable Love: Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East, Whitaker, Brian , Palo Alto CA, p.264, (2006)
Argues Middle East moving away from sexual diversity, which is demonized by clerics and persecuted by governments – but notes ‘pockets’ of change and tolerance.
Visions of Development: Faith-based Initiatives, Tyndale, Wendy R. , Farnham, p.188, (2006)
Welcome to Paradise, Kunzru, Hari , 16/12/2006, (2006)
What really happened in Kyrgyzstan?, Radnitz, Scott , Volume 17, Issue April, p.15, (2006)
Stresses that the ‘Tulip Revolution’ was very different from other ‘colour revolutions’ and notes the importance of localism. See also: [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=notlisted=18874], arguing that the events of 2005 better seen as a ‘coup’.
Zapatistas: Making Another World Possible: Chronicles of Resistance 2000-2006, Ross, John , p.354, (2006)
Zimbabwe: Women of Zimbabwe Arise WOZA, Wokoma, Iyenemi Norman , Addis Ababa, p.4, (2006)
WOZA is one of the most imaginative and militant of the opposition groups and is also committed to nonviolence. See also [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=51055].
”After the Revolution”: Civil society and the challenges of consolidating democracy in Georgia, Boers, Laurence , Volume 24, Issue 3, p.16, (2005)
Analysis of the ‘revolution’ including some mention of role of nonviolence.
Assessing accomplishments of women’s nonviolent direct action in the Niger Delta, Wokoma, Iyenemi Norman , Costa Rica, p.19, (2005)
A shorter account by Wokoma also available in [view:biblio_individual_item_for_inline_reference=attachment=24245].
Britain: Section 28, Komhiya, A. , Westport CT, (2005)
Californian Grape Workers’ Strike and Boycott 1965-1970, Merriman, Hardy , Boston, p.15, (2005)
Challenging Empire: People, Governments, and the UN Defy US Power, Bennis, Phyllis , Northampton, MA, p.288 pb, (2005)
Bennis, a Fellow at the Washington-based Institute for Policy Studies and expert on Middle East and US foreign policy, examines critically the US doctrine of pre-emptive war and willingness to bypass the UN in the context of  the global mobilization against the US-led 2003 attack on Iraq.  See also: Bennis, Phyllis, 'February 15, 2003, The Day the World Said No to War', Institute for Policy Studies, 15 Feb 2013. Celebrates the mass global protests, but focuses in particular how opposition of  Germany and France to the war enabled the 'Uncommitted Six' in the UN Security Council - Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Guinea, Mexico and Pakistan - to resist pressure from the US and UK and to refuse to endorse the war.
Chinese labour struggles, Dongfang, Han , Issue 34 (July/August), p.21, (2005)
Interview with a former railway worker involved in trade union activity at time of Tiananmen, who now directs the China Labour Bulletin and broadcasts from Hong Kong to promote independent union activity in China.
Community Unions and the Revival of the American Labor Movement, Fine, Janice , Volume 33, Issue 1, p.47, (2005)
Constructing Papuan Nationalism: History, Ethnicity, and Adaptation, Chauvel, Richard , Washington DC, p.140, (2005)
Critical Theories, International Politics and the ‘Anti-Globalization Movement’: The Politics of Global Resistance, Eschle, Catherine, and Maiguascha Bice , London and New York, p.264, (2005)
Democracy, autocracy and revolution in Post-Soviet Eurasia, Hale, Henry E. , Volume 68, Issue 1 (October), p.23, (2005)
Includes references to Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine.
