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Putin under Siege, Journal of Democracy , special section, Volume 23, Issue 3 (July), p.52, (2012)
Comprises 5 articles: Shevtsova, Lilia, ‘Putin Under Siege; Implosion, Atrophy or Revolution?’; Krastev, Ivan and Stephen Holmes, ‘An Autopsy of Managed Democracy’; Popescu, Nicu, ‘The Strange Alliance of Nationalists and Democrats’; Volvkov, Denis, ‘The Protesters and the Public’; Wolchick, Sharon, ‘Can There be a Color Revolution?’
Queer Politics in Spain: There is Life after Same-Sex Marriage Legislation, Penedo, Suzana Lopez , Volume 4, Issue 1, p.26, (2012)
A Quiet Revolution, Ahmed, Leila , Newhaven CT, p.360, (2012)
Discusses reasons for the resurgence of veil-wearing among Muslim women, and the social and political implications. Argues (contrary to author’s own earlier position) that Islamists rather than secularists often prominent in struggle for social justice and women’s rights.
Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution, Harvey, David , London, p.208, (2012)
See also Red Pepper, Apr/May 2018, pp. 13-17 for a wide-ranging analysis. Key issues about the safety of housing for the poor were raised in 2017 when 71 people are known to have died in a rapidly spreading fire in a tower block in north Kensington in London. The Grenfell fire raised major issues about the safety of tower blocks across the UK, the responsibility of builders, local authorities and safety inspectorates for inadequate checks on standards, and the dangers of opting for cheaper solutions. Grenfell also dramatised the gap between the relatively poor and racially diverse tenants of Grenfell living in social housing and the rich residents of the borough and the Conservative Council. A major long-running enquiry has been set up, viewed with some distrust by former Grenfell residents and the local community. Campaigning groups such as Justice4Grenfell and Grenfell Speaks have been set up complaining about lack of respect and representation, and people in other major cities have joined in solidarity protests.
Resistance and the Limits: Feminist Actions and Conscientious Objection in Israel, Natanel, Katherine , Issue 101 (July), p.23, (2012)
Assesses effectiveness of feminist resistance on movement to refuse the draft, looking primarily at experience of individual feminist COs, rather than organized women’s groups.
Resisting the Evil: [Post-]Yugoslav Anti-War Contention, Jankovic, Bojan, and Jankovic Vesna , Baden-Baden, (2012)
Revolt in Syria: Eye-Witness to the Uprising, Starr, Stephen , New York and London, p.232, (2012)
Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People is Greater than the People in Power, Ghonim, Wael , London, p.308, (2012)
Memoir of activist who works for Google and focused particularly on promoting the revolution online. He anonymously ran the Facebook page demanding justice for Khaled Said, a young man beaten to death by police in Alexandria in June 2010, and promoted brief demonstrations, for example a ‘silent stand’ by people wearing black and holding hands to express their anger at the lack of justice for Khaled. The Facebook page attracted over 350,000 members.
The Rights of Indians and Tribes: The Basic ACLU Guide to Indian Tribal Rights, Pever, Stephen L. , New York, p.540, (2012)
Rooted in the Neighbourhood, Reyes, Oscar , Issue Oct/Nov, p.2, (2012)
Comments on decline in the neighbourhood assemblies that arose in 2011, but argues widespread willingness to take part in local initiatives survives, and is (for example) strengthening the campaign against eviction of those unable to pay their mortgage.
Rosia Montana and Romania’s Decade Long “Gold War”, Dunlop, Tessa , 03/09/2012, (2012)
See also: Earthworks ‘No Dirty Gold: Rosia Montana’:; Solly, Richard ‘Festival of Resistance to Romanian Gold Mine’, London Mining Network, 18 Aug . 2014: Sources for 15 year long local resistance in Romania to open-pit gold mine (which would use cyanide), proposed by Toronto-based Gabriel Resources, and for the evolution of government policy and legal challenges. The mine became a focus of national resistance in September 2013. The local opponents propose that the site should become a UNESCO heritage area (the open cast mine would destroy the original Roman gold mine) and a centre for farming.
Russian under Putin: Titanic Looking for its Iceberg?, Shevtsova, Lilia , Volume 45, Issue 3-4 (September), p.8, (2012)
Sandstorm: Libya in the Time of Revolution, Hilsum, Lindsey , London, p.287, (2012)
by Channel Four foreign editor.
Sharp’s Dictionary of Power and Struggle: Language of Civil Resistance in Conflicts, Sharp, Gene , New York, p.345, (2012)
Offers a set of definitions of the range of terms associated with (and relevant to) nonviolent action and mass unarmed resistance. Includes a brief introductory essay on power, and short summaries of the civil resistance in Serbia 2000 and Tunisia 2011.
Smash EDO: The inside story of activists' battle against arms giant, Purssell, Richard, and Goodey Jan , 20/03/2012, (2012)
Detailed account of campaign against the EDO Corporation in Brighton that started in 2004 and included numerous acts of symbolic protest and direct action such  as lock-ons and roof occupations, and resulted in a dramatic trial in March 2010 after protesters broke into the factory and destroyed equipment to 'decommission' the plant (which they believed supplied equipment to the Israeli Air Force) during the Israeli bombardment of Gaza in 2009. The court allowed eyewitness evidence of the scale of destruction in Gaza in support of the defendants' case that they were lawfully trying  to prevent a war crime, and the jury acquitted them. The campaign was also boosted earlier by the banning of an activist film, which many people then wanted to see, publicity about police infiltration of the activists, and the launching of a judicial review in the High Court by an 86 year old protester of his inclusion on the 'National domestic extremist' database.
Soldiers, Spies and Statesmen: Egypt’s Road to Revolt, Kandil, Hazem , London, p.256, (2012)
Analysis by political sociologist depicting the revolt as a power struggle between the military, the security services and the political leadership in the context of the previous six decades. Challenges the widespread assumption that after the popular rebellion the military continued to control the political developments.
South Asian Feminisms, Loonba, Ania, and Lukose Ritty A. , Durham NC, p.432, (2012)
Building on 40 years of activism and scholarship, contributors assess recent feminist issues and campaigns in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
Spaniards Take On the Banks, Carrión, María , 13/11/2012, Issue Nov, (2012)
Examines campaign against the banks’ ruthless treatment of those unable to pay mortgages and other campaigns such as defiance by doctors and health care workers of law requiring them to refuse treatment to immigrants.
Stitching together nonviolence and Movement Against Torture, Sebastian Acevedo, Bacic, Roberta , Nuremberg, (2012)
See also: Rainer Huhle, ‘The dictatorship is a colossus on fragile feet”’: Remembering the movement against torture Sebastian Acevedo in Chile’; and Christopher Ney, ‘The solidarity of God’ – three presentations at the Nuremberg Menschenrechtszentum, July 2012. Memoirs of the bold nonviolent actions taken from 1983 onwards by the Movement Against Torture Sebastian Acevedo. For other items by Bacic on this movement, see:, and’s-dictatorship-through-non-violence.
Strategies for Social Change, Maney, Gregory M., Kutz-Flamenbaum Rachel V., Rohlinger Deana A., and Goodwin Jeff , Minnesota, p.360, (2012)
Investigates strategic choices of a range of social movements.
Student Activism in Asia: Between Protest and Powerlessness, Weiss, Meredith Leigh, and Aspinall Edward , Minneapolis MN, p.318, (2012)
Comparative examination of student-led protest challenging governments in Asia since the Second World War, with a focus on Burma, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines
Surviving Dictatorship: A Work of Visual Sociology, Adams, Jacqueline , New York, p.302, (2012)
Combines extracts from interviews with photos to present varied phenomena of everyday resistance – ‘incidental’ (a by-product of being in a group), ‘reluctant’ (under group pressure) and ‘solidarity’ (helping others) – specifically of women who joined arpillera groups in Pinochet’s Chile. A web page with related resources for students and teachers is
Tackling Trident, Vinthagen, Stellan, Kennick Justin, and Mason Kelvin , Sparsnas Sweden, p.362, (2012)
On two ‘Academic Conference Blockades’ at Faslane Trident missile base in Scotland in January and June 2007.
Tahrir Here? The influence of the Arab Uprisings on the emergence of Occupy, Kerton, Sarah , Volume 11, Issue 3-4, p.7, (2012)
Territories in Resistance, Zibechi, Raul , Oakland CA, p.280, (2012)
Uruguayan social analyst highlights the potential of autonomous community-based movements, while warning that they face not just repression or NGO-isation, but their liberatory project is in danger from left governments – ‘the most effective agent at disarming the anti-systemic nature of the social movement’.
