Maciej J. Bartkowski
Stephan, Maria; Bartkowski, Maciej, How Ukraine Ousted an Autocrat: The Logic of Civil Resistance
This work discusses the Euromaidan movement from a perspective of nonviolent strategy, highlighting the role of ‘backfire’ when the police attacked peaceful students’ sit-ins, nonviolent tactics used to combat covert intimidation and the importance of the army’s refusal to crush the protest. It also comments on the negative impact of the ‘radical flank’ that turned to violence.
See also: Ackerman, Peter, Maciej J. Barkowski and Jack Duvall, ‘Ukraine: A Nonviolent Victory’, OpenDemocracy (3 March 2004)
Bartkowski, Maciej; Merriman, Hardy, Civil Resistance
In in Patrick James (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in International RelationsAnnotated bibliography, with an emphasis on recently published books and articles, compiled by two researchers in the field of nonviolent resistance, organised under useful analytical subheads. These include: 'Power and People: The Consent-Based View of Political Power', 'Structure, Agency and Civil Resistance Movements', 'Repression, Backfire and Defections', 'External Actors, Civil Resistance and International Law' 'Civil Resistance against Extreme Violence and Violent Nonstate Actors' and Civilian-Based Defense against Foreign Invasion and Coups' d 'Etat'. Ends with a list of multimedia resources.
Available online at
, Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles
ed. Bartkowski, Maciej,Ambitious volume in historical and geographical range (from 1765 to current struggles, and in every continent). Individual chapters feature in relevant sections of this bibliography.
Bartkowski, Maciej; Kahf, Mohja, The Syrian resistance: a tale of two struggles
Part 1 of a two part series. Part 2 is available at